Ray's Thought for the Day
It sure can get hot in a greenhouse. When it gets hot in those greenhouses, it's hard to breathe. Hot greenhouses are not for the flat chested or the excessively pokey.
Ray, Raymone has a Plant du Jour picture I want to put up.
Well, don't let me hold you back Crumby. I thought you were busy tonight, otherwise.
Noper, Ray, my great plans were suddenly aborted as I just discovered that the sky is almost entirely cloudy and only the moon and Jupiter are semi-visible. So here I am with Hilaria berlandieri, the world's finest short grass.
Does our little wonder guest have what not to say for itself, Crumby?
Hey, Ray! I, Hilaria berlandieri am not deaf. Don't condescend to me that way. Course I have something to say.
Well all righty then. Yer on, Hilaria berlandieri.
Hi there. These are some of my sex organs. Aren't they pretty? You see, I hope, that my anthers are at least as pretty as vine mesquite's anthers. Vine mesquite, and me, curly mesquite, both have pretty anthers.
Crumby rescued us Hilarias from a housing project, six little plugs, and now we have spread out into a great big expanding patch. However, we don't produce much seed most of the time, so we are hard to grow from seed, because it's hard to get enough fertile seed.
Here we are in our expanding patch, with lots of us gone to seed and cock and box with the Sorghastrum nutans in the background. Er, we are not expanding much in that direction.
Jeez Louise, did ye hear that short grass. How come they get to spell like that and the Arkdruid censors us, Ray?
The Arkdruid says the plants don't know any better, so it's Okie Dokie.
Well, **** that **** Ray. Then I don't know any ******* ***** better **** *** ******** either, maybe.
Uh oh. Crumby, the Arkdruid wants ye on the phone.
Uh oh. Hello there Arkdruid. Er.....................
I just don't think it's fair.........................
All righty then......................................
Two hunerd twenty five, but I'm done with Druid training.................
All righty then, Arkdruid. Bye.
So Crumby, what is the penalty these days fer attempted cussing?
Pushups Ray, pushups.
Ray, Raymone has a Plant du Jour picture I want to put up.
Well, don't let me hold you back Crumby. I thought you were busy tonight, otherwise.
Noper, Ray, my great plans were suddenly aborted as I just discovered that the sky is almost entirely cloudy and only the moon and Jupiter are semi-visible. So here I am with Hilaria berlandieri, the world's finest short grass.
Does our little wonder guest have what not to say for itself, Crumby?
Hey, Ray! I, Hilaria berlandieri am not deaf. Don't condescend to me that way. Course I have something to say.
Well all righty then. Yer on, Hilaria berlandieri.
Crumby rescued us Hilarias from a housing project, six little plugs, and now we have spread out into a great big expanding patch. However, we don't produce much seed most of the time, so we are hard to grow from seed, because it's hard to get enough fertile seed.
Jeez Louise, did ye hear that short grass. How come they get to spell like that and the Arkdruid censors us, Ray?
The Arkdruid says the plants don't know any better, so it's Okie Dokie.
Well, **** that **** Ray. Then I don't know any ******* ***** better **** *** ******** either, maybe.
Uh oh. Crumby, the Arkdruid wants ye on the phone.
Uh oh. Hello there Arkdruid. Er.....................
I just don't think it's fair.........................
All righty then......................................
Two hunerd twenty five, but I'm done with Druid training.................
All righty then, Arkdruid. Bye.
So Crumby, what is the penalty these days fer attempted cussing?
Pushups Ray, pushups.
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