Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sedge Buster - Scleria triglomerata

Hey Ray! Ready for sedge buster.

Yepper. But yer in for a shock,Crumby.

Has the microscope light shorted out again, Ray?


Well, what now then?

Easy that, Red has taught the achenes to talk.

He has?


All righty then, that makes our job lots easier. Let's hear one of 'em out.

Hey there Ray. Hey Crumby.

Jeez Louise. It talks.

Yes I do Crumby. I talk. And what I have to say is that I am as bald as a baby's butt. However, my hypongonium is 100% crusty. Beyond that, if I wasn't sandwiched in this newspaper I might be enjoying a normal life in a sandy woodland. Why am I here? Only you can answer to that, Crumby Ovate.

Yikes! I'm sorry. I'll take you to a sandy woodland and set you free. I attacked you back when I was a wicked Christian and didn't know any better. Please, please forgive me.

All righty then. I shall forgive you, but you have to turn all of us loose first.

All righty then. I'll turn you loose.

All righty then.

Er, Ray yer not throwin' yer voice are ye?

Noper Crumby. Red has taught all the little wonders to talk. Some of em cuss, too.

Great, Ray.

Yepper, that's what I thought too.

Hey to change subtopics, what the heck are yer girlfriends and Rayetta up to Ray?

They are planning my future together with their futures, Crumby.

Rayetta too?

Rayetta is participating in an advisory capacity.

Jeez Louise.

Yepper, Jeez Louise.


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