Friday, October 27, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes - Pie in the Sky

Lleu Llaw! You will need to transport the Great Red Tube to its designated spot in the shed this evening. It can stay in the shed until I say otherwise. I espy, pie in the sky. Yepper. Since the upcoming virtual border fence is a major federal action liable to impact the human environment, the so-called government is supposed to document the border fence before the virtual fence is virtually erected. 700 miles of fence should require multiple documents possibly, that is, more than one Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Mercy! Do you reckon the Alternatives and Environmental Justice sections of those EISs will be hoots?

Doubtless the contracts for the EISs will be awarded to consultants based in places like Montana or Guam. So their efforts to identify any cultural or biological phenomena extant on the border will be amusing. Actually though, the virtual fence may be such an important potential new feature of the human environment that the so-called government of US will cut through all the red tape. Perhaps, they won't fund for an EIS. Too bad! An EIS for a border fence would be a very funny document.

Yep. If you have an emergency it's lots easier to cut through all the red tape and if you do that, avoid all the red tape, the major federal action won't need an EIS. Too bad, the Potential impacts to sheep getting sheared in Texas section alone would be worth the massive weight of the document in recycled paper. Let me guess somwaht at some of the potential content. What will the preferred option do?

Preferred Option - Keeping the illegal aliens out will allow Texans to learn a new trade and, in the long run, be good for the economy. Although, a short term problem may arise from the sheep getting to hot during the summer time for a few years. Many ancillary businesses, such as sheep shearing, enviropreneur camps will be required to jump start the sheep shearing industry in Texas. Texans who learn how to shear sheep will eventuall become rich, beyond their wildest dreams.

What will the no build option do?

No Build Option - The illegal aliens will continue to shear all the sheep in Texas. Texans may never have the opportunity to become self-sufficient sheep shearers.

Yep, I foretell that would be the tone of the EIS if there was to be such a tome.


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