Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - The Potential Virtual Voter

Pretty soon, I, Ray, shall have the opportunity to vote in the upcoming, electrically. My intention is to vote a straight Democratic ticket. If I actually do go vote, rather than just intending to vote, my vote should be counted somewhere and all the Democrats I voted for should get my vote. So after I actually vote, if I do actually vote, I am going to check and make sure that all the Democrats I voted for got at least one vote in the final vote tally. If one of them doesn't get one vote, then I'll know the election was a fraud, fer sure.

Or, I could write in Ray Pistrum and see if I get my vote tabulated. Could I do that, vote for myself and find out later if I got a vote? Maybe, maybe not. I shall have to delve into that with the responsible parties at the voting facility. If it turns out I can't vote for myself and have my name recorded on a list somewhere, then I shall know the election was fraudulent.

Mercy! Goddess help US! Times are so hard, virtually, that an anarchist, me, is fixing to go vote for Democrats.


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