Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Weather Synopsis

Whoa! Yesterday, my thought was to do a weather summary for these parts, but I got distracted. So I shall continue with that today. After a very brief respite from the heat, the heat the Kinglet is promoting so effectively, the temperature roared up to 91 degrees Fahrenheit. I narrowly avoided another chaffing event, Praise the Goddess. Today, the hypotheses of the weather robot is that it shall be even hotter than yesterday, indicating renewed precautions against another chaffing event. So the emerging weather pattern for this fall is hot spells interspersed with dry northers or scanty rainfall northers. Anon, maybe, we shall have a frost, terminating the growing season. The middle of the big city surrounding these parts may continue frost free. Those parts are generally too hot for frost.

Yep. Who said we can’t do anything about the weather. We make the weather, hotter. Considering just the rapidly increasing number of fatter babies and their gaseous emissions, we are making the weather, hotter.

Now, back to my distraction, Why did Dr. Swineherd turn the Demon Mammon loose after he went to all the trouble of sacking that demon up? Well, my Sun God training indicates that if Dr. Swineherd had kept the Demon Mammon sacked up, there would be no sinners for the Sun God to save from the Demon Mammon. That’s my hypotheses.

I shall look forward to my sister’s proclamation of Crumby’s epiphany, so that I may compare my hypotheses to that epiphany.


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