Crumby, Ecologer Mode - Ignorance is Ignorance
Dang it. Before I completed my Druid training I was afflicted by flora snobbery. Flora snobbery is surmising that a floristic element is no account just because that particular floral element is butt common. Yet that floral element may be butt common just because it is highly valued by some few, or even by, many.
Yepper, back when I was ignorant, I was prone to pull up Tejas dandelions (Pyrrhopappus multicaulis) by the roots. I figured I had too much of it. What replaced the ones I pulled up. Easy that, ragweed. Right on that account, my action was sufficiently ignorant to justify a session of wet rope whupin'. But that's not all. One day I was fixing to pull up a dandelion when I noticed this little bee on it. Then, as I espied that little bee. The Great Goddess called me to an epiphany. The WG allowed,
Since then I have never messed with a Tejas dandelion except accidentally. Plus, almost daily I try to help them. Since I have been a good boy instead of an ignoramus, the little bees have come back to the CB. So the WG granted me a picture of a little bee on its favorite floral element.
Yepper, back when I was ignorant, I was prone to pull up Tejas dandelions (Pyrrhopappus multicaulis) by the roots. I figured I had too much of it. What replaced the ones I pulled up. Easy that, ragweed. Right on that account, my action was sufficiently ignorant to justify a session of wet rope whupin'. But that's not all. One day I was fixing to pull up a dandelion when I noticed this little bee on it. Then, as I espied that little bee. The Great Goddess called me to an epiphany. The WG allowed,
Crumby, you are an ignorant little busy body, because you never noticed that little bee which hardly pollinates any other flower except Tejas dandelion. Have you, Crumby, seen this little bee anywhere else?
Good Goddess! You are correct. I have been an evil, ignorant little busy body up to no good. Mercy! Can you, merciful Goddess in All your many Iterations, plus these little bees, no less the Tejas dandeloins, ever see it in your hearts to have mercy on me?
Maybe Crumby. But only if you leave the Tejas dandelions alone. Do you promise to stop messing with them?
Yes Maam.
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