Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - A Day Off

Yesterday, I took a day off from werkin' in the sun, to werk in the sun. Rayetta says, Red says, that Indiangrass may catch fire and burn us up. You and Crumby need to see to that Indiangrass. That's how come I wound up werkin' in the sun at the CB.

Jeez Louise! Crumby never shuts up. Here he is, werkin' in the sun for five minutes.

Crumby, Chore Boy

Here I am, crippled up, barely able, yet hobbling along from this spot to that spot at a good pace. Anon, my furious endeavors shall raise a great cloud of Indiangrass chaff over the Cow Barn. A golden dust shall fill the air, raring on up to the high heavens. Where once stood a mighty pasture of 10 foot tall Indiangrass, only stubs of that prodigious tall grass shall remain.

Dern it! This chaff is getting on me. This chaff itches. There it goes down the back of my shirt. Dern it! Ray, I need to go to the Boy’s Comfort Station.

No Crumby. Keep working. You can head to the Boy’s Comfort Station once we are all done.

Er. Ray, we should take documentation pictures as we work along. I should be happy to go fetch the camera.

No Crumby. Keep working. It is too dusty for electrogramofotography.

Hack, hack, hack-hack! Ray, I am choking. I need a soothing libation.

There’s the water hose, Crumby.

Dern it! This hose is full of ants. Look at all those ants plus presumptive ants roaring out of that hose. I can not lathe my throat with water from this particular hose where these ants were once habitating.

Undo the hose Crumby. Drink out of the faucet.

Dern it! Here I am, groveling over a dang outdoor faucet just to get a little drink. This delicious water helps a little. But simultaneously, my gimpy knee, which bears the brunt of my great weight as I grovel at this faucet, hurts. Ray, I may have finally broke my knee!

Walk it off, Crumby

Now I am off to procure my delicious cinnamon bun. Crumby, worn out, lies prone still, upon the Ample Bosoms. I shall treat Crumby to a delicious cinnamon bun.


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