Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ray’s Thought for the Day - Spooky!!!!

That’s right. The spookiest day of the year has arrived, Halloween, Day 314 of DY 1. Yikes! Christians, Muslims and Jews, oh my, they’ll be at it to the end. That’s pretty spooky. Plus, in these parts, remembering to boil the water is spooky. Yikes! Our Kinglet, Chitlin and Associates are spooky. Spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky! Whoa! What would you do if Sleeza showed up, zombie like, at your door for trick or treat? Scary that!

Er. What about a Chitlin costume? Is anyone going to a party tonight, got up as Chitlin. Whoa! You know, Chitlin could very well make history as a scary Halloween costume. I bet he does do, just that.

In the old days it was harvest fairs, Samuin fires, plus maybe a head hunt or two. Yet all these happy festivities were tradition bound with lots of rules. Those interesting heads, for example, were collected fairly, with plenty of rules applied to their collection. Then, once all the heads were collected, they were set up on display at the fair. Heads were judged for interest and quality. If a head stayed fresh, that was quality. If a head stayed fresh and talked, it won the blue ribbon.

Now here’s my bosom companion, Crumby. Are you spooked, Crumby?

One of my dern knees hurts worse than the other knee, Ray. Plus that dern Lleu Llaw set up the telescopery gear too soon last night and got dew on it. The dew, obscured my view, of that very interesting comet, Holmes. See Ray, I desire to compare the progress of that particular comet from stygian night to stygian night. But how can I do that if Lleu Llaw allows all the gear to dew up? Dern it! Then too, I keep heading into the Boy’s Comfort Station fer a little tap water. That tap water may have do-do in it. So, yepper Ray, I am generally pretty spooked.

Well, buck up my bosom companion. I have some good news. The terrible Wicker Man has sent word that he shall take the day off. So on this spookiest day ever, at least we don't have to worry about the antics of the Wicker Man.

It's a trick, Ray.

You think so, Crumby?


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