Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ray’s Thought for the Day - Busy!!!!

Besides flies, last year, DY 1, we took lots of electropictoids of various other invertebrates, mostly Class Insecta. Now, Red has ordered most of us to drop everything, except chores, until we figure out what those inverts are. Red spells, Those are worthless, unless we know what they are.

Well, maybe not entirely worthless, since we do know something about the habitat preference of the featured invert even if we don’t know what it is. But, we appreciate Red’s drift. Anyhow, all the semi-literate and scientifically minded among us have been drafted to identify the inverts in the electropictoids, at least to genus.

We are making some progress. Yet the effort shall curtail much else, like Ray’s Round Table. That’s because multi-tasking is for Mammonites, not Druids. Those Mammonites invented multi-tasking. Let them enjoy their preferred methodology and lifestyle choice while we focus in on identifying the inverts in the electropictoids.

An example of progress, Trichiotinus piger. Trichiotinus, for sure, maybe, piger, maybe.

Meantime, in Rayetta’s office, Crumby is whining.

It’s not fair Rayetta. First off, most of DY 1, my camera was broke. So I took hardly any electropictoids. Second off, since I didn’t take the dern electropictoids in the first place, why should I have to identify the dern bugs in the electropictoids. Third off, there’s Magnus to consider. Magnus is riding around on a pig. He can’t do that forever. He’s got to dismount somewhere, sometime. Fourth off, I can already since the ground tilting beneath me, tilting me closer and closer to virtually continuous exposure to the relentless rays of fickle Ogma Sunface. Thus, I am enfeebled, moment by moment, and should, consequently, be assigned easy tasks, facilitate with my weakening condition.

Hmmm. Crumby, have you heard from Bran the Blessed about your potential professional post as Twrch Trwyth’s exclusive hair vender?

Dern it Rayetta, you are changing the subject.




I failed to secure that particular position, Rayetta.


That dern pig decided to go with a bigger firm with a branch outlet located closer to his regular runs.

Tough Crumby. I know how much you wanted that professional position. But look on the sunny side. Now you shall have plenty of time to identify the inverts in our electropictoids, and, you may perhaps, still have some time, maybe during your breaks, to help Magnus get down off the pig.


This too shall pass, Crumby.



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