Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rayetta’s Thoughts on Solstice Day

Another dry norther roared in this morning. I told everyone: Don’t go outside. This is an evil wind that blows no good. For a wonder, everyone stayed inside. That is how evil this wind is, carrying as it does, Christmas shopper pollution.

All of us staying inside though, makes for other problems, often stirred up by Crumby. However, Ray had the genius idea of putting Crumby in charge of the venue. Crumby, spelled and spelled. Eventually, tuckered out, Crumby retired to his orgone box. No harm there.

Ray did venture out early, before the wind got up to its present velocity. Ray just had to have his cinnamon bun. By Ray’s account, his latest cinnamon bun was delicious.

As for me, I have been thinking. Lots of chores need doing here at the CB. Combine that with all the idle hands. Chores match with idle hands. So I now have a list of the chores the idle hands can be applied to. Get to work, you lazy Druids!!!!

No more shopping. Shopping is now become too perilous even for the most hardened shopper. We shall shop no more, until 14 days before our next holiday, Imbolc. But everyone else should shop, especially along Brodie Lane. There are plenty of quality items for sale in those stores. So be patriotic, shop ‘til you drop, and help pay Red’s taxes.

And don’t worry about the traffic. You just have to be patient. Here’s an idea. Pack some soda waters and a light meal. Then you can talk on your cell phones and dine, inside the comfort of your great vehicle, waiting for the light to change, on the way to your favorite store.

Hmmm. What’s this? Magnus Magnetico!

Baby Magnus enjoyed his status as a little ugly bastard foisted on to the sacrificial mall Druids by Bran. That’s because everyone, even Druids, are a little wary of Bran the Blessed. But among those Druids, some were afflicted with Sun God worship. Those secret Sun God Druids resented Magnus. But fortunately for Magnus, those Druids were all cowards. So all Magnus had to watch out for was an occasional mean trick played by those heretical and cowardly Druids. Then too, sometimes those same Druids encouraged the other little orphans and fosterlings to tease Magnus and pick on him. Yet Magnus took it all in stride, diurnally, exacting revenge, nocturnally.

Anon, the thinned out Sun God Druids gathered for a secret meeting. What is thinning us out?, was the topic of the meeting. This thinning of our flock can not be coincidence. Something or someone is smiting us. But those ignoramuses were too ignorant to suspect Magnus. Yes, in their sneaky pride they had forgotten all about cause and effect, so they never suspected little Magnus.

For a boy like Magnus, getting adopted by Druids was pretty cool. That's because the Druids were busy most of the time, bettering themselves. Plus, since those Druids memorized everything, the more the better, they required a boy like Magnus as audience to practice their memorized recitations. So Magnus learned lots from the Druids just by listening.

When Magnus was not listening to the Druids, performing child labor or exacting revenge, he had a little time to wander about those parts, memorizing on his own. Anon,

Hold it! I'm worn out. I need a nice nap in my orgone box.


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