Monday, February 02, 2009

The Dust is Fixing to Blow

Hang on to your telescope. That’s right. An average amateur astronomer hanging on is less likely to get separated. Keep it together!

Dry norther follows dry norther in these parts. The rain falleth not. Lots of the normally pitiful ground cover is pitiful no longer. Not pitiful, dead! Dead and gone!

Anon, the dust is fixing to blow like crazy. Dust collectors, you need to be aware that plenty of dust from the ROT may be headed your way. Yes. That dust whistling past your ears used to be my back yard. Please return labeled dust bunnies to the address indicated.

Karl the Tracker Druid is anticipating windfall profits. Many shall lose this or that. This shall be blown off. That shall be buried. Yet Karl shall seek and find both the blown off and the buried under. Yes. The tracker Druids shall prosper.

If any on the face of the earth deserve the divine punishment of desertification it is this bunch among whom I dwell. Yes. Energy consumption per capita must be highest on the planet right here in these parts. So divine desertification is a just reward.

Yet many may be innocent or relatively innocent, even among the generally wicked denizens of these parts. I count myself among the relatively innocent. Because I am relatively innocent, seems like I should get slightly more rain than my totally wicked neighbors. But I don’t. No. Divine intervention spares nobody, not even the innocent, much less the relatively innocent.

What then, does everyone need to do to thwart divine intervention in these parts? Easy that, we all need to water our yards. We need to water our yards a lot. We need to water our yards up to the limit allowed by the various water conservation measures. We need to water and keep watering until we are fixing to drain all the reservoirs entirely dry.

Once we use up most of the lake water on our yards, the divinities may be convinced that we seriously don’t want these parts to turn into a desert. Using up all the lake water, in the view of the various divinities, is like a sacrifice. We are sacrificing water on our yards to show the divinities we are serious. In return, for our sacrifice, the divinities allow the rain to return to these parts. It’s that simple.

Many may whine, Crumby, your idea is a waste of water, a precious resource. We need to save that water so the little school children shall always be able to flush the commodes at their schools, present and future. But I spell unto ye, Fools, ye better water yer yards if ye know what’s good fer ye, ye dern miserable, wicked fools.


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