Friday, February 20, 2009

Hearsay Has It

Hearsay has it that billions of galaxies are in the Universe and billions of earthlike planets exist per galaxy. Extrapolating, that means there could be other monkeys out there, outer space monkeys, fixing to evolve even better than we have, evolved. Yes. Perhaps those other monkeys shall one day somehow help us. I hope so. Yabba, dabba, dabba!

Having failed miserably in my quest to view all the Messier objects from the light polluted environs of the CB, yet determined to continue with average amateur astronomy from this location, I have been studying up on non-Messier galaxies I might espy. Last night, employing plenty of monkey ingenuity, I espied NGC 2841 in Ursa Major.

Last night was way better seeing than the previous night, but also lots colder. Mercy! Brrr! Are there space monkeys inhabiting NGC 2841? I hope so. I hope they are aware of me. I hope they are fixing to help me. Yabba, dabba, dabba!

But what if the shoe is on the wrong foot? What if those outer space monkeys need my help? Well, in that event, they are pretty much fucked. That’s because, even though I feel sorry for them, and bad about the various misfortunes that afflict them, there’s nothing I can do about their miserable plight. That’s because, alas, too many light years lie between me and those unfortunate space monkeys. Yabba, dabba, dabba!

As everyone with a lick of sense knows, Druids advise, Everyone should stay where they belong. This advice comes from the Druid list of advice that is Always Good Advice. Cosmological proof of the advice, Everyone should stay where they belong, is the vast distances between the various outer space monkey civilizations. These distances are so vast that so far the various outer space monkey civilizations have been unable to contact one another, much less visit to and fro. Obviously, considering monkey nature, the various monkey civilizations would especially love to meet up with other monkeys and fuck with them. Yabba, dabba, dabba!

Yet the vastness of space keeps the various monkeys isolated. Proof that, Everyone should stay where they belong! is, Always Good Advice. Yes. However, I really do need to find a darker sky, average amateur astronomy site. Also, I really do need to figure out how to get my average amateur astronomy equipment out to the darker sky site without breaking any of it. Yabba, dabba, dabba!


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