Dern Juju Bwana
Back when the semi-trusty Olympus 5060WZ was the main camera in these parts, I ordered a Raynox 150 closeup lens. To get the Raynox 150 to fit on that camera, you need to use a step ring on an extension tube or maybe just a step ring. Anyway, the Raynox combined with that camera is plenty hard to focus. Not impossible, but plenty hard.
But the weird part of this story relates how Pope what’s his name hired witches. That’s right, that old Pope stooped low and hired witches to mess me up. That’s after all his prayers to Jesus had no effect.
Everyone knows how witches can’t resist commercial activity, a big difference between witches and Druids. Druids are practically immune to commerce. The Pope, knowing that witches have a weakness for commerce, hired three witches to cast spells against me. And those dern witches were more than happy to take the Pope’s money. Can you believe that? Pagans turning on a fellow pagan for a little spare change. Dern witches.
Well, those dern witches are not kindly witches. No. Those dern witches are not kindly and friendly WG worshipers. Instead, those witches are affiliated with the Demon Mammon. So no wonder those particular witches so easily took the Pope’s money. Not only did they take the Pope’s money, they actually took the job seriously. Those tripartite evil witches that are also succubi of the Demon Mammon cast a spell at me, Crumby Ovate, innocent Druid.
What was the nature or function of that particular spell that evil threesome of witches sent at or sicced upon me? Well, first of all, everyone probably understands that spells work poorly when directed at Druid Ovates. That’s because a Druid Ovate nearly always knows what’s coming. A pretty good Ovate like myself, fully aware of what may be coming, can then easily deflect most spells. However, one can generally not think of every little thing. Every once in a while, considering the huge volume of evil doer spells cast my way, some little tag along or other is bound to get through my defense-noid-o-rama-bait. Yes. An evil spell of small magnitude may get through, thus rankling even me.
Those evil doers, those witches that hath beslimed even the very Demon Mammon, those whores of the Pope in Rome and of Babylon, those whores that cozened with the naughty ministers of the apostate English king, yea verily, those same whores or witches that may be fixing to beslime a great many of the secesh Republicans, and those some whores that were in competition in Sodom and maybe Gomorrah, almost got me. Whew! It could have been worse.
OK. What happened to me was pretty bad considering I didn’t even get beslimed. Only a tiny amount of juju bwana afflicted even me. See the associated photograph. That photo shows the Raynox 150 inserted in its Raynox 150 to lens adapter. The latter lens adapter is inserted in the old version of an Olympus 40-150 kit lens. So inserted, the kit lens is metamorphosed into a macro lens, possibly in the ballpark of the Sigma 105mm. Focusing, still, pretty much sucks.
Yet, whoever said focusing a camera for macro should be easy. Nobody I am aware of, said that. So fuck that dude. Get over it.
Hold it! I have clean forgot what?
Oh yeah. So the tiny part of the spell that got to me had to do with making me stupid about the Raynox 150 to lens adapter. Because that adapter did not originally work with the C 5060WZ, I figured, or was led to figure by those evil witches or whores, that the adapter was good for nothing. Like, they made me believe the adapter was included in the box with the Raynox 150 either by mistake, or, they made me beleive that its functionality was incomprehensible to mere mortals.
Many moons passed like years. Still I never figured out what that adapter was good for. Every once in a while during that long, sad interval or time lapse, I would take that adapter out and examine it. What’s this good for? I would ask myself. I enjoyed squeezing the springs, but I could never figure out, What’s this good for?
Then yesterday the spell was broken at last. The dern juju bwana evaporated from my noggin and eye sockets. Hark, there on the internet was a picture of a Raynox 150 and its adapter. Lookee there. It is adapting to a variety of lenses of various diameters. Oops. I have some of those lens diameters my own self. Goddess damn that Pope that afflicted me so with a tri-witch curse so that I could not sooner espy out this situation.
Mercy! I had to tape some tp over the flash to get this indoors picture.
But the weird part of this story relates how Pope what’s his name hired witches. That’s right, that old Pope stooped low and hired witches to mess me up. That’s after all his prayers to Jesus had no effect.
Everyone knows how witches can’t resist commercial activity, a big difference between witches and Druids. Druids are practically immune to commerce. The Pope, knowing that witches have a weakness for commerce, hired three witches to cast spells against me. And those dern witches were more than happy to take the Pope’s money. Can you believe that? Pagans turning on a fellow pagan for a little spare change. Dern witches.
Well, those dern witches are not kindly witches. No. Those dern witches are not kindly and friendly WG worshipers. Instead, those witches are affiliated with the Demon Mammon. So no wonder those particular witches so easily took the Pope’s money. Not only did they take the Pope’s money, they actually took the job seriously. Those tripartite evil witches that are also succubi of the Demon Mammon cast a spell at me, Crumby Ovate, innocent Druid.
What was the nature or function of that particular spell that evil threesome of witches sent at or sicced upon me? Well, first of all, everyone probably understands that spells work poorly when directed at Druid Ovates. That’s because a Druid Ovate nearly always knows what’s coming. A pretty good Ovate like myself, fully aware of what may be coming, can then easily deflect most spells. However, one can generally not think of every little thing. Every once in a while, considering the huge volume of evil doer spells cast my way, some little tag along or other is bound to get through my defense-noid-o-rama-bait. Yes. An evil spell of small magnitude may get through, thus rankling even me.
Those evil doers, those witches that hath beslimed even the very Demon Mammon, those whores of the Pope in Rome and of Babylon, those whores that cozened with the naughty ministers of the apostate English king, yea verily, those same whores or witches that may be fixing to beslime a great many of the secesh Republicans, and those some whores that were in competition in Sodom and maybe Gomorrah, almost got me. Whew! It could have been worse.
OK. What happened to me was pretty bad considering I didn’t even get beslimed. Only a tiny amount of juju bwana afflicted even me. See the associated photograph. That photo shows the Raynox 150 inserted in its Raynox 150 to lens adapter. The latter lens adapter is inserted in the old version of an Olympus 40-150 kit lens. So inserted, the kit lens is metamorphosed into a macro lens, possibly in the ballpark of the Sigma 105mm. Focusing, still, pretty much sucks.
Yet, whoever said focusing a camera for macro should be easy. Nobody I am aware of, said that. So fuck that dude. Get over it.
Hold it! I have clean forgot what?
Oh yeah. So the tiny part of the spell that got to me had to do with making me stupid about the Raynox 150 to lens adapter. Because that adapter did not originally work with the C 5060WZ, I figured, or was led to figure by those evil witches or whores, that the adapter was good for nothing. Like, they made me believe the adapter was included in the box with the Raynox 150 either by mistake, or, they made me beleive that its functionality was incomprehensible to mere mortals.
Many moons passed like years. Still I never figured out what that adapter was good for. Every once in a while during that long, sad interval or time lapse, I would take that adapter out and examine it. What’s this good for? I would ask myself. I enjoyed squeezing the springs, but I could never figure out, What’s this good for?
Mercy! I had to tape some tp over the flash to get this indoors picture.
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