Thursday, May 21, 2009

Naked Planets Cavort in Eastern Sky

This morning a great many of the naked eye planets were, well, naked eye visible to the respectably bespectacled. Jupiter was up in Capricorn. Moon, Venus and Mars formed up as an almost isosceles triangle in Pisces. No doubt about it, these were the fairest lights in these parts, this morning.

So, rumor has it that the Republicans are looking for a new image to help them shed the retard image. Say! How about adopting a planet into the platform? That’s right, Republicans need an official planet to show they are hip to like the solar system. Not only do they need an official planet, they need a planet that’s normally invisible and therefore, slightly mysterious. Yet the official Republican planet needs to be plenty homey as well.

Obviously, there is only one planet that meets all those criteria, especially now that Pluto is no longer an option. And that planet is, of course, Uranus. Now, if only all the Republicans would immigrate to Uranus. Hold it! Maybe the Republicans have already immigrated to Uranus. Seems like the Republicans may have already stuck it to the national Uranus.


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