Friday, May 22, 2009

Finding the Middle Ground with Crazy Retards

Exactly how does that work? Well, say you want to find the middle ground with a crazy retard who believes the Earth is 9,876 years old. What are your options for compromise? Uh. OK. Maybe there aren’t any good options for that one.

What if though, the crazy retard asserts big government is bad, while at the same time socking away a nice salary, swell benefits, and probably kickbacks, provided by that same bad government, directly or indirectly. Not only that, that particular crazy retard has made a career of government service for like, forever, and all that time bad mouthing the hand that feeds him. What’s the middle ground for compromise with that crazy retard?

A crazy retard desires to pack in the national park. The crazy retard may say, It’s my right to carry a gun all the time. It’s my right, guaranteed by the Constitution. I should get to wear my gun all the time everywhere, like at college, or at the park. What’s the compromise with that particular crazy retard?

What possible employments might a crazy retard make of his right to bear at the park. What, in general is a gun good for, generally speaking, and maybe also from the perspective of a crazy retard. Well, you can shoot targets, animals and people with a gun. Also, a crazy retard may intimidate and terrorize with a gun. Who? Naturally, it may be necessary to intimidate and terrorize other actual crazy retards or potential crazy retards (everyone else).

There may be laws against shooting animals in wildlife refuges, maybe. Or at the least, one might figure or hope that the shooting of the animals in the wildlife refuges is somehow regulated by the laws of the land. So, if a crazy retard shoots an animal in a park, one might suspect that might be against a law, a law that is sometimes enforced, maybe. But what if the animal allegedly started it, by attacking the crazy retard?

Sadly, crazy retards routinely get attacked by wild animals. You know, attacked, especially by peccaries, racoons, possums, pigs, coyotes, snakes and such. The fatalities among the crazy retards incurred just by small mammal aggression are fantastic. No wonder the crazy retards feel like they need to pack in the park.

Then there is target practice. Crazy retards love target practice. And where better to target practice, than a nice, big park, with plenty of little furry or feathered targets.

So what’s the compromise? Allow the crazy retards to pack in the park, but make it against the law for them to shoot anything?


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