Monday, May 25, 2009

The Most Handsome Fly of the Season

As everyone knows, I, Ray Pistrum exhibit a fondness for flies. So fond am I of flies, that for that reason alone, fly fondness, I am considered unique among examples of Class Mammalia. The fact is also, like poor Mider, I have previously, actually fallen in love with an actual fly, not merely flies in general.

Fondness for flies fixated upon me. I went to work in the laboratory. I surmised, a sweet pomade on my pompadour should attract just the right sort of flies. There in the laboratory I labored, day and night. The only breaks I took were lunch breaks and a 15 minute break approximately every four hours. I also took off weekends, secular and religious holidays and a vacation or two. But the rest of the time, except for sick leave, I focused on the pomade, except when I was asleep. That’s right. Even a Druid scientist working on a pomade must sleep. I had a cot in the laboratory.

After like many moons and quite a bit of suffering and frustration I finally came up with a pomade that was close enough for government work. The ingredients are secret but I can allow that the secret ingredients include the aromas of seven flowers from these parts that are white or lavender in color and includes Hedyotis nigricans. But that’s all I can legally say about the various pomade ingredients. Next door is an artist’s conception of my pomade at work.

Then also there is a photograph of an actual better class of fly the lucky user of my pomade is liable to attract. Alas, I have no idea what species of fly this fly is. However, its actions and thoughts seem wasp like. This fly is the handsomest fly of the season. Cylindromyia sp.


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