Saturday, August 20, 2011

Crackers fer Crackers

It was terrible. Crumby nearly ran out of Sunshine Krispy Crackers. There Crumby was, fixing to run out. I better ride the Blade (Crumby’s red bicycle) up to the HEB and get some more saltines.

Three times Crumby made that long yet arduous and stinky ride. Yes. It’s stinky on Brodie. Stinky with exhaust fumes. Yet those were also fruitless or crackerless rides. No crackers were to be had at that miserable, understocked HEB.

Finally though, today, in the midst of the fourth cracker ride, Crumby was able to purchase three boxes of Sunshine Krispy Crackers from that sorry HEB.

But what about the millions of old white people practically living on Sunshine Krispy Crackers? How did they fare during the great cracker outage of August 2011? No one knows. But maybe they suffered plenty while fixing to gum their soup, sans delicious Krispy Crackers. How about that possibility?

Therefore, Crumby has decided that somebody needs to start up a new door-to-door service providing crackers fer crackers. That’s right. Old crackers should get their crackers delivered, eliminating the need to go to the store. Also, Crackers fer Crackers should have like a warehouse featuring just Sunshine Krispy Crackers. That way, the liberals can just go to the warehouse, pick up the always handy crackers, then deliver those particular crackers to the needy old crackers. Mmm! Cruch-crunch.

How about this though? Does anyone feel like other races of old people besides crackers should be included in Crackers fer Crackers. Like maybe Crackers fer Crackers should be a rainbow coalition type giveaway.

Ooops. Crumby forgot. Socialism can only be for crackers in these parts. Crackers fer crackers. Ha-ha-ha-ha!


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