Carrot er Buttercup
Calm down Ray. And move over. I got to spell on another important subtopic.
Well alrighty then, yer majesty, Crumby Junior.
Ray! I warned ye on that Junior malarkey, so here's a nice Indian burn, fer ye.
Owwwwwwwwwwwww! Dang it Crumby. Ye twisted my skin plumb off. Yer gonna get it fer that.
Stop it! Stop it this instant yer wreckin' the laboratory wrestlin' around! Stop it, or I, Rayetta will yank one ear off each of ye.
Whoa! All righty then. But ye got to make yer no account brother here cease spellin' me Junior. It's humiliatin' fer a Druid of my age and experience and it reflects badly on the CB in general.
Ray! Stop spellin Crumby Junior!
Lookee here whut he did to me arm, Rayetta.
Come with me Ray. We'll put somethin' on it and you can have a Dolmen er two. Crumby, you should be ashamed of yourself giving Ray an Indian burn. Jeez Louise, I can't turn my back for a minute around here. Come on Ray.
Junior. Now whose the Junior. Me er that titty baby, Ray. Dern it. I sure am feelin' grouchy. Why am I so grouchy? Easy that, everthin's conspirin' agin me. All week, er most of it, I been tryin' to get the telescopery on to the dang Ring Nebula and ever time the clouds roll in and prevent me from achievin' my goal. Then Piggy peed all over one of the shiver preventers and I picked it up not noticin' the dog pee all over it. Which wouldn't have been so bad if I had kept it out of my pocket. But the real issue is, I may want some more telescopery equipment that I know I don't deserve. But see, I don't know if I want it or not, fer sure. I just know I don't deserve it, maybe. And the weather is keepin' me from findin' out if i even need it. See, if I could just see if the existing telescopery satisfied me on the Ring Nebula, I might not even want the other telescopery, or need it, but dang if I can find that out. Especially since the derned clouds have rolled in and are foretold to persist fer days and days. All I can spell about that is, it better rain with all these clouds er I'm going to do some serious physical violence on somebody I don't like, or a stranger, maybe. All righty then, maybe it would comfort me some to spell this out.
There's a telescopery vendor in these parts that has these 10" diameter Newtonian telescopes that weighs 57 pounds(lbs). He vends these behemoths fer $565 shipped which means they run about $10/lb, or a little less. That seems like a great bargain, to me. But of course I might ask myself, er Ray if I hadn't just run him off, is poundage whut's important in telescopery just like it is with Congressmen? But I diverge. In addition to bein' hefty, this telescope is tall, too, more than 1200mm tall. That's 1.2m plus. Then it has to rotate on a hinge inside a box that sits on the ground and that makes it even taller. (There's little doubt Piggy will sidle up to that box fer sure. Reckon the dang box is dog pee proof?) But how dang tall will it be off the ground to where I look in? Am I gonna need to stand on another box, er a ladder fer Goddess Sake, to see into the eyepiece? And whut's this collimation mumbo jumbo. I got to take it apart and do whut to the secondary mirror? Yikes! Then it needs to be collimated ever' time I use it. Jeez Louise! Telescopery is the most challengin' terminal consumer Johnray I have ever come across.
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