Sunday, October 29, 2006

Crumby Performs an Ovation

Paraphrasing Republican Congressperson Boner,

If we don’t keep fighting the Iraqis in Iraq, pretty soon we will be fighting them on every street corner in America.

Congressperson Boner is actually a big shot Congressperson too, some kind of leader in the Homeland Congress.

What sort of citizens would elect Congressperson Boner to Congress so many times that he managed to get seniority?

Easy that, the same citizens who would have us believe that fighting the Iraqis in Iraq keep the Iraqis from attacking us on every street corner in the Homeland. Apparently, a great many citizens believe that, or say they believe that.

Pitiful. Pitiful. Pitiful. Pitiful. I pity the poor Homeland that has such citizens. No Homeland with a citizenry thinking like that has any chance of evading the Wicker Man. So I shall do a foretelling. Anon, we shall be fighting on every street corner in the Homeland, but not with Iraqis.


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