Friday, November 02, 2007

The Roads Belong to the Wicker Man

As capitalism wanes and socialism disappears in these parts, travel conditions on the socialist roads is more perilous plus annoying than ever. In the ROT, the solution is to build profitable capitalist roads that shall connect up to already over crowded socialist roads, thereby increasing the contrast of the driving experience between the twain types of roads, captilalist versus socialist.

The upshot of the comparative driving experience shall thus be, anon, zipping along on the capitalist roads versus getting off. Since the capitlist roads, much like trains, do not actually go all the way anywhere a normal person might go, the comparison, once a normal person exits off a new capitalist road, is inevitable.

Good Goddess! Everyone knows that a mixed transportation system is inefficient. So the obvious solution, here in the ROT, is to capitalize all the now socialized city streets. That way, somebody should have to pay their fair share for the freedom to go anywhere.

A happy outcome of universal transportation capitalization should be a clarification of when the work day begins. Since the average worker shall have to pay a fee (toll) to drive to work, the clock should start once that downtrodden prole pulls or backs out of the happy home driveway. Surely, such a happy scenario should engender general happiness among the proles.
Ha! It took me an hour to get to work. I have already worked myself to a frazzle for an hour. Now that I have survived the perils of my commute and barely arrived safely, and found a place to park, and made it into the building, and arrived at my orifice, its time for a little break. Let's see. I have already worked quite a while, over an hour. Yet I must deduct the toll I paid to get here from my wage. How much have I earned, so far?


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