Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Magnus Is Attacked by Ancient Romans, Part 2

Part 2

As the twain companions journey along, Magnus saddled up betwixt the mighty pig’s ears, the twain of them hold polite discourse.

Twrch, what is a word that rhymes with Blodeuwedd?

Uh. Death. Then there are some words that also rhyme if the spokesperson happens to lisp. Like for example, caress, which would be pronounced, under those circumstances, careth.

Er. OK. That’s good.

Time passes.

Say Magnus. You sure are quiet up there. What the heck are you up to?

I am writing a poem. Yepper. This is my first actual attempt at the poetical art. My poem shall be called An Ode to Blodeuwedd.. So far, it is incomplete.

Well, let’s hear what you got so far. My ears are handy.

All righty.

An Ode to Blodeuwedd

Oh, oh, sigh, Blodeuwedd,
My one and only Blodeuwedd.
I long for your careth.
If I do not get a careth,
I may catch a germ, and go to my death.

Er. That’s it so far. Pretty good, eh?

Yes it is pretty good Magnus. The rhyming is ingenious. Plus, the pitiful pathos of it almost brings a tear to my eye.

Thanks Twrch. I need some positive reinforcement with my poetical art form. Yet now that I have part of a poem, or ode, actually written, perhaps I should seek the guidance of an actual literary critic before I, you know, actually send my Ode to Blodeuwedd , to Blodeuwedd. Yep. This particular ode needs to be generally perfect before Blodeuwedd espies it. Say Twrch. Do you happen to know if a literary critic or two dwell in these parts?

Hmmm. There used to be one, one that was famous for a limited time on a limited scale. But then he left off literary criticism to write his own poetry. At one time I had a copy of a slender tome, his only published poetical art. Let me think. Yes, now I recall the title, The Duck and the Woodchuck, Shall We Ever Meet Again, Anon, Alas?

So he mostly wrote poems about ducks and woodchucks?

That’s right Magnus. I thought those duck and woodchuck poems were excellent, though sad and full of remorse. But the critics panned that tome relentlessly. Then the censors got hold of it.

The censors got hold of it? Oh My Goddess, Twrch, the censors, Why would the censor’s censor a sad and remorseful tome, applying to the ducks and woodchucks?

Think Magnus, think! What word verily rhymes with both duck and woodchuck?

Er. Oh yeah. So what happened after that?

Well, no one knows for sure. Some say, the author of The Duck and the Woodchuck, Shall We Ever Meet Again, Anon, Alas?, constructed a tar paper shack in duck and woodchuck habitat. There he dwelt for many moons, reflecting on his cruel treatment, cursing his destiny and talking to himself. Yet the kindly ducks and woodchucks watched over him, making sure he had plenty to eat and clean socks.

Others surmise, that he got a job at one of the White Palace outbuildings. There he labored long hours as a librarian, dusting off the library copy of his slender tome.

That is so sad, Twrch. Hmmm. You don’t think he ever got a date with Blodeuwedd do you?

No Magnus. I am pretty sure he never got that far.

That’s good anyway.

On the twain of them journey, while simultaneously indulging in polite discourse, both Twrch Trwyth, and his companion in destiny, Magnus.


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