Friday, March 14, 2008

Ovation and Opinion

Oh My Goddess! Have all the lies, caught up with our precious ruling class at last? That process has taken a while. But Druids have plenty of time for the accounting. Yepper. The pigeons may have come home to roost. The fat may be in the fire. The fat lady may have sung her little song? But never mind all that.

Our precious ruling class managed to ensconce a crime fighter, one of their own, in the office of governor, New York. That would never happen in the Republic of Tejas (ROT). Here, crime is so pervasive, it is a way of life. But never mind that, too, for a minute. We shall go over that fact, anon.

Anyway, all Elliot did do was fornicate with a professional lady maybe once a month. Elliot paid the professional lady with his own money. Not mine.

So for that, he resigns his semi-important job. Go figure! It is not like he stole my money. I say, fine him 50 million and let him go. He can afford 50 million. Then, once he has paid his whore monger fine, he should be allowed to practice law, or real estate, or whatever he did do, after he inherited all his money from his daddy.

Yepper! The US ruling class is totally out of ideas. Out of ideas and Tucker Carlson is on the TV. That about sums it up.

Duh! Out of ideas!!!!!

The dialectic is, increasing population, decreasing resource availability. How shall that dialectic be resolved in a hemi-democratic fashion? Our precious ruling class has always made US believe in democracy even when such was only marginally apparent to many. That illusion has been mightily bolstered, historically, by generally cheap transportation. Our ability to move long distances any time the ruling class wanted US too, made US think we were free to move about, and doing so of our own accord. Especially when we got to go off in the car on vacations, Sunday drives or parking.

Yepper. We seemed free as birds compared to those unfortunate ones lacking cars. Compared to the car-less, we were free. In fact, freedom came to be closely associated with car ownership. In that respect, owning a car is much like dog ownership. A person has to be fairly free to own a dog. Often I have said to myself or others, Show me a dog owner, and I’ll show you a person of property. That person of property if free, because he or she owns a dog. But never mind all that?

Now, many of US face the prospect that our illusion of freedom, our mobility, shall be snatched away. I suspect that the ruling class has already decided to limit the general mobility to really important trips, like going off to work. But before that, the ruling class shall make sure the occupation forces in the colonies and elsewhere have plenty of cheap gas. Yepper. Anon, the ruling class shall prioritize our car rides. Security rides and productivity rides shall get nearly all the gas, while the Sunday drives and parking rides shall be preserved as ruling class recreational activities.

Fear not. Parking shall not go away. Yet only ruling class teenagers shall participate in that historic activity, possibly with a high dollar professional lady, or even, gasp, a professional gentleman.

Many may resent the gradual curtailment of the illusion of motile freedom. Yet these many are the old. The young, not knowing any better, shall assume, It is part of the natural order for me to be car-less. Yet I am still free to go where I please. I just have to walk, ride my bicycle or wait for the bus, or employ a combination of those transportation options to get to work. I am still free, because I can choose from those many options.

But back to crime in the ROT. What passes for a daily newspaper in these parts, naturally, reported on Elliot’s whore monger antics, extensively. But, of course, that story, in and of itself, is far more interesting if there is an Austink connection. So the daily reports that the professional lady(s) Elliot spent his own money on, may have Austink connections. She says so on Your Tube or Her Tube, maybe. Does anybody remember Elliot’s professional lady from when she habitated in these parts? Our daily wants to know!

Then, another article informs everyone that high dollar professional ladies are widely available right here in central Tejas. These ladies range in age from 18 to their mid-40s. That’s nice.

Oh! I almost forgot. Now, as it turns out, Elliot may not have spent his own money. He may have spent campaign contributions. Well, that is even funnier. Especially since, that is not my money either


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