Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rayetta’s Butteflies - Annual Cycles are Life as We Know It

What have those boys been up to in here? The lab smells funny. Like they have been applying an antiseptic. But that is impossible. They would never apply an antiseptic unless somebody, probably me, made them. Hmmm. Well never mind. I shall get to the bottom of this smell, later.

My butterflies are returning. The great heat of recent has stimulated their tiny hormones and now, here they are. The accompanying electropictoid depicts a parcel of that return. Here is, Papilio cresophontes ovapositing on the toothache tree just like it did last year, and the year before that. Now, these days, the toothache tree is bigger, much bigger. This despite the voracious appetites of the caterpillars. Turns out, the caterpillars, which some say resemble bird droppings, do not totally eat up the toothache tree.

These annual cycles are interesting. Every year, Papilio cresophontes ovaposits on the toothache tree. Every year, the WG tests Crumby for worthiness. Every year, I wonder, half heartedly, what George Will would be like in bed. That is the way it goes, life as the Druids know it.


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