Thursday, December 04, 2008

A Special Movie Review - The Orchestra Wives Versus The Killer Shrews

OK. I got a little bored recently due to poor health keeping me shut in. Naturally I began to play channel roulette on the TV. All of a sudden I came upon Orchestra Wives. The scene I watched is the one where four of the ladies are gossiping and one of the ladies starts telling all the stuff the other ladies have told her about each other. Then the ladies start fussing and fighting. Turns out, one of the ladies is bonking one of the other lady’s husbands which is bad because everybody involved is associated with the orchestra. It’s like a sex at work comedy only everyone is always at work.

Funny. I never thought about wives traveling around with the orchestras of those bygone days. I reckon I always figured all the guys in the orchestra were bachelors or queer, I mean gay. Or, the wives stayed home while the orchestra was on the road.

Anyway, I had to quit on Orchestra Wives because George Montgomery, the famous Dinah Shore’s husband, stars in that particular movie as a trumpet player. Generally, George Montgomery stars in cowboy shows. So I found his role in Orchestra Wives, disturbing.

Pretty soon I found the Killer Shrews. Obviously the killer shrews featured in the movie are dogs made up to look sort of like shrews, maybe. By the time I happened upon The Killer Shrews, some people had somehow fabricated a bunch of oil drums together. I guess the people took the lids off the oil drums, turned the drums upside down and roped the drums together. Then the people somehow got inside the drums. After that the people could go along at a fair pace inside the drums like a turtle. The drums protected the people from the killer shrews. However, a lady inside the drums carelessly allowed a killer shrew to pull her boot off when she stuck her leg too far outside her drum.

That’s all I got to observe of The Killer Shrews. Now though, I am planning on viewing The Killer Shrews in its entirety, some day, if I ever get the chance. But I shall make no such effort regarding The Orchestra Wives.


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