Saturday, December 06, 2008

The Virgo Galaxy Cluster, Progress at Last

Yesterday evening I went to a party. At the party I got worked up. I am prone to get worked up when I have an audience. Yes. I am easily overstimulated by my own antics. Once I get all worked up, it may take a couple of days for me to wind down. Consequently, last night I lay fitful upon the Ample Bosoms. Pretty soon my bad leg started hurting. Also, I had gas.

Sleep deserted me. There I lay, moaning pitifully and farting. Pretty soon the air in those parts was redolent with some of the worst farts I have ever personally had the misfortune to encounter. My bad leg ached and ached. I had to do something. Get up Crumby. Get up and head on out.

What could I do to entertain myself at 2:30 AM. Easy that, I could go outside and gaze at the heavenly bodies in all their naked splendor. But first I needed to look out the window. Yes. There they were, naked splendors dimmed only by the horrific light pollution characteristic of these parts and by tree branches.

Uh oh. Nasal fumes condensed upon the window glass. Hold it. Do fart fumes also condense upon the window glass? Yes they do.

Crumby! It is extremely frigid out in the savage wilderness tonight. You should put on as many clothes as you can put on. Yes. Put on all your clothes. Pretty soon I was so laden with clothes I could hardly limp around the parlor.

Then I decided I needed to have a discussion with the WG. Blessed yet beautiful WG, this is your loyal Ovate, Crumby. To protect myself against the frigid, savage wilderness I am fixing to enter into, I have put on all my clothes. Bound up so, plus crippled, I can barely walk. But now I am afeared that I may be easy prey for the large fierce mammals that may decide to sneak up and trample me or afflict me with their antlers. Merciful WG, how can I protect myself from those vast herds of stampeding ungulates?

Fear not Crumby. You smell especially bad. Those are perhaps the stinkiest farts, ever. What have you been eating? Never mind. I don’t want to know. Just realize this Crumby. You shall be perfectly safe from the ungulates. No evil doer of any sort, including the wild ungulates, shall pester you this morning.

Thus reassured by the kindly yet friendly WG I headed out. I had to make two trips before I could get all my gear transported to the desired location. Normally I just need one trip. But the gear that I normally stow in my armpits would not fit. No. The dern clothes took up all that room.

Despite the WG’s assurance that the ungulates would not pester me, I kept on the alert. I could hear them round about, snorting, kicking the chainlink fence, rattling their antlers against the miserable deciduous shrubbery. Dern hoofrats! The biggest one of those monsters has a rack with 26 points. I think he must have got irradiated.

There I was, under the stars with only ten tons of venison for company. There I was, almost inert, freezing. Before heading over to the Virgo Galaxy Cluster proper, I tried for M63 and M94 again. No luck. Dang it!

Yet there is always hope. Which galaxy in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster has stars nearby that might appear in the finder? Easy that, M49 is the best example of just such a heavenly body. Anon, there M49 was, a hazy spot situated between twain sixth magnitude stars. Ha!

Then also I probably espied the bright core of nearby NGC 4526, sandwiched between two 7th magnitude stars.

OK. Back to the middle. I searched midway between Deneloba and Vindemiatrix to no avail. Waaaah! I was cold. I wanted to espy more galaxies.

OK. Maybe I should search closer to Vindemiatrix. That did it. I found one more hazy spot closer to Vindemiatrix. Trouble is, I don’t know which galaxy, or hazy spot I espied.

Tomorrow morning may be clear too. Yet not as cold. Yes. I now have lots of hope.


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