Public Schools in the ROT
Head onto any public school play ground, even in the Republic of Tejas, and take a whiff. What’s that smell? Smells like socialism. That’s correct. The public schools, even in the ROT, are examples of stinking socialism gone wild, run amuck, destroying or contradicting almost all that many brave Tejanos hold dear, theoretically.
Consider, in the ROT, public schools are funded by property taxes. What could be more communistic than that? Funding public schools with property taxes is pretty dang communistic.
So, why have the public schools in the ROT, not, been shut down. Easy that, football. The public schools continue open so football may continue as a luxury entertainment for lunkheads. That’s right. Football provides the public schools with that extra spirit required to justify all the communism. Plus, the football enforces some community cohesion or local patriotism that everyone may share in, almost. (Course, all that community cohesion may be slightly communistic too). Finally though, and perhaps most significantly, public school football has inertia going for it.
If you don’t believe me about the importance of football to the public schools, consider the public schools without football. What would be the point? Well, baby sitting, but aside from baby sitting, what would be the point? Teaching evolution!!!!
So here I am, lucky to be alive, comfortably seated in my Lazy Boy watching TV. Suddenly, the communist on the TV says, South Carolina ( or some similar secesh shithole) is considering allowing home school boys to go out for football. Wow! That is so confusing. Here some kid has escaped the public school communist nightmare only to be drug back in by the football. But it’s probably OK. Maybe all the kid will have to show up for is the football practice and the games. He’ll get to skip evolution class. Whoa! I bet they can work up a similar deal here in the ROT if they can find a home school boy that is a really good player.
The time is 5:30 AM. I am headed out to get the paper. I have, just concluded the mornings futile amateur astronomy session. This is an artist's conception of the view from my front yard, looking north.
Consider, in the ROT, public schools are funded by property taxes. What could be more communistic than that? Funding public schools with property taxes is pretty dang communistic.
So, why have the public schools in the ROT, not, been shut down. Easy that, football. The public schools continue open so football may continue as a luxury entertainment for lunkheads. That’s right. Football provides the public schools with that extra spirit required to justify all the communism. Plus, the football enforces some community cohesion or local patriotism that everyone may share in, almost. (Course, all that community cohesion may be slightly communistic too). Finally though, and perhaps most significantly, public school football has inertia going for it.
If you don’t believe me about the importance of football to the public schools, consider the public schools without football. What would be the point? Well, baby sitting, but aside from baby sitting, what would be the point? Teaching evolution!!!!
So here I am, lucky to be alive, comfortably seated in my Lazy Boy watching TV. Suddenly, the communist on the TV says, South Carolina ( or some similar secesh shithole) is considering allowing home school boys to go out for football. Wow! That is so confusing. Here some kid has escaped the public school communist nightmare only to be drug back in by the football. But it’s probably OK. Maybe all the kid will have to show up for is the football practice and the games. He’ll get to skip evolution class. Whoa! I bet they can work up a similar deal here in the ROT if they can find a home school boy that is a really good player.
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