Friday, August 26, 2011


Seems like Crumby is enjoying the company of mds more recently than previously. But it's like Crumby predicted when he had his nose fixed. Once those doctors get you they never let you go, except to the undertaker once they have wrung you or insurance dry. Not that the nose didn't require fixing and not that the reamed out nose or associated nasal cavities didn't help Crumby. They did. But nevertheless, seems like now that Crumby gave in to those doctors once, they have him by the shorthairs for this mortal coil. Mercy!

But it could be worse. Karl the Tracker Druid was telling Ray about Jesus. Then, because Ray is Crumby's bosom companion, Ray also told Crumby about Jesus.

Anyway, Karl hired Jesus to trim some tree branches that were occluding the view of the street afforded by the Tracker office picture window when the herbs were not so dang big. Jesus got the job with a low bid.

It was only later that Karl found out Jesus' tree trimming kit was a machete and twain bungee cords. So later, Karl had to take Jesus to the emergency hospital. The trouble was, Jesus had smacked himself in the noggin with his machete. The result of this particular accident was a partial sagital section.

Jesus and Karl had to wait a while at the emergency hospital before they could see a doctor. Which was good. Because that provided time for Karl togradually work the machete out form Jesus' noggin. That was the good news. The bad news was, once the machete got eased out, there was some minor bleeding and brain ooze. But then that turned out to be good news too, because an orderly espied Jesus and started hollering, I aint fixin' to clean that up. Which eventually got the attention of an actual doctor.

Karl was pretty sure the doctor would be seriously impressed when he examined Jesus's head, split down the middle from crown to ear. But no. F*** that. Doctors, no matter what their specialties or lack thereof, are not easily impressed. Except by drug pushers. And in keeping with that tradition, the emergency room doctor's only prognosis or opinion was, Could be worse, could be cancer.


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