Monday, June 01, 2009

Crumby Goes for Dark Skies

Any fool knows that these parts are massively afflicted with light pollution. Yet I, Crumby, have resisted going off to actually see some stars under darker skies. I had my reasons for sticking to these parts, night after night, cursing the light pollution.

One reason, among many, I didn’t drive off west into the Tejas hinterlands was the probability of arriving at my destination under cloudy skies. I was fearful that I would drive off quite a ways, look up, and discover clouds or maybe be afflicted with heavy dew or a tornado might get me. Matter of fact, my worst fears were confirmed when I actually did drive off a ways Saturday night, looked up, and got hit smack on the noggin by a raindrop or two.

That’s right. There I was out in the terrible wilderness. Billions of stars were overhead, generally concealed by the clouds. A few miserable stars occasionally peeped out here and there. Yes. Once in awhile I might espy a tousand or maybe two tousand stars. But those miserable few stars I could espy only equaled the stickers that accrued to my wretched socks. Mercy! There were maybe a tousand or so stars visible in heaven, and maybe an equal number of stickers on my socks and shoe laces.

Stickers (Cenchrus incertus) grow best in sandy soil. I knew that. Yet, for my virgin adventure off into the astronomical wilderness I wore shorts. This is an example of how even a Druid Ovate can goof up on predicting the future. How could I goof up so badly? Yes. There I was, off in the wilderness, the stygian darkness all around, dressed up only in shorts, a T shirt, white socks, semi-sensible shoes and my trusty undears. What I should have had on was my rubber boots, or regular boots and chaps to keep those dang stickers at bay. I knew all that. Also, by 5AM, a jacket would have come in handy. Yes. I forgot proper footgear, long pants and a jacket. But I did remember to bring along a small dog.

OK. I did a bad job of planning for the future I knew was approaching because I got distracted. There were too many stimuli headed my way on Saturday morning. The Druid ovational system got overloaded. That’s why the stickers got me and the small dog.

All that complained about, once in a while the clouds did part. Matter of fact, about 4AM, those clouds departed at last to reveal naked heavenly bodies, horizon to horizon in most of the naked splendor long associated with the many celestial bodies. That’s when I espied along the Milky Way, from Sagittarius to the noggin of Queen Cassiopeia. Worth the price of admission.

Yip, yip, yip for the Bushnell Voyager table top family style telescope. M101, no problem. Also, I got to espy M33 in my trusty Nikon 10x42 Superior Elites. Uh. Even so, M 33 is an averted vision pain in the ass.

Well, I really enjoyed espying the Milky Way. Plus, I am now inspired to go back on a good night, metaphorically speaking.


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