Sunday, September 04, 2011

Few Remember

Correct. Few remember. Yet years have passed since this particular venue was fresh as a daisy. Back then, the CB Druidry forecast or ovated: If the evil doers want to turn the Edwards Plateau into a desert, they are going about it the right way.

Well. Here we go. Anon, even those with zero interest in nature beyond the human variety shall be fixing to notice this dying environment. Mercy!

Yes. Outside, where the ACs make the weather hotter, these parts are experiencing the first dry norther of late summer. Yes. The hot winds of Hades whip the parchment herbs or parched leaves of dying trees. Goodness! The humidity is almost low enough for fires. Mercy! Anon, we shall burn, baby burn. Then, once the vegetation is mostly burned up or withered away, what do you think? Will we cool off then. Course not.

My word! Outside, the hot wind blows. The first of many dry northers to come.

You may see yourself that many pooh-pooh the terrible heat. Especially the air conditioned. Yet in these parts, the great heat comes with no rain. Great heat. No rain.

OK. What happens when these parts are a desert, only a few years off now, and the few hangers on in these parts are slurping NYC bottled water>? Well. Then we shall anticipate the Great Global Titration. For Goddess Sakes!


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