Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Speaking of Hope

There are far more humans or humanoids on the Edwards Plateau, now, than the environomnet can support. But what happens when the annual precipitation drops from 30+ to 10" per year or less. Dudes and dudettes. It's fixing to come down.

It's fixing to be like we are considering the last flush. Whoa! What's wrong with this dang handle. No water or H2O is fixing to come out. Boo-hoo-hoo. Is my turd fixing to sit here from now on?

Ooops. Yes it is. Your turd is fixing to go carmetlite. Well. Maybe not carmelite. But however an average person spells petrified turd, your particualr turd is fixing to do that until it is found like a million years from now by a higher intellect or civilization affixed to the side of your porcelain bowl. Mercy! Goodness! Your last turd in the toilet may make history. Dang!

So now that the precipitation has officially quit falling on these parts. Who's for moving off to moist climes? Crumby is hot to trot. Yet many are not. Jeez Louise! A prophet or Ovate gets less respect than anybody.

I am the egg man. Ook, ook a chook. Huh-huh.


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