Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ray’s Thought for the Day - When Will They Learn, Ever

Seems like another state employee got fired for e-mailing opinions from her agency computer. Here’s how that works. State employee gets frustrated at job.
I know. I shall send an e-mail to a bunch of people, expressing my frustration with my job.
Whoa! State agencies have rules for employees. And the first rule of the state agency is, You don’t talk about your state agency. And the second rule of your state agency is, You don’t talk about your state agency. And, etc. Along about number four on the rules list is, You don’t get caught fornicating in your office, the other firing offense. Then there’s number five, You don’t allow employees under your supervision to fornicate in your office. If you do allow them to fornicate in your office, you will get the bejesus counseled out of you. Away down the list of rules pretty far is dwi and stealing. You’ll get the bejesus counseled out of you for getting caught doing those too, maybe.

Surprisingly, the rules are enforced, selectively. Or, some employees make up their own rules as they go along. For example, our brave Land Commissioner packs heat everywhere, sometimes against rules. He makes up his own rules.

But getting back to the first three rules. Believe it or not, there are still state agency employees beavering away at state agencies in the Republic of Tejas. Believe it or not, a few of them hold opinions inconsistent with the opinions of our well-coifed governor plus the opinions of the nearly omnipotent Kinglet. This interesting clash of opinions results in a dichotomy.

At the same time, hoards of the Kinglet’s minions are leaving DC. They require jobs back here in the ROT. Yet they are ignoramuses, incapable of doing honest work. But that is OK. Because in the ROT there is a supervisory board for every state agency. Those boards are already packed with ignoramuses. Yet plenty more can be stuck on those boards at tax payer expense. The more the merrier. Those ignoramuses, the long ensconced plus the newly ensconced, have plenty of time to monitor e-mails, the purpose of which monitoring, is to catch violators of rules, 1-3.

It is an easy task, spying by the many on the few. And a task for which the Kinglet’s minions have had plenty of training, in DC. So the dichotomy is resolved, easily.


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