Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Shah is lackey, he must go.

What did the Iranian students chant?   Easy that, Shah is lackey, he must go.  And he was.  The shah was a lackey of American/Anglo imperialism.  He was a stooge for Earth global monopoly capitalism too.   So, for opponents of  imperialism and monopoly capitalism, like Crumby,  no shah is good shah.  Oh pshaw!

 Beyond that, Crumby is still fixing to figure out whether the Shiite Whimwhams of Persia are relatively good or relatively bad.  It's a tough call, especially given the quality of the best available information.

Monday, September 02, 2013

I Never Ate Boogers

but I never ate boogers,
like my mother did,
and my brother did,
and my sister did,
and my daddy died young,
wrasslin' with a dingleberry.

They say, the combo of modern medicine plus modern agriculture allowed many to survive and flourish that otherwise should have perished.  That's why, whether you have or have not, a history as a booger eater, you probably inhabit tiny Planet Earth, yet.  But for the nonce, shall we skip the great question, Is booger eating counter selective?

Yes.  Booger eating is a mere distraction compared to what we are now fixing to discuss.  Which topic is, since, thanks to modern medicine and agriculture,  there are too many Syrians in the first place, and most of them are no damn good, why should you care if plenty of them get bumped off.

Well.  The fact of the matter is, you shouldn't.  Unless, of course, your tax dollars are the very dollars funding the sorting out. Yes.   That's one good reason to get mad as hell;  the price of Tom Cruise missiles.

Or maybe you are an old time commie like Crumby.   It may be hard for many to understand that Syria was once a nicer place to live in than lots of other Muslim dominated shitholes because they had like, doctors and the women had some, like  rights, which generally derived from the influence of global socialism.  The same with the former Yugoslavia and Iraq.  Espy the pattern.  But that's just Crumby.

Tiny Earth devolves into barbarism, Tom Cruise missiles or no.