Monday, September 29, 2008

The Free Market

As everyone knows except maybe a few cannibals, the twin pillars of Americano Land are Jesus and the free market. Some might argue that these twain pillars are imaginary. But even if these twain pillars are imaginary, does that make them less real? Course not.

Lo and behold, alas, there is lamentation. The lament goes. The last vestiges of the free market are disappearing forever. Mercy!

The Druids have been dealing with a similar situation for a very long time. The Druid situation though, relates to the loss of Faeries and Faery Habitat. Faeries do not adapt to areas that are paved and lit up with electric lights, 24/7. As Faery habitat is paved and lit up, the miserable Faeries either move off somewhere else, get squashed by construction equipment, or die of broken hearts.

These days the Faeries have been exterminated from just about all the former Faerie Range. Global Faerie extinction is imminent. Druids, worn to a frazzle from the long struggle to save the Faeries, have nothing left to give. No. The Druids can not save the free market because we are worn out from trying to save the Faeries. Plus, Druids don’t care about the free market.

Yet some may be fixing to try and save the free market. Like Dr. Paul. Obviously, Dr. Paul will try to save the free market. But leaving out Dr. Paul, who else? Well, there is old Senator Bunning, maybe.

Jeez Louise! How old is Senator Bunning anyway? Senator Bunning was serving up long balls when Heck was a pup. He may be too old to save the free market for long.

Yikes! Leaving out Dr. Paul, and once Senator Bunning is gone, only the House Republicans shall be available for fixing to save the free market. Yet those House Republicans are great believers in the free market so their efforts may suffice.

Right at this very nonce, Jesus is being importuned by the House Republicans. Jesus! Help us Jesus! Help us save the free market.

So Jesus answers. Drive out the money lenders. Usury is a sin. Make usury a crime. Give all the money to the poor people. Yes. That’s it. Redistribute the wealth, down. Then, capital may accumulate into fewer and fewer hands, the old fashioned way, the free market way.

Dern it! Nevertheless, the House Republicans shall fix to believe in the free market and fix to believe in saving the free market. How? Propose to further destabilize Americano Land with more tax cuts for the Mammonites.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Palin for Prez!!!!

As everyone knows, Senator McCain is fixing to die. Considered as a point on the geologic time scale, the old senator’s death could be imminent. That means Governor Palin is fixing to get to be President or Queenlet of America Norte sans Canada and Mexico. The Druids, on the other hand, are doing everything in our power to elect Senator Obama, short of actually giving his campaign any money.

The reason the Druids are for Obama is because he appears to be calm and reflective. Senator McCain, on the other hand, since he is fixing to peg out, seems desperate to get all sorts of last minute shenanigans out of the way before that awful instant, when the Goddess gets him by the short hairs. For Senator McCain, the stress must be terrible. He shall blow a gasket, anon.

That means, since Druids generally back the wrong side, Governor Palin shall be Prez, or Queenlet, pretty soon. How great shall that be? Well, pretty great. Prez Palin’s preacher shall be the first in the White House. He shall need to clear off all the demons and witches before the White House is safe for Queenlet Palin and family.

How many demons and witches are in the White House right now? No telling. There could be upwards of a tousand, or maybe even two tousand. Can just one Pentecostal preacher, even with help from Jesus, cast out that many demons and witches. Probably not.

So to make sure that all the demons and witches get cleared out of the White House in a timely fashion, the Druids, in a gesture of ecumenical solidarity with the Holy Rollers, now offer our help. Yes. The Druids are 110% ready to help get shut of the demons and witches in the White House. We are ready! Lesta!

0K! The main demon we are focused on getting shut of in the White House is the Demon Mammon. You Pentecosts can handle the rest of the demons and witches, but leave Demon Mammon to the Druids. Unless you agree to leave Demon Mammon to us, the deal is off.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cloudy Nights, Can You Read Outside at Night?

The evening of Day 276 DY 2 or September 22, 2008 of the Julian

Mercy! As usual I was out last night, getting right with the Goddess, focused on the heavenly bodies. Yes. A heavenly body, like for example M 55, when focused upon, allows an average amateur astronomer like me to totally forget about everything except that heavenly body. Focused on that heavenly body, an average amateur astronomer is doing no harm, no good, nothing. So, while thus focused, the average amateur astronomer may be, getting right with the Goddess.

Focusing on a heavenly body is a two-step process. First, the mental cogitation and derived action that the average amateur astronomer employs to find the heavenly body in the night sky. Then there is step two, focusing the focus on the heavenly body.

M 55, globular star cluster, is low in the sky in these parts. The closest naked eye star is probably Nunki in Sagittarius. Scanning east from Nunki, an average amateur astronomer employing binoculars is apt to eventually locate four stars disposed in a tetragon. These stars are of about equal magnitude, 4-5. They are 58, 59, 60 and 62 Sagittarius. The stars 59 and 60, the middle ones are sort of in line to point up, northeast to M 75 and down, southwest, to M 55.

So far, I have yet to actually espy M 55 for sure. I mean, sure, I have seen M 55, but I don’t know which one of the several heavenly bodies that I have espied, M 55 is. That is because M 55's location is, so far in my experience, always partially behind a cedar elm or clouds and low in the light pollution sky glow.

Speaking of light pollution sky glow, yesterday evening, around 10:30PM, the clouds came up from the south, occluding all the heavenly bodies, not just M 55. All of a sudden I could read my watch and my copy of Pocket Sky Atlas in the “dark”. Mercy! The clouds were reflecting all the light pollution back down on me. It was a miracle. Jesus! I could read in the dark! Another reason I don't trust America.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Why I Don’t Trust America!

Yes. Correct. I do not trust my own country at all. Not in the least.

Druids study patterns. Patterns indicate that the ruling class is idle, or out of ideas, or busy financing all the money into fewer and fewer pockets. The participants in government, elected or hired, are universally nosing after the ruling class trickle down, and also out of ideas. The justice system is hopelessly corrupt. The people are simply ridiculous, propagandized by the ruling class into holding opinions discredited when Herbert Hoover was president.

To make matters worse, America has collectively decided to globalize the mess at home, going imperialist with the whole shebang and backing up the whole shebang with the most successful national socialist (NAZI) arms industry the world has seen since Hitler. Yes. Selling and using up arms is our only big hope for success in the global market.

Then there is the emerging police state. As if a police state was needed, the presidency is now invested with the power to keep the Americano people from squeaking or raising hell about this or that. Our phones are tapped, our e-mails are tapped, our credit card information is tapped, and the cards are tapped out. Anyone who squeaks may be easily hauled off, held without trial, tortured. There are a hundred cops and two informants for every dissident.

So who among the brave Americanos shall squeak? Nay, few if any shall squeak. Nay!

Buh! Brave Americanos believe that free enterprise and Jesus are the twain guiding lights, bobbing along just up yonder in the foggy recesses of space, time and shining back into the insides of our own noggins. People that stupid do not require a police state to be kept in order. No. The police state is just another way for the ruling class to finance all the money into fewer and fewer pockets.

And now, the latest unprecedented emergency. Notice that the current Kinglet only has unprecedented emergencies. That’s right; foreigners hijacking our airplanes, foreign dictators posessing weapons, maybe, the Enron crooks, hurricanes, and financial crises are all totally unprecedented.

Remember our brave imperialist occupation of miserable Iraq. Well, for that one the Kinglet went all out to convince everyone we needed to do something. So he made up a pack of lies and sent all his minions around, repeating the lies. This lying went on for months before we actually did anything.

This time, the Kinglet decided to condense all the lying into a few hours and, in short order, scare the bejesus out of the Congress. The point of the condensed pack of lies, to give 700 billion dollars to rich people because the rich people may have borrowed, or stolen, then lost, everyone’s money.

In the twilight zone of free enterprise and Jesus, apparently, the Congress, and we the people are fixing to get dealt a hand from the deck, this pack of lies. Ha! Not apparently, just like the Iraqi imperialism, it’s a done deal.

As usual, as a Druid Ovate, I am unfairly attributing lots to Jesus. Actually, Jesus supposedly tried to shake down the money lenders. Jesus may have been a good guy. So what I am really ovating about here is the Demon Mammon. Insert Demon Mammon for Jesus above and all manner of signs and portents, Christian sisters and brothers, shall be revealed. Uh. Hold it. You need to leave Jesus in the money lenders sentence. Everywhere else though, substitute Demon Mammon.

Yep. DY 2 is a shitty year. And it aint over yet.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Moon and Uranus

Tonight, September 14-15, 2008 of the Julian, Uranus may be located a couple of degrees south of the Moon. Two degrees is close. Considering the Moon is full, or nearly full, and bright, I shall probably require a filter.

This morning, I have printed out a Cartes du Ciel map which indicates the location of these twain heavenly bodies at 11:02PM tonight. Employing the printed Cartes du Ciel map for reference I have plotted the location of Uranus and the Moon onto Page 76 of the Pocket Sky Atlas. I used a pencil. Later, I shall erase those particular indicators of where the Moon and Uranus may be tonight from Page 76 of the Pocket Sky Atlas. No telling when those twain heavenly bodies shall be at those locations anon. No point keeping the pencil marks after tonight.

Cartes du Ciel shows stars down to about 6.5 magnitude. The Pocket Sky Atlas shows stars down to about 7.6 magnitude. Uranus is about 5.6 magnitude. Knowing all this information and having handy access to both these maps may allow me to espy Uranus, tonight!

OK! The equipment I am fixing to use is my Lomo 133mm. I shall also need a filter. My filter set consists of 6 or 7 variously colored Celestron filters made in Taiwan plus a clearly labeled Moon filter. The reason I have 6 or 7 color filters is, the seventh filter container box is empty. Yet, I suspect the filter that goes in that box is screwed into an eyepiece that I have not used for a couple of years. I need to find that filter. That missing filter may be the very one I need to look up your Uranus.

But more likely, all I need is the Moon filter. Tonight, the Moon is almost full. The fact is, by tomorrow morning, September 15, the Moon shall be entirely full. So besides potentially espying Uranus, I may observe the Moon as it waxes from almost full at 11:59PM to full at about 12:01AM.

But getting back to filters. I got all these filters at the same time a while back. I “won” them on EBAY. They were really cheap. All the colored ones have information printed on the filter ring. The language may be Elvish. I must heat the ring over a stove burner before the printing is readily apparent. After translation from the Elvish or Chinese, my filters read, Celestron, No., for example, 80A, Taiwan.

But the Moon filter is different. It has a big fat ring corresponding to a diminished field of view with Moon clearly printed on the front of the big fat filter ring top. Hold it. I need to go find the missing filter.

Jeez Louise! Here it is, another Moon filter. Now I remember. One Moon filter came with the cheap color filter set, and the other one came with some other astronomical equipment as part of a package deal. In any event, now each box has a filter.

Hmm. My Moon filters look identical. A little research on the internet identifies them as Celestron Moon filters. Mine are dark green. That means 17-18% transmission and a green moon. Hmm.

Just about all the rest of the cheap Moon filters are grey and transmit at 13%. But there are also some moon and neutral density filters that cost a lot. Because they cost a lot, the associated information for the expensive Moon filters does not necessarily include a transmission %. That is interesting. Er. There are also variable polarizing filters that allow adjustment of light throughput.

Well. It’s too late to order an expensive Moon or neutral density filter or variable polarizer. I shall have to make do with one of my cheap green Moon filters. I wonder. What if I stacked my cheap Moon filters. Would I get a transmission of 8.5-9%? Well. Stacking is impossible because my Moon filters are only threaded on one side. So that’s out.

The reason, I suspect, the Celestron moon filters have a higher transmission % than the grey filters is because the Celestron moon filters wind up with average amateur astronomers who purchase small aperture telescopes, like for example, 90mm Maksutovs or 80mm refractors. Those little telescopes need lots of light. So a low transmission moon filter might darken them up too much.

In summary, I have my maps and my Moon filter. I am ready to espy Uranus.

By 5AM tomorrow morning the Moon and Uranus shall be approaching the western horizon, behind the barn. Simultaneously, Sirius the Dog Star shall be fairly high in the east. It is about time I split Sirius the Dog Star.

What I may do is go to bed after I espy Uranus, then get up at 4AM. That way I can check out some heavenly bodies in Perseus, Taurus, then, Auriga, Orion as I await the rising of Sirius the Dog Star. Sirius B also known as the Pup, the faint companion of Sirius the Dog Star, should be about 8 arc seconds from the primary by now in this year of the Julian, 2008. I shall try for the Pup in the Lomo with a 6mm UO ortho. If that does not work, I shall go to the 4mm UO ortho.

Out I went into the brightly lit back yard. Because patience is not one of my virtues, I arrived early. There is Hercules, I thought to myself. Perfect viewing position. I may as well try to espy NGC 6210 before the Moon comes up over the hackberry (Celtis laevigata).

Yes. There it is. NGC 6210, barely recognizable as a planetary when employing the Orion Ultrablock with 12.5mm UO ortho. Otherwise, it looks like a low magnitude star. The Moon coming up over the hackberry does not help with the nebulosity of NGC 6210.

Whoa! It is still too early to try for Uranus. Better espy Jupiter awhile. I know, I thought to myself, I shall try out a bunch of my cheap filters on Jupiter.

Buh! Jupiter is washed out by the Moonlight and intermittent high clouds. The only filter that seems to perk Jupiter up is the #12. Even so, I can barely espy anything outside the two big equatorial belts. Man that Moon is bright. Io, Jupiter’s closest moon is about to pass either in front of or behind Jupiter. I don’t know which.

Dern it. I need to figure out which of these Gallileo’s Moons is which. The reason is, the one closest to Jupiter is bright orange. I need to at least know which one that is. Io!

Yes. The Moon is bright. I can read the larger print on my maps by moonlight. Mercy! I better go inside. I shall play Pin Ball Space Cadet until 11AM. I need a grape popsickle.

Later, after enjoying a delicious grape popsickle and a desultory game of Pin Ball Space Cadet I was all set to espy Uranus. Out I went.

Good Goddess! Where’s my sun glasses? The Moon was that bright. Shadows, cast by the Moon were literally everywhere. But alas. If I was to seek out Uranus, I would have to get out in the moonlight, not merely skulk in some shady nook or cranny. Plus, I don’t have any sunglasses, anyway.

My original plan was to just put the finder a little ways off the bottom of the Moon and track around until I espied Uranus. That turned out to be impossible because the Moon in the finder scope like to blinded me. Dern it! This is crazy, I thought. Plus, the moon glow was so bright in the finder that I had to press my eye right onto the ocular before I could cut the sheen and see anything.

I need a new plan. Where is Fomalhaut? There Fomalhaut is. Good old Fomalhaut.

Fomalhaut, as many average amateur astronomers know, is also known as Alpha (α) Piscis Austrinii. It is the only bright star in the southeast sky in these parts at this time. I decided to start my journey to Uranus from Fomalhaut, then work my way north.

Luckily, going north from Fomalhaut I could just espy Skat, Delta (δ) Aquarii in the binoculars, awash in moon glow. Then, espying a little ways further northeast, the same binoculars barely revealed the Psi (ψ) Aquarii triplets.

Carefully noting the location of the Psi (ψ) triplets as revealed by the binoculars, I adjusted the Lomo's view to approximate that location. Luckily there they were in the finder. Then, once I figured out which way to go to get to Chi (χ) Aquarii, I headed to Chi. Once I found Chi it was only a short hop to Phi (φ) Aquarii.

Yet I was getting closer and closer not only to Uranus, but also to the Moon. The glow in the finder was terrible. My pupil had to be stuck to the ocular glass to see dark. Yikes! There is a pretty bright star just east of Phi. That must be the little double indicated on page 76 and located just west of the pencil mark indicating the approximate location of Uranus.

Yes. I was close enough to Uranus for government work. So after I centered the bright little star in the finder, I switched from the finder to the cheap 32mm plossl eyepiece. Ha! That is better. So long as I keep the dang Moon out of the FOV I can see all righty.

I knew I was close to Uranus. But before I espied for Uranus, I needed to make sure the bright star was a bright star and not Uranus. I switched to the 12.5mm UO ortho. It is a star all righty. Plus, it is orange and has diffraction rings. Should I try to split it. No! I have bigger fish to fry. On to Uranus!

Then I chanced another look through the finder. The next brightest object to the east had to be Uranus. I centered that object in the finder.

Hmm. I need to switch back to the cheap 32mm plossl. The 32mm plossl revealed a bright spot. After carefully moving the bright spot to a location that would provide it with a trajectory that might eventually intersect the middle of the FOV, I hurriedly grabbed up my 9mm Ortho and switched it with the cheap 32mm plossl. Bingo! Yep. There is Uranus.

I watched Uranus intently for maybe ten minutes before I got tired of it, a bluish-green spheroid hustling across the FOV. Then, I watched Uranus intently for maybe three minutes with the 9mm ortho stuck in a 1.8x barlow. The only difference was, with the barlow, Uranus was slightly bigger and fuzzier and hustled along lots faster. In addition, I did not imagine any moons around Uranus like I had with the earlier view.

Yet now I have espied Uranus for certain. The Moon filters, by the way, were useless. Also, when I went back out at 4AM, the only stars I could see were off north. The east and south was entirely cloudy. The Pup must await another night.

Back to bed I went. There, in my little bed, safely ensconced upon the Ample Bosoms of the Goddess, tucked under my special wool Druid blanket, I dreamed about the Uranusians.

The Uranusians are a happy, carefree assemblage of species, all well-adapted to the rigors of life on Uranus. Yes. There all those Uranusians are, patiently awaiting the next vent event. Once the vent event occurs, there is no pushing, shoving and hollering. Each Uranusian politely gets a fair share from the vent, then goes off to enjoy his, her or its fair share, perhaps partaking of that fair share in company or in solitude.

Then, after a refreshing and delicious meal, all the Uranusians play games, study or nap until the time arrives for the next free vent event. What a life! How happy and carefree the lives of those Uranusians are.


Now that I have successfully espied Uranus, I may go in search of Neptune if these clouds ever clear off. No rain, plenty clouds. Hurricane, no rain.

No. Neptune shall not be espied by me this night, September 15-16 of the Julian, 2008 Or maybe ever. I could easily learn that my time has run out, tomorrow. Remember. It is a shitty year. No rain. Too many Republicans. Too many liars and gluttons.

Neptune would have provided a nice distraction from all that but for the clouds. Yet I can see that Neptune is harder to espy than Uranus. That is because Neptune’s magnitude is only about 7.6 putting Neptune at the feint end of the stars indicated in the Pocket Sky Atlas. What if, when I find the approximate locale of Neptune, that area has a bunch of magnitude 7-8 stars all over that place? Then, what will I do?

Right now Neptune is situated less than two degrees west of 42 Capricorni right next to a magnitude 7 star. This fact is now indicated in my personal copy of the Pocket Sky Atlas in pencil, on page 77. Later, I may erase the pencil mark. But maybe not.

How fast does Neptune move relative to its apparent starry neighbors. I just cycled through a couple of days of Cartes du Ciel maps. Neptune did not move much. Maybe I can leave that pencil mark where it is until the skies clear. Maybe, in that time, Neptune shall stay within the bounds of that pencil mark.

The dilemma my noggin is contemplating relative to the Neptune pencil mark reminds me of the Uranus and Moon marks on page 76. I have not erased those marks yet. What if, instead of erasing those marks, I left those marks for posterity? Yes, on the margin I could make a note including the name and the date. On this date of the Julian and Druid calendars, Crumby Ovate espied the Moon and Uranus at the indicated locations.

Yes. If the Uranusians ever visit Earth, perhaps one of those Uranusians would be interested to discover where its home planet was located on that particular date. Then that archaeological minded Uranusian finds my Pocket Sky Atlas. Later, that Uranusian gets a publication out of the deal, becoming rich and famous, making Uranusian archaeological history.

Ha! I better pencil that note in right now, before I forget.

Ho hum. Now is the afternoon of Day 271, DY 2. I visited the doctor again today. My infection has come back. Now I am taking huge doses of steroids and an antibiotic that is supposedly effective against an anaerobe, Peptostreptococcus sp. Consider the sp.. They don’t know what species this bacterium is. Only the genera. Ha! I am probably doomed. But what the heck. I am doomed anyway.

Since I am fixing to die anon, these clouds need to give me a break and move off so I may espy Neptune. Also, my Lumicon Oxygen III filter that I ordered before I knew I was fixing to die needs to hurry up and get here. Jeez Louise! I already paid for that item. Surely the Merciful Goddess shall spare me long enough to use it at least once.

Matter of fact, I may just order a 30 inch Obsession Newtonian and a Denkmeier Binocular Photon Machine. That way the doctors and the undertakers won’t get all my money. And, with any luck, I might expand my average astronomical horizons pre mortem.

Yesterday evening, Day 272 of DY 2 or September 16, 2008 of the Julian, I headed out to the shed where I keep my Lomo 133. I keep my Lomo out in the shed to facilitate an activity average amateur astronomers refer to as Grab and Go. But I discovered long ago, that the Lomo’s German Equatorial Mount (GEM) is heavy. Plus the tripod legs sticking out at angles may trip an average amateur astronomer up. About the furthest an average amateur astronomer like me needs to Grab and Go with that rig is maybe 10 cubits. The fact is, 10 cubits is a stretch, when Grab and Go, goes along in the shadowy environment of the shed and under the shed porch roof.

Besides moving the Lomo 10 cubits, Grab and Go now includes putting up black plastic on wires I have strung between two of the porch roof posts and one of the porch roof posts and a tree. The black plastic once hung up, interdicts the neighbor’s light pollution that would otherwise shine directly on me and mine. My neighbor’s employ industrial strength night lights off to the north and west. The black plastic takes care of that, keeping those light paths from heading directly into a telescope optical tube, eyepiece, finder or my eyes.

How much plastic are we talking about here? Well, the west light blocker is about 20feet long and six feet high once hung over the wire. The north light blocker is about 10 feet wide and 6 plus feet high.

I point all this out for the benefit of the average amateur astronomer wishing to do Grab and Go in a light polluted environment. Grab and Go may get complicated. The black plastic is worth the effort, though. Otherwise, mass quantities of annoying light pollution goes straight into my eyeballs.

A tip for native plant gardeners. The original job of the black plastics was, smother and bake or boil the bermudagrass. Nothing kills bermudagrass though. Much like my unknown bacterium, when you got, you got it. The black plastic works better for light pollution.

Anyway, for a little while the sky cleared off in a patch from Fomalhaut to Jupiter, intermittently between 9:30-11-30 PM. Consequently, this average amateur astronomer was able to get two looks at Neptune, then located about 1.5 degree west of 42 Capricorni.

I was fearful that the spot at the designated location would contain between 3 and 100 low magnitude stars that would have to be sorted through before Neptune could be positively identified. There is a historical precedent for that. Yet, for a wonder, the Lomo finder revealed an image around 42 Capricorni that looked just like that same spot as depicted on p. 77 of the Pocket Sky Atlas. The only difference, the image was reversed, left to right and the pencil mark indicating Neptune was missing. Other than that, identical. So Neptune turned out to be really easy. The dopey 40mm plossl showed it. So did the 12.5mm ortho, the 9mm ortho and the 7-22mm zoom.

Neptune is not the most interesting heavenly body I have ever espied. Neptune is not even as interesting as Uranus. Yet I may attempt to espy Neptune twice, employing the Great Red Tube. But I am skeptical of any interest level quantum leap even given the Great Red Tube. However, I might succeed in espying a Neptunian moon, or a Uranusian moon in the Great Red Tube.

Now, thanks to the timely and merciful downgrade of Pluto, I have espied all the planets of this solar system. Praise the Goddess!

Monday, September 08, 2008

The Crab Nebula

How many people living on this little planet that some call Earth, know about the Crab Nebula? I would like to know the answer to that question instead of hearing Governor Palin’s savage and idiotic religious opinions. Knowing the answer to that question would help me predict future events, even better and more accurately. Like, for example, knowing how many people know about the Crab Nebula would allow me to predict the outcome of the upcoming 110%. Yes. That is correct. I could, knowing just that one fact, predict the outcome of the upcoming, 110%.

Alas. Squeezing that extra 10% of ovational insurance out of a single fact, though, shall not change the ovation one whit. The pattern is set. I have known the outcome of the upcoming for certain since January of the Julian, ‘08.

OK. Karl the Tracker Druid once told me a story about this presumptive average amateur astronomer named Bob who bought a telescope just so he could espy the Crab Nebula. I have got to espy the Crab Nebula, Bob explained to the telescope salesperson. Money is no object. However, though money is no object, I would prefer a red telescope.

Anon, the sales person fixed Bob up with a red telescope. Home Bob went, froth with excitement. Ha! Now I shall easily espy the Crab Nebula in my new red telescope, Bob thought.

Jeez Louise! Here is a quote from Robert Burnham. Jr. occurring on page 1843 of Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, Vol 3. “The famous “Crab Nebula” in Taurus, the most conspicuous known supernova remnant, and one of the most interesting objects in the heavens.”

Yes! That quote influenced Bob to seek out the Crab Nebula, Messier Object Number One. Yes! Influenced by Burnham. Jr., Bob sat out in the backyard next to his new red telescope, night after night, fixing to espy the Crab Nebula.

Good Goddess All Righty, Bob blasphemed. Where is that miserable cocksucker, shit eating Crab Nebula?

Yepper. Night after night Bob searched for the Crab Nebula. Yet Bob despaired of ever espying the Crab Nebula. But at last, Bob espied the Crab Nebula.

That’s motherfucking it? That’s the Goddess All Righty Crab Nebula! Well, fuck this shit! Cocksucking motherfuckers! Fuck it! My red telescope is going on EBAY.

Yes. The cosmic meets the down to earth and vice versa.

Alas for Bob. If Bob had been properly trained as a Druid, he could have taken his disappointment with the Crab Nebula in stride. But Bob staked all his amateur astronomer hopes on the first Messier heavenly body, Number One, M1. Number One let Bob down. Bob should have commenced with M2, maybe.

My oh my. The supernova event that provided average amateur astronomers with the Crab Nebula, exploded into the heavens, according to hearsay, on July 4, 1054 AD of the Julian. The explosion was visible during daytime for 23 days. Of course, as many know, it took a while for the light produced by the explosion to actually reach Chinese astronomers on Earth. Nevertheless, the date, July 4, is when the fireworks may have commenced from an earthly perspective.

Meantime, also here on Earth, the richest Americanos, having commanded the government seizure of the Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac pyramid scheme, are celebrating by running up the stock market. Yet, when the rain quits, Druids look to the heavens.