Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November Miscellania

Crumby has been super busy this month.   What's Crumby been doing?  Like all good Americanos,  Crumby has been shopping. What for?  Gizmos, play purties, and story books. But that doesn't mean Crumby has ignored his non-shopping related environment entirely.  No.  Crumby has not been 100% shopping obsessed to the exclusion of all other environmental stimulation.  

For example,  on F1 Sunday Crumby took some time out from the Americano pastime, shopping, to stand out in the backyard and shoot the finger at helicopters passing overhead.  Not surprisingly, the helicopter responsible parties decided to route the passage of the airborne idle rich over relatively working class south Austink.  So there stood Crumby, shooting them the finger.  Let's go slummin'!  Let's go slummin'!  Let's go smellin', where they're dwellin'! 

Then the other bullshit Crumby has noticed is no rain in these parts since early October.  Not a drop.  Do you think any of the idle rich attending F1 brought their own water?  Course not.

No wonder Crumby attempts to distract himself, like any good Americano, with shopping. Plus, shopping is good for the economy.  Especially the Chinese economy.  Yes.  As an average communist,  Crumby prefers to buy Chinese products whenever possible.

Consider this.  The Biao Zhun company or soviet? makes plastic framed copies of the Bergeon 4039 and 4040 watch movement holders which they vend for $8 dollars a set (see vendor's box below).  Course those particular items arrive on a slow boat so you need to order them well ahead of when you feel like you might need them.  But when they do finally arrive , they are quite serviceable. 

Then too, the communists included a free gift,  finger cots, with Crumby's order.  How did they know Crumby employs finger cots?  How thoughtful was that?  Good ness!

One thing though,  if your movement is plastic, like a Seiko kinetic, you might want to use a metal holder.  Plastic on plastic can be slippery.  Not to worry though,  The Chinese communists make metal movement holders too.  I bet some metal ones are on a slow boat headed this way at this very nonce.

Finally, one gizmo Crumby always wanted, but never had, until recently, is a digital caliper.   No fret there.   Harbor Freight has one less of those since Crumby purchased his.  Yes.  Now Crumby can acurately measure his old nemesis, screws.  (Often the screws are tiny.)   So that when he destroys the screws or tiny screws,  Crumby can now get new replacement screws of the same exact proportions thanks to his Chinese communist digital caliper from Harbor Freight.  How patriotic is that ?


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chow and Grub

Its no wonder almost everyone is confused.  Yet the Chinese began eating chows a while back.  And somebody must eat this grub.  We are guessing that this particular grub is an ox beetle grub.  However, it may be some other Dynastinae. Large!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Falco columbarius

This young merlin was hanging around the Stinky Valley public school Saturday morning.  It is eating something (not shown).  The reason Ray noticed it in the first place was because Ray espied it actually strike, but not bring down, a male great-tailed grackle in flight. Very funny.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Twits and Twats

Red has temporarily lifted the ban on news watching at the CB.  That's why some of the recent posts on this venue have been slightly newsworthy or timely.  Like this one. But sooner or later, probably sooner, Red will ban news watching again.  So this won't last. 

Well.  We have run out of insects due to slightly cooler weather and no rain for over a month.  That means having the big brass entertain us on the TV is a good thing.  Mercy though.  What would the old general, D. D. Eisenhower make of these shenanigans?  Don't they have enough to do on the golf course?,  General Eisenhower might query?

Well, apparently not.  No.  The military industrial complex, that President Eisenhower warned all us dumbasses about, now affords plenty of leisure time for the general twits.  Yes.  Our dole makes it easy for the generals to faunch around with the easily available twats. But then they are so arrogant, about the twatassity of it all, they resort to email for picadillos. Mercy.

Does everyone understand what is meant by twats?  

For Goddess Sakes.  It's a good thing the preferred US enemies, at this nonce, are ignorant tribesmen and peasants.  Otherwise, we might be in a world of shit. 

OK.  Here's today's Druid dichotomy.  How much farther to the right is President Obama, compared to President Eisenhower?

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Armadillo to F1

Yepper.  Austink has moved right along in terms of progress.  The Armadillo WHQ is a distant memory while Formula 1 car racing is brand spanking new.  That's progress! 

Yepper.  The F1 racetrack is a good fit for the new Austink.  Like everyone is palpitating with excitement.  For example, the falangist leaning daily newspaper runs an F1 article on the front page almost every day.   Whew.  One day we read that F1 racing came to Austink against all odds.  Yepper.   If not for rigged public financing, the timely intervention of a few billionaires, the backing of the Chamber of Commerce,  a sleazy City Hall, and the non stop whooping of the falangist daily itself, the Formula 1 races would be firing up somewhere else.  But not here.

Yet now that we are guaranteed automobile racing on the east side, the falangist daily is busy enumerating all the negative stuff that might potentially detract from the race goers enjoyment.  First, some south Austin neighborhood associations whined about helicopter pads set up in residential areas to haul  race goers to the track.   Airborn!!!!  Then the bus drivers, who are set to haul the leftovers from the helicopter rides, threatened to strike.  And now, there is a slight chance of rain possibly co-occurring with the race prelims.  Mercy.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Crumby Struggles with His Conscience

As many may recall, Crumby made a decision not to vote in the former up-coming.   That's because Crumby felt like the Democrats were enjoying monopoly captialism and imperialism more than they should.  And of course, the other party always enjoys monopoly capitialism and imperialism to the max.  So why vote when both parties are for monopoly capitalism and imperialism?

But at the same time,  Crumby is mighty pleased that the Democrats won.  That's because the other party is just about totally uncivilized or barbaric.   And Crumby, now old and feeble, should not have to deal with barbarism in his dotage for Goddess' sakes.   Barbarism needs to hold off until CRumby is safely with the WG.  Yes.  Crumby needs to draw his Social Security and pursue his various civiliized hobbies in peace until the end.  Turns out, the Democrats, despite being monopoly capitialists and imperialists, are more likely to nurture Crumby's lifestyle.

So should Crumby feel guilty that he didn't help the Democrats?  Mercy!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Down In Front!

Down in front!  Down in front!

Here we would have just another hoofrat with a rack.  Except for the doe in front sticking her mug in. Yes.  It's rutting season in Stinky Valley.  Watchout!  The deer go crazy these days.  So they are quite likely to gallop into your automobile. Thus spoiling your shopping trip. 

Sunday, November 04, 2012

We Built It, We Built It, Ugh!

Crumby will always remember this election as the one that nearly didn't feature Crumby.  That's because Crumby nearly died in the midst of the campaign.   Well technically,  Crumby could still die before the upcoming, but that sad eventuality is less likely now than it was even yesterday.  Yes.  Crumby may now have some survival inertia.

But what will Crumby remember about this particular election?  Well.  It's fixing to be the first election in many moons that Crumby took a stand against monopoly capitalism and imperialism, the prevailing Homeland ideologies, and voted anarchist.  Yet that is a tough proposition given the one scene that shall be forever registered in Crumby's noggin.

Here's that.  Many may recall,  as reported in the capitalist media, the Uberpublicans got all lathered up at their converntion, and began shouting, We built it.  Now that's truly funny.  A bunch of fat whiteys, all red-faced and sweaty,  that never hit a lick in their whole lives, shouting that on TV.  We built it.

However, that's only part of what Crumby shall remember.  Because right after Crumby heard what the shouting was all about, he happened to be visiting the surgeon for a post surgery checkup.  Right next door to the building the doctor's office was in, on the south side of that building there is another building that was under construction.  Crumby could easily espy that building because the Venetian blinds on the window in Crumby's building were open. 

What did Crumby espy out that window through the Venetian blinds?  Easy that, 200 Mexican ironworkers fixing to add another floor to that new building.  We built it.  Rang in Crumby's noggin.

Jeez Louise.  It's hard to not vote on principle.

After the Powwow

As many know, these parts host the Stinky Valley Powwow every November.  It is, thus, an annual event.  Yet when a great many humans or neohumans get together by the thousands in a gymnasium,  they are likely to produce a great deal of litter or skitter.  Maybe both. 

Here we espy the litter and skitter receptacles:

After the Powwow's over,
After the break of day.

Most of the litter got put in the bin.  Hopefully, the same can be said of the skitter. 

Also, hopefully, whoever called the cab has a short journey and a welcome ahead.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Homop Survives Hemips to Get on List

As many know, the Hemips and the Homops are forever at it. 

At what, Ray?  You may query. 

Well.  The Hemips are out to get the Homops.  But the Homops survive the Hemips because in every generation certain Homops are born to heterozygous Hemip parents.  Then the cleverest of the Homops conceal their identity until it is too late for the Hemips to do anything about them. 

What a crazy country we live in! 

This curious little Homop, (Micrutalis parva) possibly,  is sitting on a Solanum elaegnifolium leaf.  There is something else depicted there with it, but I don't know what that is.  Something disgusting no doubt.


But what can be said about Solanum elaegnifolium that has not already been said or spelled?  What a plant!  All the actual botanists know that it is ubiiquitous throughout the Tejico Booblico.  Which means, Solanum elaegnifolium is the logical state flower rather than the miserable bluebonnet.  Yes.  An average botanist can go anywhere in the repooblick and find Solanum elaegnifolium. But where are the bluebonnets at all those sites?  Ha!

Perhaps, this particular Homop is wrapping itself in the flag, metaphorically speaking.  You know, assoicating with Solanum elaegnifolium, the logical state flower of the Booblico, is a pretty smart strategy for dodging the Hemips.