Saturday, September 27, 2014

New Homop Afflicts CB

This is probably Scolops pungens, a newly documented homop for the CB.  Crumby and Ray agree that this particular homop reminds them of the famous Negro spiritual, Sophisticated Mama.  Don't turn your nose up at me.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Swissbuck Globetrotter and Wenger Trailblazer

These saks are much alike except for the scales, the large blade, and that the Wenger has no key chain.  I think the previous owner removed the key chain and then misplaced it.  Anyway, no key chain or ring came with the knife.

Crumby wanted the Globetrotter for its clip point main blade, a rarity on regular Wengers but standard on Swissbuck Wengers.  Crumby feels like the clip point blade is cooler looking than the spear point blade.   Plus, the clip point blade is the final tool needed to complete Crumby's Wenger 85mm tool collection.  There are more tools outstanding, but Crumby either does not want them, or can't afford them, or both.  So that's that, maybe.

Then there is the name, Globetrotter.  As a Druid, Crumby always appreciates any spell that includes trotter. Trotters would be an even better spell.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Insects Return to the CB

The vast improvement in the weather (rain) means we have some insects again.  Here are twain of those insects:  a band-winged dragonlet and Euchromius ocelleus.

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Weather Report

Amazingly,  the weather in these parts has actually improved.  In other words, it finally, after 49 days, rained.  Yes.  We enjoyed a nice two inch rain at the CB.  Then, a week or so later, we got another littler rain.  So the growing season has re-commenced.  A few insects are about.  Goodness!  It has been so long since Crumby had insects, he has forgotten the identification process.

Fish Scaler in a Pocket Knife

Many know they can easily purchase a good brand pocket knife with fish scaler from a reliable or semi-reliable vendor.  Here are most of Crumby's.  From left to right they are two Wengers, an Aitor Inox and three Victorinox.  The last two are magnetic and are attracting a dissecting blade once used to mutilate human genitalia in Wagaland.  Or so the vendor swore.  Crumby is fixing to magnetize the other four.  What good is a non-magnetic fish scaler?

Alas, Crumby has never scaled a fish with any of these.  So they can't be compared as to fish scaling efficiency.  Chances are, however, with any of them, cleaning up the knife, post scaling,  would render whatever fish scaling efficiency, anti-climactic.

Crumby's hands down favorite among the six is the Aitor Inox, a Contador of fish scalers.  That's because it has actually functional rules.  The metric is shown here.  Need to know the size of yer minnow down to a millimeter?  The Aitor Inox fish scaler is your tool.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Crumby's Favorite SAK, Ever

Crumby spent part of today rummaging through the saks at the State Surplus Store.  Dude, those saks are down and dirty.  It's like you know how nothing inside an airplane gets cleaned, ever.  Not the walls, the ceiling, the floor, the seats, nothing gets cleaned ever.  An average passenger on an airplane must inure himself to that nastiness.  Then hope to go thorough a sterilization process immediately after disembarking.  Well handling those saks is like riding on an airplane.  It's like touching surfaces that have been sneezed on a million times.  Yet those sneezes have never been wiped up.  Good Goddess!

What Crumby was searching for in all that oiliness of booger devouring germs was a particular sak that he probably lost on an airplane about 20 years ago. The sak we are now discussing was an 84mm Tinker with the round Phillips that features the can key slot.

In those days,  Crumby flew so much he could get drunk on free Heinekens if the flight lasted long enough.  Yes.  In those days Southwest Airlines furnished its frequent fliers with free drink tickets.  That's why Crumby bought stock in Southwest.  Free drink tickets!

So one day Crumby is flying along and his trusty Tinker betrays him, slipping out of his pants pocket.  Yet that was in the days before they confiscated your pocket knife.  So someone else must have found Crumby's 84mm Tinker.  Then, many years later, they forgot about it while fixing to board.   Then the state confiscated it.

Who knows how long Crumby's Tinker lay at the bottom of the confiscated knife bin, covered in airplane goo?  The poor little thing had so much goo on it,  Crumby almost didn't recognize it.  Like Crumby almost missed that it had a can key slot. That slot was gooed over.  Ugh!

But  now Crumby's 84mm Tinker has been sterilized.  Plus, it is home at last.  Restored to Crumby's loving bosom or pocket.   His favorite sak, ever.

Course the 84mm Tinker as depicted is out of focus, since even the 8mm Rokinon can't focus down to 10cm.  But that's OK because the identity of Crumby's restored Tinker needs to be protected anyway.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Wenger Clipper AT

The AT stands for Air Travel.  What that means is, this Clipper features the fine screwdriver tool instead of the small knife.  So theoretically, the AT Clipper can go on airplanes in your pocket.  Since it lacks an actual knife blade.

Crumby purchased this knife because he wanted to try out the nail clipper.  He has.  It's  not much count.  For it to cut at all,  one must make tiny little piecemeal  efforts.  And that's all I am fixing to say.  Because nail cutting, toe nails in particular,  is even more disgusting than nose picking.