Saturday, December 02, 2017

Canis latrans

Like Ray said we have a second canid visitor to the CB in addition to gray fox.  Now we have coyote.  This particular coyote.

Today our coyote answered the question, Can coyotes jump the fence?, by clearing the fence in a prodigious, flat-footed, seemingly effortless leap.  In the second picture, coyote is enjoying a nice cool drink.  It hasn't rained in weeks so our water bucket is probably one of the few reliable water sources to be found in these typically parched parts.

These days we only have one pet, a cat.  Somehow that cat knows when coyote is about.  He freaks out, assuming, that coyote is fixing to get in the house and eat him.

Friday, December 01, 2017

Happy Birthday Ray!

For the many who follow the Julian, Ray is now 70 years old.  He made it somehow, barely.  Yet lately he has become even more afflicted by the symptoms of severe cervical stenosis which occurs in the necks of the elderly, not areas near the general vicinity of pussies as Ray once thought.  Nevertheless, Ray soldiers on for the Goddess.  Maybe an upcoming shot in the neck will help with the pain.  Maybe not.

Yes.   Life at the CB continues as this tiny planet, Earth, which entirely includes the CB, hurtles through space just like usual.  Yet even at the old CB new shit can happen.  For example, twice now recently we have espied a solitary coyote in the backyard.  Ray must say,  seeing a coyote in the backyard is pretty dang surprising. That coyote is quick.  They are quick and nervous canids.  Hopefully it will come back this spring and eat the dang pestilential white-tails, babies included.

Oh!  And we have  a kayak.  Ray may go and have a paddle today, to celebrate his birthday, Goddess willing.