Sunday, June 30, 2019

Barton Creek Actually Has Plenty of Water, And It's Almost, July

Dragonhunter on Barton Creek, last Friday just east of the Mopac Bridge.


Darners in the Woods

Ray got really pissed off at this venue the last time he tried to publish.  That's why Ray hasn't been here for a while.  Quite a long while.

Yet Ray and me, despite many brutal infirmities or afflictions,  have been spry enough to ferret out 14 lifer Odos just this year.  One of these lifers, was ferreted or weaseled out in the very county, Travis, wherein sits the old CB.  In fact, this particular lifer dwelt for a time in a vernal pool situated not a quarter mile from the CB.  Yes.  We have been confining our Odonating to nearby haunts except for out of county jaunts.   So both these, the lifer turquoise-tipped darner and the swamp darner (found yesterday) (note the dinged eyeball) (it's a tough neighborhood) are our darners in the woods.