Friday, December 30, 2016

Four Victorinox Orange Peeler Blades Together

After many moons, much mental anguish, suffering or turmoil, Crumby has at last acquired the smooth orange peeler, the initial iteration of that semi-important Victorinox tool.  Here it is depicted with the three later iterations.  There is, alas, a fourth iteration, that lacks the gut hook.  Seemingly, someone at Victorinox realized oranges lack guts, and was finally heard over the din of oranges have guts theorists.  Mercy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Solstice

Yes!  Today is a super big pagan holiday.  So the CB wishes all the best to our co-religionists.  Co-religionites?  Hmm.  Anyway, we also hope the multitudes of Christians, Muslims and Jews are enjoying the usual seasonal bouts of incest and cannibalism.

Hey!  Is global warming likely to eventually curb a bunch of the incest and cannibalism that transpires disproportionately in the cold and dark?  No.  Because it's about the day length, stupid.  

Monday, December 05, 2016


So whut's goin' on?  i thought this was to be the oral sex year.  But so far!