Friday, May 08, 2015

Rayetta's Butterflies

Remarkably, another new hairstreak turned up yesterday for documentation.  This one is the northern oak hairstreak, (Satyrium favonius ontario).  At this very nonce, the CB features five hairstreak species.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Rayetta's Butterflies

Today the CB featured the first documented occurrence of the soapberry hairstreak (Phaeostrymon alcestis).  We don't have any soapberrys at the CB, but there are a few nearby.  This particular hairstreak is nectaring on (Hymenopappus scabiosaeus), also hanging with other hairstreaks, gray and banded.  We are still plodding toward our 100th documented butterfly species at the CB, at around 92 spp.