Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Even more Orange Shadowdragons

Yesterday morning Ray headed over to the aptly named Town Lake for another pre-sunup photo shoot with the always elusive shadowdragons.  The place was already swarming with litterbugs, I mean fisherman, but Ray was undeterred and paddled off anyway.  He succeeded in getting one pretty good shot.  Once the sun was up Ray paddled on down to the Mopac bridge, then back, to see what else might be flying.  Oddly, he espied only one dragonhunter.  Where did they all go?  Then there was a jade clubtail,  Ray's second in Travis County, and one river cruiser, probably a royal.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

More Orange Shadowdragons

This year there have still been plenty of shadowdragons on Town Lake, but they still don't care to have their pictures took. I mean taken.  So when I try to take their pictures, it's nearly dark and they are flying around really fast and really erratically.  I mean, like, Jeez Louise.  Which means I have to use flash, no burst mode option.  Hep me Jesus!

Best efforts this year.  In the second picture, it has caught something to eat.