Monday, October 31, 2005

Ray's Thought for Samuin

These spells may be hit or miss for a short while, it's the high holidays don't you know? Thank goodness the liars and gluttons didn't guzzle up everything and there's still enough left for us to celebrate. Be safe and full of fun for Samuin, if we both know you and like you.

Oh yeah. The christocapitalists sure have commercialized this holiday in an odd way, have they not?

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Raymone's Word du Jour

From the wisdom of Ms. Merriam Webster:

shill n. one who acts as a decoy (as for a pitchman or gambler)

So if Monsieur Ray was over at the Farmer's Market, hawking herbal remidies, and I, Raymone purchased a herbal remedy and testifed in public as to its efficacy, I would be Ray's shill if Ray and I had arranged the whole show beforehand.

In the broadest context we Druids can imagine for the spell, shill, drawing a salary from a corporate sponsor would suffice to earn the title, shill, because working for a corporation, and taking the money, implies endorsement of the corporation and its products/actions. The Druids suppose, that almost everyone is a shill in that sense. The options open to the worker wishing to both draw a salary for a protracted period of time beyond the limbo of probationary status from a corporate sponsor include the same processes that are identified under NEPA for impacts to the environment; to whit, avoid, minimize and mitigate for, being a shill.

RGVECB's Thought for the Day - Totems

After reviewing the previous "Thought for the Day", Ray's, which he actually had in the very wee-est of the hours this morning, we have collectively decided that his thought is not sufficiently Druidic. So we have decided to use Ray's thought in a lesson. To review Ray's thought it will be necessary to pan south, because as you may or may not know, this topic reads from the bottom up, mostly. In the instance of this thought and Ray's previous thought, bottom up reading is a definite requirement for proper cogitation. (Note: There is no such spell as cogitude, but cogitude should be a spell. Therefore, it now is a spell, and we should all have a cogitude for the upcomin').


The troubling aspect of Ray's thought involves our concept of totemism. As you know, totems are very important in Druidism. Transmigration of form, in dream and vision, connects Druids with the WG and reinforces a fundamental principle of our religion: that all life is intrinsically important unto itself, the single thread, biotic connectivity, from which all else follows.

So..... why is what Ray spelled troubling? Easy that, maybe.

Ray's intent was to satirize gluttony and the headlong rush to transform the Texas landscape into a landscape imitative of the Middle East. But why did Ray feel obliged to include the Golden-cheeked Warbler (gcw) in the spell? The gcw is not, so far as we know, one of Ray's personal totems, so his thread to the gcw is general, but not specific. Of course, a great many little wonders were lost to this sphere on account of that particular house, and some of those may have included a Ray totem or two, but Ray doesn't mention those. Curious.

So we now come to the nub of the gist, as it were, the totem lie, a very bad lie, indeed. The totem lie shifts our focus on the human environment from our actions with repsect to the human envrironment on to, of all things, specific animals and sometimes plants; thus, the globe is treated to the "killing endangered species jokes" that have become so tediously familiar. And the reason people can not achieve some ambition, always in the proximal sense involving monetary gain, is an animal or sometimes a plant standing in the way of progress. So for some, these totem animals, or sometimes plants, become symbols (totems) for derision and the mechanism for promoting that derision is to contrast the needs and goals of people with the in situ recalcitrance of an animal or plant and its habitat. But of course, the target of this derision, since they are largely impervious to such, is not the animal or sometimes plant totem, but the people who have adopted these totems as symbols for their vision of the human environment.

With this in mind, how should Ray's satire be viewed? We have some obvious in yer face gluttony on display, and this contrasted with the upslope woodland which does happen to be part of a preserve temporarily set aside as habitat for the gcw. Both the house and the woodland are aspects of the human environment. Possibly the house was so located and its value increased due to the woodland backdrop. But the house, and many more similar to it, are the trend in the human environment while the woodland is trending towards oblivion.

Ask yourself, is it time to dispense with nature altogether, and dwell in a human environment with only human commensals and human parasites for company?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ray's Thought for Yesterday - Zeroscaping the Golden-cheeked Warbler Habitat

Jeez Louise!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Red's Thought for the Day - Patrick Fitzgerald

Apparently, this boy has had some trainin'. He has the Druid take on lyin', fer sure.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Red's Thought for the Day - Harriet Miers

Maybe she didn't want to be on the Supreme Court anyway. I hope that's how she feels about it and I wish that she'd come out and say something like, "Well, I didn't want to be on that old Supreme Court anyway. That, as a a matter of fact, or something like that, would be refreshing to hear, especially if true.

We at RGVECB are beginning to see that a very great many people be so tranked on lies and gluttony and turned so savage that there be simply no way we can do business, with 'em. The WG can settle with 'em at Her leisure and we are goin into self-defense mode.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day - The World Series

I, Ray have not watched the World Series in a few years. In the old days I was a great fan of the game, but I lost interest for lotsa reasons. But tonight I'm fixin' to watch some of the game, probably with the sound off, because Tim McCarver is one of the reasons I gave up on baseball to begin with. Funny. I liked Tim when he was a catcher for the Cards, but back then I didn't have to listen to 'em. Well, let's go see if it's four and out for the 'stros.

Yepper, 4 and out!

More about Monkeys

Morocco offers US monkeys to detonate mine

RABAT, D.C., Morocco, March 24 (UPI) -- A Moroccan publication accused the government Monday of providing unusual assistance to U.S. troops fighting in Iraq by offering them 2,000 monkeys trained in detonating land mines.

The weekly al-Usbu' al-Siyassi reported that Morocco offered the U.S. forces a large number of monkeys, some from Morocco's Atlas Mountains and others imported, to use them for detonating land mines planted by the Iraqis.

The publication quoted a highly-informed source as saying, "that is not a scientific illusion but a well-known military tactic."


1) Is this reliable information?

2) Does it make you nervous?

3) Is this a well-known military tactic, and if so, by which militaries?

4) How does one go about training monkeys to detonate land mines, reckon?

That's 4 for the CO.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Simple Matter of Three Negra Modelos

Dad gum it. I, Ray thought I was about ready to make a come back, but I just now accidentally deleted a four paragraph epistle that would have made history. Shit and shinola. I caint remember a dad gum bit of it. Dern it.

All righty then. It's back at ye Rayetta. Happy birhtday Jeanne.

Okie Dokie Ray. But you know I have other stuff to do besides yer chores. Don't you? I'm startin' to think you and the Crumby Ovate are malingerin'. Do you know what malingerin' is Ray? Horseshoe tossin' might be considered by some as malingerin'.

No way! Horseshoes clears our noggins, Rayetta. We'll be fit as ever, anon.

You will eh. And how come is it Ray, that ever' time the CO goes psycho, you do too? Personally, I think that's just a tad convenient, especially in lieu of all the horseshoe tossin' that's been goin' on. Perhaps it's time to get back to work or have a nice enema or two. How would you like a nice enema or two?

Well, maybe, maybe not. I'll have to dwell on that. What about the CO? Does he get enemas too?

Oh yes, Ray. The twain of you will get the enemas, both you and the Crumby Ovate, and the circumstances surronding those enemas could be rather public.

They could.

Yepper, they could.

Look Rayetta. I don't see this as the right venue for this kind of spellin'. I mean it's not really nice and all. And it's well, undignified. I'm the oldest and you shouldn't be pickin' at me like this just because you think yer so smart.

We'll see Ray. We'll just have to see, anon.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Monkeys (pre-Druidic thinking)

One of the more interesting disproofs of evolution I have been subjected to is that all evidence of evolution is a deception perpetrated by Beezlebub to deceive me and/or test my faith. This is interesting to me because when I hear this line of reasoning, I start seeing monkeys everywhere. Clearly, Beezlebub must have a grip on me. The very first monkey I always see is a male proboscis monkey sitting in a boat and he (the monkey) has an erection. I think I once saw this picture in a book and it has stuck with me. But then I see other monkeys and dwell on how similar they look and act as compared to Proto and Homo sapiens.

But if god created everything like some say, I don't think it's fair that he created monkeys and allows Beezlebub to use the monkeys to deceive me and test my faith. It's just not fair.

from "Pablomatic, The Early Years"

Rayetta's Thought for the Day

The Crumby Ovate tell me he feels like he is working for crooks.
And this is not one of his panic attacks talking either. It is a feeling of unease that has clouded his noggin for many, many moons. Too bad for the CO. Well, here we go, up against the wall, again.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The LDR Publishes the Day's Thought # 2

Since I was in here anyway, I decided to spell yet again.

Tonight I am a little grumpy. First, because everyone else around here is down at the mouth except Lulu and Raymone. Lulu is too busy to be grumpy and nobody knows where Raymone is. Then too I accidentally saw that idiot Charles Schumer on TV. Here we have the most venal (hmmmmmm, actually, venal does not begin to do justice to the little king Bushnoid's life and times) government of my lifetime and the oppostion party features the likes of Senator Schumer on TV. I mean really, no one with a lick of sense could have believed that a tribal society operating with one foot in the 14th century had managed to manufacture nuclear, chemical and biological weapons not to mention stockpile lotsa them while at the same time, coincidentally, being bombed on a regular schedule by the Angloamericans. Plus Iraq hasn't had an air force since Iraq War iteration the first. Yet here is Charles telling me once again that he really believed Saddam was fixing to kill us all, and that given everything he knows now, Charles would vote to go to war again.

No wonder half the people don't vote. Why take the trouble to vote for an idiot who's going to sit on every whoopee cushion and shake evey hand buzzer that comes his way?

So............ I, the LDR have a solution. The real problem is not idiots in politics. The real problem in politics is the liars and gluttons that manipulate and spook the idiots. My solution is simple and might even be technologically possible. I betcha lyin' and gluttony both produce detectable physiological changes in every humanoid. In fact, maybe Lomo could design an implant or perhaps a collar, that could be fitted on to every humanoid and would administer a very painful electric shock whenever it detected lyin' and gluttony. Think of the benefits to mankind that would result. No more lard asses comes immeditately to mind.

One of Rayetta's Many Thoughts for the Day

This is very pretty. Lipstick sage (Salvia regla) at RGVECB. These are supposed to be, as you might expect if you had the proper upbringing, very popular with hummingbirds. But we are well along toward Samuin and the hummingbirds have headed south. In these parts, lipstick sage is a late fall bloomer. C&J allows that in its usual haunts, the mountains of northern Mexico, it blooms June-Sept. Here it waits til things cool off a bit, although it sometimes blooms a little in those months too.

Also, lipstick sage appear to be short-lived, as compared to other perennial shrubs. Our original ones have long since died off and these were propagated from cuttings. Go figure on that!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Rayetta's Commentary on Cuhulian Wastes Away

Hmmm. What the heck was Red trying to tell us in the preceeding? Generally speaking, the old knucklehead's stories have a moral, but this one is very confusing, to me. I'll have to ask Ray about Cuhulian if he ever.........Wait a minute. Ray is acting just like Cu did after Cu couldn't kill those birds for Eithne. Yepper, I undertand now.

Pwyll Prince of Dyfed, don't you know, had an experience similar to Cu's. Only he went out hunting deer instead of chasing birds and wound up spending a whole year with the Queen of Annwn and slept with her every night of that year and never laid a hand on her. Pwyll wasn't even married so if he had known the queen in the usual way in bed he would have only been fornicating and not even committing adultery. Wait a minute. The queen was married so she would have been committing adultery, but Pwyll was not married so he would have only been fornicating. Is that correct? Well, it's not important.

The important point is that the Queen of Annwn was supposedly very confused by all this because Pwyll had been shape shifted to look exactly like her real husband Arawn and there he was snoring and snarking away in bed next to her for a whole year like some old dog that's used to sleeping with the people. Now let's see, is this worse or better than what Eithne had to put up with?

Another interesting point is that the Queen of Annwn is never named in these old spells. The King of Annwn has a name, Arawn, but the queen doesn't. Yet everyone knows who the real boss is in Arawn and also that She wouldn't put up with such Tom foolery as Pwyll's, and Arawn's for that matter, for a minute if such Tom foolery didn't serve Her fancy. I see in both these stories much heresy, but less heresy in Cu Wastes Away than in Pwyll Prince of Dyfed.

I could have more to say on this subtopic anon, maybe.

the LDR

Cuhulian Wastes Away (concluded)

Cuhulian and Eithne were lovers
Goddess how they could love
Said they'd be true to each other
True as the stars above

He was her man
But he was doin' her wrong!

Eithne got wind of what Cu was up to with this Banshee Fand and also got wind of the tryst to be at Ibor Cind Trachta. At first she considered killin' both Cu and Fand, but after some reflection' on the prospect of actually killin' Cu and how hard that might be for lotsa reasons, Eithne decided she would just kill Fand, but that might be hard too, killin' a Banshee queen. Nevertheless, this humiliation could not be suffered without payback, so ultimately Eithne enlisted 50 of her girlfriends to help her go kill Fand. After that was accomplished she would think up some payback fer Cu if he didn't return to Eithne and her way of thinkin' agin. She figured 50 of her girlfriends might be enough and these 50 were all tough girls who had undergone some trainin' and some of them were battle hardened and experienced killers and one of them had just recently beat a no 'count boyfriend to death with a skillet.

So one fine day Eithne marshalled the 50 girlfriends and off they went hikin' to the seashore to kill Fand at Ibor Cind Trachta. Cu and Loeg and Fand were out that day at the seashore. Cu and Loeg were sittin' in the chariot enjoyin' a game of checkers and Fand was gazing about the landscape wonderin' why Loeg was along and why Cu and Loeg were playin' checkers when down the beach a ways she espied a great crowd of women and among them Eithne, and they were headed her way. "Uh oh", thought Fand.

"Loeg and Cu! Yonder comes a great crowd of women with gold on their chests and knives er razors in their fists and Eithne among them and they appear aggravated!"

But Cu hollered out, "Get up here in the chariot and I'll protect you, fer these women, no matter how many, are scared of me, fer sure."

Then Eithne cried out "You loved me once, why are goin' off with that Banshee?"

"I am goin' off with her because she is really clever and purty and she has lots of livestock" hollered Cu.

"But I have all that too. Ye know what I think, I think ye will tire of her anon, just as ye tired of me".

Then Cu was ashamed of hisself and he felt sorry for Eithne 'cause she was cryin'and ashamed of what he had done to her and Cu was generally embarrased by the circumstance of standin' in a chariot wavin' his spear around at a bunch of women and hollerin' at 'em.

So Cu said "I'm fairly sorry about all this and I'll come on back home with you, Eithne."

At this Fand began to cry in her turn and said she would go off somewheres else and not bother them any more.

Then, lo and behold, Fand's husband showed up and no one could see him but Fand on account of his being invisible to the eyes of mere mortals, and Fand began conversing with her husband and everyone present assumed she was havin' a panic attack or had gone crazy over losin' Cu, except Loeg who paid careful attention to her commentary in case he was required to report on her commentary, later.

So Fand, tactfully informed her husband that she would rather stay with Cu, but Cu didn't want her any more, so........"I'll just go along home with you now dear husband." which is what Fand did do.

After a minute Cu thought to look around for Fand, and not seeing her anywhere asked Loeg, "Where'd Fand get off to?"

"Easy that, she's gone off somewheres with her husband, Manandan the sea god."

Hearing this, Cu was beside himself with aggrievement, so to compensate for the loss of Fand he performed three prodigious high and three prodigious fer leaps and eventually bounded off into the mountains.

Still, Eithne couldn't give up on Cu. So she went to ol' Conchubur and told him all that had happened and begged Conchubur to do something to save Cu and reminded Conchubur of all the past service Cu had provided Conchubur and pleaded that Cu was now demented and likely to die of thirst or jump off a cliff in his aggrieved state.

"Hep 'em" Conchubur, "hep Cu" Eithne pleaded.

So Conchubur ordered all us Druids to go find Cu and effect a cure on 'em. It took us a while to track 'em down and he was hard to catch fer he had taken up with a flock of rooks and as they flew from tree to tree he would leap along with 'em. But Cathub finally sang him down to the ground to where we could get some ropes on 'em. Once we had him trussed up so he couldn't kill us, we forced a gallon er two of Dolmen Extra Stout down 'em that was spelled with forgetfulness and we give some of it to Eithne too, so she'd ferget all this as well. Some say also that Manandan waved his cloak between Fand and Cu so that they'd neer see one t'other agin. Mebbe that's so, fer Cu never espied Fand agin in that iteration, but as to Manandan and his cloak, the Druids don't go there.

Eithne got her man back and the two of them stayed together fer awhile and sometimes she was safe and happy and sometimes she warn't so safe and happy, fer Cu could never escape from bein' a sun god, almost.

The end in so far as there be ends.

Red Ears

Rayetta's Thought for the Day

Reflections on personal honor have so upset the boys that they have been rendered incapable of spelling. This is a common enough among Druids because of our long tradition of comitting to memory instead of spelling, but contradicts our newly formulated policy on evangelism. In any event, I, Rayetta will have to take over for Ray for the time being, until Ray and the boys can resolve some personal issues.

So, that settled to my satisfaction, today I will be o'pining, as our shriveled up little king would say, on the subtopic:

Rising above it All

There is a theory that given certain strictures, like for example a constitution, individuals can be constrained within the constitution to behave in certain ways that they would normally not behave, perhaps. Example: Most of us presume that John Roberts, our new head Supreme Court Justice, will base all his decisions on the constitution. Some of us also hope that he will not legislate from the bench, although most of us don't know or care or understand about that.

The great issue of this time, that some believe resulted from "legislation from the bench" was Roe vs. Wade. In that particular case the judges allowed that women should have the right to abort their pregancies if they wanted to. Since this decision became the law of the land, without ever having been voted on, or approved by a 2/3 majority in both the house and senate, or passed by the state legislatures, or put to a general vote of the vox populi, it was indeed perhaps, de facto "legislation from the bench".

Now we have two questions here. Is abortion good or bad?, and cobbled on to that, Is abortion constitutional? As to whether an abortion is good or bad, I would presume to say that one should ask oneself, am I safe and happy enough to raise a baby and what are its prospects going forward. As to, Is abortion constitutional?, perhaps we should put it to a vote. Let's have a direct vote on the subtopic, should the right to have an abortion be the law of the land and stick with the outcome of that vote. A court reversal might just be interpreted as more "legislation from the bench".

But all that's not really my thought for the day. My actual thought for the day concerns mere mortals and the law of the land and the potential of indivduals to "rise above it all". It is contended by some, and being a Druidess, I could hardly disagree, that disciplined strictural study of a particular subtopic allows one to become such an expert on that subtopic and so devoted to that subtopic that decisions made with regard to that subtopic are made independently of biological and cultural influences. Scientists, the honest ones anyway, do this all the time. But the crocodile tears pouring from the "intellectual" conservatives indicate their belief that Harriet Meirs has not practiced a disciplined strictural study of the constitution and may as a result of her lack of focus on constitutional law be swayed by whimsy to vote this way or that on important cases. Moreover, they are probably correct in this assessment since she does appear, from her public pronouncements and writings, a silly character and a suck-up to boot. So score one for the intellectual conservatives. (You have no idea how hard it is for me to spell "intellectual conservative").

Let's contrast all this conservative intellectual high-mindedness regarding appointments to the highest court in the land with conservative intellectual solicitude for one of their associates on the right who serves as a bulwhark for class privilege, Tom Delay. Mr. Delay has indicated that he can't get a fair trial if the judge is a Democrat. Which means that the obverse is also true, that if the judge is a Republican, Tom feels he will get a fair trial. This being the case, perhaps the intellectual conservatives, considering the formerly high station of Mr. Delay, and his potential future usefulness to them, might consider imposing a surety of some stricture at every level of the judiciary, no matter how lowly, even traffic court. I certainly would want my judge in traffic court to know all about, and be focused on, all the nuances of traffic law and not on my religion, politics, race or class.

One can not have it both ways and remain honest. It is simply immoral to advance a high premise on the one hand and with the other, to promote a take no prisoners political agenda as a universal good. And that is precisely what the intellectual conservatives are doing, by winking at the politicization of every public position, except supreme court justice, maybe.

Finally, if you have not noticed, spelling stricture and constitution together is rather comical. To whit: Due to an abnormal narrowing of the sphincter the constitution of the intellectual conservative began to fail.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

This is not the time or the place for thought. Perhaps, another time or place.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

King Ranch bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum)

This introduced grass, supposedly native to central and east Asia, is, next to impacts from lyin' and gluttony, the greatest threat to the native herbaceous flora of central Texas. Here's a bit of it outlined by one meter length, homemade, PVC wands. If ye arrange the wands thusly, ye obtain a one meter square. So ye might say then, ye have a square meter, or even, yea verily, a meter square. How many meter wands are required to make a square? Four!.

But can one use these particular wands to insure that all the school children will have a bathroom to go to when school opens every year? Poor little school children, the engineers workin' on the school improvements forgot to get the bathroom poopy lines done up in time for school to start. Where ever can the poor little chitlins lay their skitters. Those bad engineers.

So, by way of summary, KR bluestem and incogitant sewage facilities are two good reasons not to move to central Texas and two good reasons to move away if you are already here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Cuhulian Wastes Away (Continued)

Cu and Fand hit it off straight away due to a commonality of interests, chief among these bein' poetry and killin' folk. The both of them, that is Cu and Fand were poets of modest fame and killers too, so they were not just puttin' on airs, either. Into the night they visited and spoke poetry one to another and enjoyed also several bottles of ginger mead. Eventually all the poetry and visitin' in verse and some actin out of the verse, (for example, if Cu's poem involved killin' he would act out the killin' while spellin' the verse), worked up good appetites in the twain of them, both Fand and Cu. Anon they took a break from the poetry and ginger mead drinkin' to have supper. The supper they et up was tomato bisque soup, broiled brook trout, greens sauteed with garlic and butter, scalloped potatoes and sour dough buns and all of it was delicious.

Supper concluded Fand allowed that a Banshee king friend that she was currently livng with was havin' lotsa problems with a rival Banshee king. This particular troublesome Banshee king was given over to rustlin' and was otherwise discourteous and loutish in every manner possible. And such a loathsome character did Fand describe of him, this particular Banshee king, that Cu immediately began to hate his guts. Also, Fand described in much detail the depradations of this Banshee king and the 3000 odd host of rascals that ran with him. So when Fand further suggested that Cu could win great honor and much else besides, for example, a cuddle er two with Fand herself, if Cu would rid Fand and her friend of this particular Banshee king, Cu agreed most heartily to undertake just that.

Now we need to back off and examine the situation. Here we have a married man, only lately recovered from a debilitating sickness of more than a year's duration, besotted with mead, poetry and a delicious supper, promising to single-handedly take on 3001 hardened rascals. And what does he get out of it? --- a cuddle er two with a married woman who is not living with her husband, but with a boyfriend. Well, stranger things have happened. So after performing some ablutions Cu did indeed set out through the faerie landscape to find the troublesome Banshee king and the 3000 rustlin' rascals and put an end to him, and them.

Sure enough after a great while or a good while or only a short while, maybe, Cu indeed encountered the Banshee king and associated rascals. Espying the Banshee king from a ways off and espyin that the Banshee king's back was turned, Cu chucked a spear at 'em and kilt that rascal dead. Then he kilt 30 more rascals and that just warmed him up good. Cu worked a great slaughter on the rustlers that day and collected so many heads that he had to hire portage back to the tourist court fer 'em. This is the manner of the portage. Two wagons pulled by two oxen per wagon, makin' four total ox were loaded up with all the heads Cu had cut off. Still, there were so many heads in the bed of the wagon that many of those heads, the ones riding on top appeared to be peeping out over the wagon side panels.

Fand's boy friend, seeing that his enemies were dispatched from their heads, felt great about the way things were going and courteously left the tourist court, leaving Fand and Cu to disport themsleves at their leisure which they did do for two full cycles of the moon. Then Cu finally decided he needed to get some exercise of the walkin' around sort and chariot ridin' sort so they parted fer awhile, but agreed to meet up at Ibor Cind Trachta, another Banshee owned and operated tourist court, but this tourist court was located on the sea shore facin' Alba.

to be continued by

Red Ears

Ray's Thought for the Day

Panic attacks are cathartic, maybe. Certainly, panic attacks are purgative, maybe. There is at least one spell in the common parlance that implies the purgative quality of panic attacks.

Which would you rather be, scared shitless, or safe and happy and full of it?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Plants. Aggravatin' that I still collect some. At least I don't collect Polypremum procumbens anymore.

But here's what I did collect.

Cyperus erythrorhizos

Echinochloa walteri

Cryptantha texana (that I kept thinking was a heliotrope)

Trichostema brachiatum

and one other one that I am embarrassed about.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Cuhulian Wastes Away (continued)

Cu sat in the great hall (greater by far than Conchubur's place in Emuin Machae) fer what might have been a great while or a good while or even a short while, and all that time Cu got to watch the various shows and acts to his heart's content with no interruptions. And at last, based on his own personal observations he felt he understood how dogs throw their barks and he no longer felt aggrieved by or fearful of ventriloquist dogs. Also, the topless clog dancers periodically tapping by with a fresh Dolmen er two was a nice touch. So Cu was, for the nonce, happy and contented.

But then he felt a hand on his shoulder that indeed spanned his neck and fetched up on the other shoulder. Cu afelt the hand all right and craned about to look at the owner of this prodigious hand, that this prodigious hand was attached thereto, and Cu espied Gog, or substantial parts thereof.

"Unhand me varlot, or verily my distemper will come upon me and then we shall see who handles whom!" Cu yelped.

"All righty then young pup, course I will unhand ye fer the sake of Ms. Fand who be expectin' ye anon and don't hold with scrappin' in the lobby. We ken, save it fer later." (Note: In the old versions of all these mysteries, the sun god, represented here by Cu, and the male surrogate of the WG, here represented by Gog, would fight to the death and the sun god would always win, always. It's a cyclical thing with the sun god replacin' the wore out old boyfriend of the WG, only to be replaced later on, in his turn. But Gog is special, and besides, Cu, as we shall soon see, does not quite matriculate). So all the fightin' that amounted to, was some arm froggin' on the way to Ms. Fand's parlor. This was the manner of the arm froggin'. First Gog frogged Cu such a blow that all the dogs in Ulster howled at once. Then Cu frogged Gog such a blow that the leaves on all the trees in Ulster turned colour. But then they, the twain of them, both Gog and Cu arrived at Ms. Fand's parlor, and the both of them thinking "Owwwwww", but not saying it out loud.

"Beggin' yer pardon Ms. Fand, this be the Hound, as it were, that ye requested be brought to yer attention, or Setanta as he may preferred to be called.", Gog stated by way of introduction to Ms. Fand, the important Banshee queen. Then Gog politely turned to Cu and explained, "Setanta, this be Ms. Fand, the important Banshee queen that has requested yer companionship. Now by yer leave I shall embark on other trials and tribulations". Then Gog winked at Cu and by way of a departing shot allowed, "Don't do nothin', I aint already!"

But Cu was not hearing or seeing any of that. He was done spelled by Ms. Fand and on his way to further adventure. Nor did Cu reckon much when Eithne hollered out, "Don't go!", fer she was a long ways off.

to be continued by

Red Ears

Ray's Thought for the Day

I, Ray have lost my nerve, due to one panic attack too many.


Yepper. One too many. And ye may not think so, but it takes quite a lot to spook me; but matters of personal honor, in conflict with my religion will do it every time. Self interest in conflict with personal honor and/or my religion will do it too. And all three (personal honor, self interest and religion) are at the root of that panic attack that got my attention in the not so wee hours this morning. So I have, from being so badly spooked, done some fairly serious temporary editing here on this topic "Red's Good Vs. Evil Cow Barn".

The Crumby Ovate has a plan though. So far it's not a great plan, but as RS says, "There's always Hope." Coincidentally, Hope is also the name of one of the COs old girlfriends.

To whit:

Yippee. Druid Environmental shall return anon, much like unto, a phoenix, or even much as a bad penny, but in a different format than of old, maybe.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

See here some King Ranch bluestem that attempted to invade RGVECB. Now it's on the first step of a journey to the dump to help fill up a landfill.

Why don't you compost it Ray? Easy that.

1) Ye caint kill the seeds by composting.

2) Ye need lots of organic material at the dump. Because in a great while it will all turn into oil.

Cuhulian Wastes Away (continued)

The Red and Green ladies pretty much took charge of the snuffling and enfeebled Cu, negotiating a nice suite for him at the tourist court, making sure he was all comfy, providing him this and that and workin' a little magic, on 'em. Then they put him to sleep with the foretelling "Ye'll be all well in the mornin' an' ready fer a big day." And that is precisely what was to happen.

Next day bright and early the Red and Green ladies arrived right after Cu had performed his ablutions and they had breakfast and some instructions, fer 'em. The breakfast was whole wheat toast, ham and eggs fried up in the ham fat, grits and sliced tomatoes. There was also plenty of coffee and and cold milk to wash it down with along with some ginger bread and blueberries for dessert.

Then once Cu had broken fast sufficiently to pay attention, the twain ladies in red and green began instructing Cu on what he would do next if he knew what was good, fer 'em. " Now Cu, pay attention and don't chew with yer mouth open no matter what ye hear. Understand!"

"Um hm."

"All righty then. Down several hallways in this labyrinth of a tourist court ye will come to a great hall. And in that hall ye will see three fifties of divans and three fiftes of nubile maidens disporting on those divans. Ye will cool yer heels there in that hall until Gog turns up. He is supposed to take ye to a parlor off'n the hall to see the most beautiful lady in these parts so perhaps ye can restrain yerself with the 150 nubile maidens fer a half hour, if'n ye know that. If Gog gives ye any trouble go into yer rage and he'll back off, maybe. This lady yer going to meet goes by Fand. She is a Banshee queen and likes poetry. So much will we tell thee."

Then the two ladies, with never a by yer leave, changed their formats into the formats of birds and flew out the window.

"Whoa." Thought Cu. "Them two is not to be trifled with."

But Cu was revived and could not help also thinking. "It's a wonder they didn't crap all over everthing."

After awhile, and having completed his post breakfast abutions, Cu wandered off to explore the tourist court labyrinth and to see if he could find the hall with all the divans and maidens because he was surpassin' curious to see all that. And once he fetched up at the hall, Cu wasn't disappointed, for not only were there 3x50 maidens, some of them performing topless clog dancin', but the very same ventriloquist dogs that Cu had been keenly observin' at the Samuin picnic were also present and they were performin' too. So Cu settled on to one of the 3x50 divans, to watch the entertainment and await the arrival of Gog.

to be continued by,

Red Ears

RGVECB on a Bill Moyers Reflection

"Many had a hand in strangling the Green Revolution", in what passes for a daily newspaper in these parts, October 16, '05, Insight section.

Seems like Bill and Ray had similar thoughts yesterday. Not surprising that, since the war for and against the WG is one of the main themes of this topic. A quote from Bill's article:

If the Green Revolution is a bloody pulp today, it is not just because the environmental movement mugged itself. It is because the corporate, political and religious right ganged up on it in the back alleys of power. Big companies fund a relentless assault on green values and policies. Political ideologues launch countless campaigns to strip from government all its functions except those that reward their rich benefactors.

This is fairly accurate. However, we should not overlook the effort made by some in the corporate world to appear green (public relations). The picture just to the south indicates a vehicle donated by one of our automobile manufacturers to one of our environmental groups and was taken at the "hand over the keys" festivities a winter or two ago.

Yep, ganged up on. Every project that comes along is so important to someone rich that it needs to be expedited, and the rules need to be bent and there is something so crucial to that particular project that western civilization hangs in the balance. For example, "If you don't immediately bless our waste water line, children won't be able to go to the bathroom when school opens." The lady engineer simpered. And the developer and his consultant and the rest of the engineers in the room agreed or stared with concerned, sad expressions on their faces. Jeez Louise.

Meantime, in these parts, all these expedited projects especally the big ones (and everyone of them is crucial to the survival of western civilization as we know it) are often, probably usually, financed by foreign capital and constructed with foreign labor, mostly at a wage of $9.00 per hour or less, way less, maybe. Do you think this is what is happening in New Orleans right now?

Maybe, in the end, it will come down to the liars and gluttons versus the WG. Yikes!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Seymeria texana

For a bunch of reasons, wild snapdragons are becoming scarce in these parts. This one has always been rare, or else overlooked, and that seems unlikely. It's colonial (as you can see) and allegedly partially parasitic (as you can't see). This colony is on Bullick Hollow Road in western Travis County. So far as we know, this species has no common name. What can ye infer from that?

Ray's Thought for the Day

Jeez Louise. Carl Pope is after us fer a donation to save the Endangered Species Act again. Near as I can tell, the only parts of the Act that would be retained under the revised edition promoted by House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo (R-CA) would be the parts where all the government biologists get to keep their jobs, maybe, until they die off.

Well, I'm sure Red will probably donate somethin'. But how many times can ye go to the same well before it runs dry. Having lost the lyin' war to the developers, so ably represented by Jumbo Pombo and thousands more just like 'em, we once again lower the bucket into the same well, hoping that our sawbuck will persuade Senator Chaffee (R-NH) to spare the Act, one more time.

I do hope lotsa regular people still care about nature, as opposed to golf, but I am afraid that the only people who are involved in the process anymore, are those with a vested financial interest in the process. Or, perhaps private landowners who would like to keep nature around as a hobby will save the little wonders in Texas.

As always though, there is much doubt whether much public access to nature, will ever be affordable in these parts.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Pride Goeth Before a Fall

Lee, the 7 come 11 numerologist caught me in a wish lie the other day. He's good at that. Caught me in the lie as it was comin' out, and almost stopped me before I finished lyin'. A good lesson that was, fer me.

This was the lie I told. Lee read my first name off my work badge and jokingly called me Paul Simon. And I, small talk wise, replied in ignorant and vulgar fashion, "I wish I had his money." This is a total lie since I don't wish I had Paul Simon's money at all. And Lee knew this somehow and called me on it, and his remonstrance indicated just how ignorant and vulgar a remark, mine was.

Lyin' in casual conversation at my age and station. Yikes! There are some people you don't have casual conversations with, and Lee is one of them. Thank the Goddess fer other Druids, besides me.

And the WG did some payback on me for lyin' already and I behaved cravenly in response, so I deserve some payback for that too, anon.

Oh well, Druid trainin' can last awhile, or as the Christians used to say, pride goeth before a fall.

The Crumby Ovate

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Curious spell:

"Nothing discussed here should leave this room."

How do you feel about this spell?

I, Ray appreciate that this spell should engender the precise opposite reaction, maybe. Or perhaps not, if the speller wants ye to march out and spill yer guts. This is another example of a spell that Druids are immune to.

Why? Easy that.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cuhulian Wastes Away (continued)

Prologue to The Second Part

"There is a house in this town
that is where my true love hangs around
and he takes other women up on his knee
and tells 'em tales he won't tell me.

It's hard, it's hard, it's a hard
to love one that never will love you
it's hard it's a hard it's a hard Blodyn
to love one that never will be true."

Cuhuhlian Wastes Away (Recommenced)

Upon a time and upon hearing that he would need to carve a replica of
the chariot tag oghams on an aspen twig, Cu would have, if he was up to
snuff, unleashed such a generalized mayhem on Mr. Gog......and
likely that the tourist court would have also suffered much in the way of
structural damage and that many civilians in the neighborhood would have
been maimed and kilt off collaterally. But on this occasion, due to feelin'
poorly and out of sorts, Cu meekly took the proffered twig, went back
outside, sat down on the cold hard ground in the wet grass behind the
chariot where he would have a good view of the tag and laboriously began to
carve replicas of the tag oghams into the twig. This took awhile. And
due to his feelin' poorly and bein' shaky from the cold and wet and not
bein' able to wear his mittens due to the refinement of the work of
ogham carvin', that same ogham carvin' went south on him and he was about
to give it up and go ask Gog fer another twig to work on, when lo and
behold two ladies sidled up to where Cu was sittin'.

One of the ladies wore a red dress and t'other had on a green 'un, and
they winked at Cu in this manner. The lady in red winked at Cu with
her left eye and the lady in green winked at Cu with her right eye.
Then, both ladies spoke up coincidentally at the same time. "Hello Cu.
Kilt any birds, lately, have ye?"

Then fer the first time since that miserable night of more'n a turn of
the wheel past, Cu recalled the dreadful wet rope whuppin' he took and
remembered well these twain ladies, so that Cu hunkered down even
further in the cold wet grass anticipatin' another similar whuppin'. But
in the process of hunkerin' down, Cu managed to whimper, in response to
the direct question, "No Mams, but I did eat fried chicken a time er
two that Eithne fixed, fer me."

"Whut about dogs, have ye et dogs?"

"Nooooooooooo. No, no, no!"

"All righty then, Cu. We are here to hep ye. So give us that twig and
we will set the oghams in it, fer ye." So Cu handed over his botched
twig and the ladies magicked the oghams onto it fer Cu. Then all three
of 'em, that is the two ladies and Cu, went in to see Gog about getting
Cu a room for the night at the tourist court.

Cuhulian Wastes Away (continued)

Cu indeed raced off after the twain plume birds, afoot, and right swuft was his departure, for he hopped it mighty quick and soon left the pacified crowd, the circus, the picnic and his chariot and chariot driver behind. It be not easy to chase down flyin’ plume birds afoot, but Cu was no mere mortal, but a special model mortal. So he got caught up to the plume birds sufficient to sling at ‘em, but missed and they kept a flyin’ with Cu hard after ‘em and once agin he caught up enou’ to sling at’em, but missed. The chase recommenced,and Cu caught up somewhat and chanced a shot from his bow and arrow, but the arrow naught but grazed the wing of one of the plume birds and they kept on a flyin’.

“Dad gum it. This whole day has been one bad omen after another and now I cain’t even hit these dang birds aflyin.” And Cu began to mull over the days events, but this mulling over only engendered turmoil, noggin-wise.

Fer many moons to the tune of a turn of the wheel, Cu was dumb. In addition, he was much enfeebled by the whuppin’ the twain ladies give ‘em and lay abed much also, so that Eithne spent much of her time managin’, fer Cu .

Then one day, something new actually happened to interrupt this pattern, finally. The manner of the interuption was a Druid with spells sent to the attention of Cu. And these were the spells of the Druid. Cu would go on a trip, meet some new people, make some new friends and altogether have a change of scenery and this would affect a cure, fer ‘em.

And the cure began even prior to the commencement of the adventure for Cu was cured of dumbness then on the spot by the Druid’s recitation, or coincidentally and independent of the Druid’s recitation. But Cu was reluctant, in his weakened state, to assay on such a journey, dumb or nae, so instead, and to gain some time, he sent Loeg in his stead, to determine the lay of the land.

Off Loeg bounced in Cu’s two-seater chariot on his surrogate journey. Now it is well known, and ye can check on this quite easily, the available information on chariot drivers, as opposed to the heroes they drove around, indicates they were most assuredly mere mortals and not likely to figure as the principals in adventures. They were sidekicks, like Sancho Ponza or Little Beaver. But Loeg was, though not keen on personal heroism, a careful observer, duly recording any information that might be pertinent to Cu at a future date.

On this particular surrogate adventure Loeg often felt obliged to make commentary on the absence of Cu. For example, if asked his thoughts on the deportment of 150 divans with 150 nubile maidens disporting on those particular divans, Loeg would reply, “I swan, Cu sure would have something to say (or do) about that if he was here.” While this sort of tact is fairly interesting the first time such invades yer ears, it soon becomes annoying and nowise helpful. So those that kept company with Loeg on his surrogate adventure were unanimously pleased by his departure and longed for the actual adventure and looked forward eagerly to their interactions with the action adventure hero, Cu.

Cu, though still not up to snuff, did indeed, and armed with Loeg’s intelligence gathering information, eventually assay upon the actual adventure despite another, “Don’t go!” from the long-suffering and frustrated Eithne. The initial manner of Cu’s adventure was that he wandered along the same route as Loeg, as instructed to do so by Loeg, until he came upon a particular bodacious tourist court, also indicated by the the advice of Loeg. Cu staggered into the tourist court office, stiff from the near-interminable and bouncy chariot ride and feelin' even less up to snuff than he had felt that mornin' previous to the chariot ride, nauseous in fact. The proprietor of the tourist court, Gog (is one of his many names), and he is huge and conspicuous to look upon for ravens nest in his hair which is like unto a wild briar similar to (Smilax tamnoides) and he keeps a pig tucked under each arm, and he can breathe out any aroma he wishes, and piss cricks and shit hills and swallow a whole lion without chewing first and all kinds of other wonderful stuff he can do, and Gog explained to Cu, "That chariot got a tag? Ye'll need the tag oghams to register. Ye can carve 'em on this here alder twig, fer me."

to be continued by

Red Ears

Ray's Thought for the Day

"She rolled a 7 come 11 and She brought me back home."

All righty then.

A curious spell is voluntary compliance.

How does that spell voluntary compliance, make you feel?

Red is in the process of devinin' an old story anew dredged up from iteration memories. The spell is Cuhulian Wastes Away. This spell could take awhile, maybe.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Cuhulian Wastes Away (continued)

Note: There is a fragment that goes here between this part and the last part of the story that I spelled asleep in the wee hours this mornin' that I have temporarily fergot.

But now here 'tis, inserted.

The incidents that combined to produce the turmoil in Cu, penultimate-like, that fetched him up conked out, whupped and dumb were these. The Ulaid were all out picnicin’ for Samuin which is the fall harvest festival when us pagans thank the Goddess and begin to discern who might need to be switched out in conclusion of that particular turn of the wheel. While the Ulaid were thus engaged, picnicin’, and also observin’ some circus acts, there come a flyin’ a great many birds of a kind that some desire of their plumes fer ornamentations and these birds alit over on the shore of a lake that provided a visually pleasant back drop for the Ulaid picnic.

A great many of the ladies present and some of the gentlemen also begun to dispute about the birds fer they desired the plumage for adornment, but needed to settle on who would actually go out and subdue the birds, and what might be the ultimate distribution of the plumage. Cu was not takin’ part in this dispute because he wanted to be left alone to enjoy a circus act featuring dogs that could throw their barks. Cu was very interested in dogs anyway, and found this apparent capacity in dogs, troubling. “How the heck will I know if the dogs talkin’, to me, if it can throw its bark”, mused Cu.

While Cu was so absorbed, the dispute round about him waxed ever hotter and the Ulaid being long on temper and short on constraint began to spell cynicism, so a generalized panic attack was like to bust up the picnic. And, a generalized panic attack among the Ulaid meant that no one was safe on account of everyone tuckin’ at least a knife or a razor, even the little girls.

Though she was in those days a mere imp, sittin’ on a Dolmen, honin’ her razor and watchin', the presumptive Druidess Lebarcham, intervened to avert the generalized panic attack imperilin’ the plume crazed Ulaid. This is the manner of her intervention. Hippity hopping off the Dolmen she then made her way through the maddenin’ crowd to where Cu sat contemplating the ventriloquist dogs. “Cu”, she hollered, “the Ulaid is about to cut loose, one upon another, if’n ye don’t fetch yonder birds in, fer ‘em.”

“Huh! Why ye little........., I’ll skin ye fer sure, interuptin’ yonder dogs, fer me.” And the mighty Cu went into his rage format and lunged for the tiny presumptive Druidess Lebarcham to do just that, skin her alive. Quick as a terrier was Cu, but Lebarcham was cat quick also and the quicker of the twain. Wild quick as it were, and she leaped away ungrabbed and also taunted Cu with: “Cu eats puppy dogs, Cu eats puppy dogs, Cu eats puppy dogs, etc.”

“Groan!” Cu said, for he was, by this troublesome imp reminded that if he ever chanced to eat a dog the WG would snuff out his candle and he was afeared too, of how this dern little................ But then the terrible Cu began to diminish and his big eye shrank and his little eye expanded and his hair grew out again and he took a deep breath and spelled “All righty then, what shall I do to get over this ruckus?”, fer Cu had now noticed the ruckus.

“Ha! The ladies and some of the gentlemen too, want ye, Cu to acquire them birds yonder fer ‘em, and yer own wife, is among the bickerers, and after all Cu, there is hardly a one of ‘em that has two eyes, fer ye.”

“Groan”, Cu said, for now this little.................was reminding him that most of the ladies and some of the gentlemen among the Ulaid had blinded themselves from love of Cu, and in tribute to his goin’ Cyclops when his rage was upon ‘em.

“You should go and talk to Eithne now and she will tell you what is recommended.” Lebarcham spelled.

“Groan.” So Cu, who had only ever wanted to learn about the ventriloquist dogs in peace, dismally trudged over to where his wife stood in a crowd of ladies and sissies and all of ‘em hollerin’ and brandishin’ knives er razors. “Stop all this right now er else”, hollered Cuhulian and so scared was everybody that they all did shut up fer once and Cu exclaimed, “That’s better, now Eithne my dear, I understand you have somewhat of a chore, fer me.”

“Why yes Cu, I surmise that ye and ye alone can solve this nicely and expeditiously. Ye espy those birds yonder? All the ladies here assembled, and some of these gentlemen also, and I, Eithne yer loving wife, require that ye procure those birds, one fer each of our shoulders.”

“Jeez Louise”, thought Cu, but he kept his thought to his self, and to keep the peace and get back to his dog show Cu agreed to go and fetch in the birds, fer everone. This he did do, fetch in the birds and the manner in which he did thus was to go along in his chariot at a great pace and hurl his sword, boomerang like at the birds and smote ever one of them in this fashion so that they all lay dead upon the water of the lake. Then Cu and his chariot driver, Loeg drove down to the lake water, went in aswimmin’ and swam around like retrievers collectin’ all the wet, dead birds and these they loaded on the chariot. After restin’ awhile from their labors, Cu rode and Loeg drove the chariot back to the crowd and that chariot groaned under the weight of the wet, dead birds plus it had Cu and Loeg in it and they were wet also, and the chariot horses struggled uphill and were pissed off. But anon they arrived at where the pacified crowd stood out and Cu began distributin’ the wet, dead birds, one to each proffered shoulder.

Everone was happy to have a wet dead bird on their shoulder then, but one. When it came Eithne’s turn to get her wet, dead birds, Cu discovered that he was at the bottom of the bean bin and plumb out. “Woe is me,” thought Cu, but he did not say anything, only awaiting for the hammer to fall.

Eithne though showed lotsa class. Fer after all she had already waited ‘til last to get her birds and got neither of 'em, and then she spelled, “Never mind those birds Cu, you can get some fer me, anytime.”

But alas the story endeth not here for some in the crowd cried out, “Yonder fly two more birds Cu, and ye can catch them if ye hurry”. So Cu took off apace and did not hear Eithne holler out, “Don’t go!”

Curious Spells

Today's curious spell is "Environmental Leadership." An example of an environmental leader is someone who uses only material produced on their own yard for fertilizer, not counting their own poop that may penultimately be derived from the restaurant down the street and not counting animals or birds that might wander into their yard from somewhere else and take a dump. This is an environmental leader. But, is someone who advocates this procedure to others, but does not practice it on his/her own yard, also an environmental leader. Easy that. No. This second person needs to have his/her mouth shut for him/her. Why? Easy that. He/she is helping the ignorant and vulgar on the opposite side of the ignorant and vulgar ledger with their generalized ignorant and vulgar propaganda.

Red's Thought for the Wee Hours of the Day

Cuhulian Wastes Away

Cuhulian was so aggravated that he wore his self out walkin' and talkin' to his self and thinkin up what he should have said and what he would say next time around and do next time around also, that purty soon he grew weary and conked his self out. The while he was sleepin' in a conked out state, two ladies came along. One had on a red dress on and t'other a green 'un. Then the one in green winked at Cuhulian and commenced to whup up on 'em with a wet rope. Then the other lady, the one in red, also winked at Cuhulian and begun to whup 'em with a wet rope, so that both the ladies together, the one in the green dress and the t'other in the red dress were whuppin Cuhulian while he lay there conked out, and they purt' neer beat the shit out, of 'em, too. Then after they wore theirselves out whuppin' 'em, off they went somewheres else.

The next day the Ulaid went out a seekin' fer Cuhulian late in the mornin' fer it was noticed he was missin' at breakfast so that they had to eat his portion, fer 'em. Finally, after a good while but not a great while they found Cuhulian laid up beside a Dolmen and those that first approached started hollerin', "Wake up Cu, have ye had to mucha the Dolmen, mebbe?", fer they assessed he was sleepin' it off. But Fergus when he got closer seen that Cu was beat plumb to shit and hollered out, "He aint drunk, he's beat plumb to shit, and he's havin a vision er suchlike, mebbe." So the Ulaid sat around after what Fergus foretold and waited for Cu to wake up which he did anon, but he was dumb to ever' question put, to 'em.

So they took Cu home to his house where he stayed with his wife who was mighty put out with 'em for stayin out all night and turnin up in such a state. But Cu, was dumb to Eithne also, and remained dumb, fer a whole turn of the wheel, which further aggravated Eithne neer to her wit's end.

I'll finish as I wake up, mebbe.


Ray's Thought for the Day

Yikes. Red's been sleep spellin', workin 24/7 fer the WG.

Monday, October 10, 2005

What's her name?

I'm sittin' here tryin' to spell and I cain't remember her name, that lady lawyer our little king proclaimed a supreme. Shoot! It may come to me anon, but not fer this spell. So I spell, makin' her a supreme, is as good as makin' the little king his self, a supreme.

But enougha that, let's consider sin, one of my favorite subtopics. The Christians opine on a great many sins as compared to the Druid twain of lyin' and gluttony. But the Christians have a loophole that takes the sting out of sin, forgiveness. So I betcha these TV Christians, er demons er whatever they be, work out a forgiveness for themselves skit er two, before they sin, just to rush the passage to forgiveness. Do you reckon Karl and Dick think ahead before bearing false witness?

Maybe, this lady supreme will someday judge one or t'oher of these, and find it in her heart, to forgive.

Finally fer the nonce, many continue to worship the man, like a god. They have faith, in 'em. Do you know why, now?

If'n ye do nae, this here topic, reads from the bottom up.



This is a poem made up entirely of actual quotations
from George W. Bush, arranged for "aesthetic"
purposes, by Washington Post writer Richard Thompson.
A wonderful poem like this is too good not to share.

Ah, yes! A testament to literacy in the age of Every
Child Left Behind! (JB)


I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
And potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet
Become more few?

How many hands have I shaked?
They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.

I know that the human being
And the fish can coexist.
Families is where our na! tion finds hope,
Where our wings take dream.

One editorial comment from RGVECB. "Make the Pie Higher" references, we think, the republican mythology that a growing economy will necessarily benefit everyone, or at least them.

Ray's Thought for the Day

Is Kinky Friedman more repressive desublimation on steroids? Maybe, maybe not. Probably the most important thing to find out about Kinky is whether he plays golf, and how often, if he does, play golf. Also, who does he play golf with?, if he does, play golf.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ray's Third Thought for the Day

Come to think on it, RS used to shorten that spell to:

"No Rest!"

She's still the same, spell.

Ray's Second Thought for the Day

I, Ray be brim-full of the Goddess, today. She's acomin' out my ears.

Belie the bye, that spell mentioned in the previous subtopic can be shortened and still have the same meaning. We learned this one from RS, a semi-Methodist minister who relies much on a strong sense of irony to resolve contradictions. The short version is:

"No rest for the weary."

Lomo has procured a new electric cord, fer us. Those electric cords must be made of petroleum 'cause they sure are dear to the Demon Commerce.

Ray's Thought for the Day - Alienation

We have some technical difficulties arising from some lost technology, but Lomo has been authorized to work on that situation and we will have some replacement technology in place anon, maybe. Or, the Crumby Ovate lost the electric cord to the camera and Lomo has to go somewhere and get a new one, which he can do, maybe, because the Sunday Blue Laws are dead in the water, in these parts, generally speaking, and also because Druids don't consider buying an electric cord, work, and also because we don't associate Sunday with any particular religious significance.

Or perhaps we do. Actually, we remember when the Christians sustained Sundays as a day of rest, but devoted to their religion and in much of these parts they had sufficient influence to tame the Demon Commerce for one day a week, except for a tiny minority of Christians afflicted by the Demon Rum who took the opportunity to visit their bootlegger. So, in general, our reflections on those times in that respect are favorable and we have the Christians to thank for that much on Sunday, and we do thank them.

Druids though, work for the WG, 24/7, except for those instances when we are alienated, maybe. Remember when Red was working for King Conchubur during the times of one of Red's previous iterations. He was a consultant to the king, or actually he was an assistant consultant to the king in the sense that he was workin' for the Druid Cathub who was Conchubur's main Druid (Red remembers, 6-25-'05). Remember those Druids were working slowly or not at all, fer Conchubur. Why? Easy that. Conchubur was asking them to help him do stuff that was hateful to the WG. So Red and those other Druids were alienated from their work.

Are you ever compelled to do stuff you know is wrong and you find yerself working slowly or not all? Cheer up! Perhaps yer a Druid!

So the upside of working slowly or not at all is that yer still workin' for the WG 24/7. The down side is that yer bein' sublimated or desublimated while yer aworkin'. The goal is to work 24/7 and never be tired and always feel good about what yer doin', even when yer asleep. This is what is meant by the spell:

"No rest for the wicked, and the righteous don't need it!"

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Zigadenus nuttallii

This one's named for Tom Nuttall, a very interesting naturalist of a good while back. Some call it death-camass. Others, of a more cheerful mien, merryhearts. I think from now on I, Ray will call it Nuttall's merryhearts. By the way, you can eat it, once.

Rayetta's Thought for the Day

More Crocodile Tears

Charles Krauthammmer spells are so strange. (This court pick is an insult to the institution).

"To serve in Congress or even the presidency, there is no requirement for scholarship and brilliance. For good reason. It is not needed. It can even be a hindrance, as we learned from our experience with Woodrow Wilson, the most intellectually accomplished president of the 20th century and also the worst."

Somewhere there has to be someone or some group that gives positive feedback to Charles for spells like this; village idiots with trust funds, maybe.

I, Rayetta was curious to see what the requirements are to serve in Congress and found this provided by Congressman Frank, Rep., Virginia, 10th District. He has served the 10th in Congress for about 25 years, so he ought to know.

What are the requirements to serve in Congress? (According to Rep. Frank)

While there are no educational or professional requirements to be a member of Congress, the U.S. Constitution does include a few requirements regarding citizenship, age and residency. In order to be a member of the House of Representatives, you have to be at least 25 years old and you have to have been a citizen of the U.S. for at least seven years. In order to be a member of the Senate, you have to be at least 30 years old and you have to have been a citizen for at least nine years. Also, in order to become a member of the House or Senate, you must be a resident in the state that you wish to represent.


So, scholarship and brilliance are definitely not required in Congress. They are also not needed and they are a hindrance. I wonder what else Charles thinks is not needed and is a hindrance to serving in Congress?

Charles. I know that you are a closet pagan. Let us help you. You need hep!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Druid Gospel Music

Badgemagus just sent this over. He's been translating some originals into English.

The Beast Can Nae Harm Me

As I wandered in the forest all ridden with sin
Cause I ate ever’ acorn ever’ place I had been
So with no mast fer no pig anywhere I did roam
She rolled a 7 come 11 and She brought me back home

The Beast can nae harm me when I'm safe in Her sty
She provides me with shade from the sun in the sky
When She rains softly on me my heart doth rejoice
I'm a pig in Her parlor and I know Her voice.

Bush roams the land like a roarin’ lion in rut
With his glutton’s maw slaverin’ to eat us all up
But with a wink of Her eye She can transform all that
And the Bush is revealed as a bad pussy cat.

Oh, the Beast can nae harm me when I'm safe in Her sty
She provides me with shade from the sun in the sky
When She rains softly on me my heart doth rejoice
I'm a pig in Her parlor and I know Her voice.

Ray's Thought for the Day - Crocodile Tears

Who's sorry now, who's sorry now?
Whose heart is achin' for breakin' each vow?

Georgie Porgie puddin' and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry.

Just a little cold comfort, fer ye.

I, Ray realize the above is a tad abstruse, maybe. It's for George Will and associates, just to provide some historical record that RGVECB knows. Oh yes, we know.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Displacement Behavior and Repressive Desublimation

What's displacement behavior again? It's when you respond inappropriately to stimuli because the stimuli make you really nervous. Here are some examples of displacement behavior I have personally observed. Cash, a boy in my third grade class at Washington Irving Elementary School, when asked a question by Ms. Boone, our teacher, would respond by tearing off a sheet from his Big Chief tablet, then scrunching down in his desk and rubbing his buzzhead with the tablet paper while gazing about the classroom, distractedly. So in this example the appropriate behavior is to provide a verbal response to Ms. Boone’s question. The displacement behaviors are to do what Cash did because he was nervous.

Another example. I once had a Teaching Assistant who was skinny and habitually dressed in baggy jeans or overalls. When his lecture was interrupted by a question from one of the assembled scholars, (which stressed him when he was already repressed), he would stick his hand down his pants and play with himself right there in front of the Goddess and everybody. Several of the lady scholars in that particular class, being quick on the uptake, started asking him questions so they could watch him play with himself, and also to make the time pass faster and more cheerfully. Jeez Louise,it was a sociology class too. Imagine that! So in this particular example, the appropriate behavior is to politely answer the lady scholar’s question. The displacement behavior response is to stick yer hand down yer pants and fondle yerself.

Another example. I, the Crumby Ovate used to be much fatter than I am at present. This was back when I was a Druid trainee and had not yet achieved CO status. Now I have already confessed to certain inadequacies I felt regarding my position as a Project Manager at the WMOFSA, and that I left that position because it made me too nervous. So one day at that job I happened to be visiting with my pal, Dr. Prissy Pants, on a job related matter having to do with NEPA and my functionality therein. And Dr. Prissy Pants began bringing me up to speed and back into the fold on some NEPA facts that I had maybe overlooked on this particular project we were discussing. The manner in which Dr. Prissy Pants accomplished this was to begin listing relevant points and with each point she enumerated subpoints and declaimed on those subpoints in some detail also. While Dr. Prissy Pants was spelling in this manner, the appropriate behavior was nodding and the spelling of monosyllabic affirmative comments at discrete intervals. The displacement behavior response in this particular example was hiking my knit shirt up to my armpits and scratching my fat, hairy belly with both hands. Fortunately, fer me, Dr Prissy Pants understood this particular displacement behavior and I didn’t find myself standing tall before the HR mast for sexual harassment. Thank the Goddess for other biologists, besides me!

Displacement behaviors come in many forms in addition to the examples above, although I feel obliged to again include scratching in this list for emphasis. A few of these that I have personally observed or indulged in are (anus scratching while making change in particular) and all other forms of scratching in general, yawning, snorting, smacking while gum chewing, snuff dipping hand motions, singing, humming, faunching, low sniggering, holding yer breath while watching the second hand on yer watch, sighing, palm farts, whistling and humming at the same time to produce kazoo noises, smoking hand motions, nervous eating, ear wiggling, twirling, funny walks, finger nail biting, mumbling, singsong repetition of the type (can’t get it in, can’t get it out, gotta get it in, but ye can’t get it out), singing along with the radio and scratching the roof of yer mouth with yer tongue so hard that yer audible to a room full of people and the Goddess!

Note. I am in no way denigrating these displacement behaviors. For without the release of nervous energy they provide, I the Crumby Ovate, and I suspect a great many other mere mortals, especially Tabby Labbers and other Druids, would have been executed by now, or at the least confined in a penitentiary or a nervous hospital. Thank the Goddess I am smart enough to do my displacement behaviors, er, hmmmmmm..................

So on to the coincidental subtopic, repressive desublimation. I have for many moons found the spell “repressive desublimation” so amusing that I often laugh out loud when it pops into my noggin. Come to think of it someone observing me laughing out loud might assume I was doing a displacement behavior and not thinking on a spell. But never mind that for the nonce. My history of involvement with this spell goes back as I said afore, many moons, back to when I was first in college, in fact.

This is the manner that I was attending college. There were a great many events, facts and opinions peripherally associated with the college and those events, facts and opinions were what I studied and memorized. More often than not those events, facts and opinions had nothing in common with the classes I was supposed to be attending. So upon a time I was reading a spell, “One Dimensional Man” by Herbert Marcuse and came across, for the first time, the opinion subtopic spell, repressive desublimation, which so amuses me.

Here’s what I took to be the nub of the gist of the spell, repressive desublimation.

It's when you think you thought of the idea of getting something by watching someone else get something and this engenders in yer mind, that you might someday get something if you do what they are doing.

Example. The Daily Show is Repressive Desublimation on Steroids!

Consider this. The transfer of information from The Daily Show to you is one way. (TV is by the nature of the medium, repressive). You get from the Show, maybe, but the Show gets nought from you. (Ostensibly, or so we are led to believe, this particular Show is so hilarious and popular that it is not subject to the usual constraints imposed by the market and public disapprobation). So maybe this particular Show is only imparting information from its principal involvees; writers, directors and actors, etc, maybe.

That’s what I thought, actually. That a group of really hilarious people had gotten together on an obscure cable channel and were free to do all this really clever funny stuff, and I would sit in my LAZY BOY and watch it all and just LAUGH and LAUGH and LAUGH.

One evening I was thus engaged, reclining happily and laughing, and The Goddess of Reality Checks, fussing at the sink directly behind me and making much racket so that I had to use the remote to increase the TV noise to help drown out the faucet noise, interposed the spell on me, “That’s not funny, it’s stupid.” And she was right, of course.

All righty then. So what was I thinking was so funny. About half the Show pokes fun at the lamentable state of the Yorenited States air, water, nature, culture and justice and the rest of the show is Jon Stewart generally sucking up to the responsible parties, by, of all things, promoting their books. Jeez Louise. Why would anyone buy a book allegedly written by Charles Schumer or Trent Lott, two of the most boring men who have ever lived? Well, that’s why they are on the Show, to appear interesting via association with the Show and sell their books.

Now here’s the thing about the CO sitting in his LAZY BOY, watching and laughing. The Show was putting a spell on the CO, “You are funny by association because you are in the know and watch the Show and you could do this too, just like Jon Stewart.” Reality check. Yeah right. Like I’d want to chat up Charles Schumer about his book. But I’ll admit, they had me going. Repressive desublimation on steroids!

It is getting late. Anon, Ms. Merriam Webster gets involved with desublimation. And what in the world is a Freudian Neo-Marxist? Hmmmm. No, no, no. We don't want to go there. It is getting very late, indeed. Where the heck is Lulu?

To be continued by,

The Crumby Ovate

Ray's Thought for the Day

You know what? Druidry ought to be taught in the public schools instead of Band.

Uh! Have I told you already about my theory that dogs are ventriloquists?

I need a nap.

What's fer supper?

Tonight if I get enough rest first, and a decent supper, I, Ray will spell somewhat of a backlog on the very confusing topic of repressive desublimation.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What's with George Will?

Calm down George. She'll do OK playing footsies with yer boys. What's more important, loot or a scrap of paper?

Think supply side, George. Supply side. Focus on the solid reality of supply side economics. And what about trickle down? You have to feel swell about trickle down.

Yikes! I just realized, George W.

George, I really do think you should consider apologizing to yerself.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Ray on Tax Exempt Status

Should Druids have to pay taxes? I don't think so. Furthermore, we are looking into tax exempt status for us because we are all, er, ............ Hmmmm. How does it work if everyone in the religion is like a preacher? Yepper, I can see that maybe we ought to get paid taxes. This merits some looking into. Also, I got the idea today about merchandising some official Druid products which we could sell and not pay taxes on them either. For example, we have discovered that Range Wands, just like Math's wand have the capacity for detectin' virgins. Those would sell like hot cakes. Then there's Dolmen Stout, autographed pictures of the WG, Red's pamphlet "Common Phrases I Use", White Goddess Anointment Ointment, RGVECB Potted Meat, Rayetta's Cows, Lomo's Panic Attack Detectors, plus Cone Hats to name just a few obviously and imminently saleable items.

I'll get rich, rich beyond my wildest dreams, and still be holier than thou.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Here be something interesting!

Hess, Bess and Cockercess. This was shot by holdin up a digital camera with a telephoto lens to the ocular of a Roosian microscope at 28x and was a first try ever spearmint.

Shows an achene, scale and stigmas three of Fimbristylis autumnalis, maybe. The achene is about 0.6 mm in actual size, as it were. All of its stuck to the glue on the back of a sticky note.

Escape Routes?

Well, the CO got his wish and a republican told him where to go. France. But alas, the CO has other stuff to do and can't go to France. So now for some fun, but not other stuff fun.

These are phrases ye commonly might here that indicate ye are wastin' yer time in that particular company in that particular context and need to be doin' other stuff.

1) show some common sense

2) France

3) spotted owl helper

4) growth is inevitable

5) unprecedented hurricanes

6) the greatest country in the world

7) communist

8) birth control is a sin

9) democrat party

10)eat more pork

Ha! Tricked ye on 10)!?

Medium level Druid trainin', courtesy of RGVECB.

Oh. For you non snuff users that would never ever think about takin' a dip, if somebody ye know is doin' really bad work, buy yerself some snuff and accidentally dump the whole can on their computer keyboard. Also, it makes a fair self-defense mechanism if ye can get it in their eyes.

Now I, Red need to go help Ray out with a photography session.


Here's some Pocatinella punctuation. '.'

Ray's Thought for the Day

The sun is fixing to come up in these parts. If it doesn't come up, that (the sun not coming up) would be "unprecedented", maybe.

Prophets of inevitability need to watch out, for the unprecedented!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

I pledge allegiance to the Corporate States of America

And to the Republicans for which it stands,

One nation, under debt, easily divisible,

With liberty and justice for oil

Ray's not sure about the ethics of crediting the source of the Pledge, so Ray ain't gonna.

The CO got this pledge copied to him a while back, and requested that it be posted at this venue for the purpose of ingratitating him (the CO) with republicans because the CO believes that the republicans know about nice and secret places for environmental refugees to resettle in, and if he (the CO) ingratiates himself sufficiently with the republicans, they will tell him (the CO) where to go.

The CO is under a lot of pressure this time of year because Samuin is hard upon us and the CO also believes that from Samuin through Imbolc, the WG is more likely to snuff out his candle than at other seasons, and the snuffing out theory only serves to increase the pressure on the CO until he is veritably like a teapot, aboil.

I, Ray, on the other hand, am pissed off because I didn't get my cinnamon bun, yesterday.

By the way, Red surmises that Bill Clinton is a closet republican.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Good. Nancy's version of the Adventures of Blodeuwedd has a happy ending. Also, I really liked the cuckoo. The only thing I didn't like was there was no ox. Every story needs a ox er two. Do you think an ox would beat up a yak?

Ray! Stop spellin' drivel and spell about the cuckoo, or else!

All righty then Red. The cuckoo was put in the story either to show that Lleu had been cuckolded or was meant literally in the sense that here was a cuckoo that got hit by Lleu, or possibly Nancy only knew three kinds of birds to put in the story. The last seems unlikely because I personally know that Nancy is familiar with chickens and ducks and probably a great many other members of the Class Aves as well. I kind of think that the first and the second are both correct reasons for the cuckoo being in the story.

Man alive, we all had lentil stew fer supper and it sure is stinky hereabouts. Noisy too!

Here's what we put in the lentil stew. Lotsa lentils. Two pounds of ox meat chopped. Two big potatoes also chopped. Carrots. Onions. Garlic. Leeks. Celery. Tomatoes. Basil. Oregano. Worcestershire sauce. Tabasco. Salt and Pepper. It's delicious.


All righty then. You can use cow instead of ox. Or smoked ham even. Or you can leave the meat out altogether.

The Adventures of Blodeuwedd

Seasons passed to the number of four and in the four seasons Badgemagus ellipsed round about with his swine and swine hounds and his ellipses took him further and further off, for fodder and mast were scarce and the rains came when they were not wanted and the drought came when it was not wanted and too often there was too much of the sun or too little of the sun. And Badgemagus, in addition to keeping the swine, fashioned a spear of the kind that the Cymry of those times employed for the hunting of boars. Into the fashioning of the spear went spells of the land and the little wonders that were aggrieved so that it was a spear of anger and fear and hurt.

Blodeuwedd, for Her part, was not having lotsa fun, not enjoying Herself and looking more and more like a nightmare every day, so that all avoided Her company for fear of Her countenance which was very pale and leprous and Her hair was white also and much prone to going horizontal and Her eyes were red and She was grown gaunt and taller than had previously been Her wont.

Lleu, though, was having a good time sporting about the countryside with his retinue. This is the manner in which Lleu sported about the countryside. He would send the Royal Herald off to one or another of the Cymry homesteads announcing his arrival anon, and then proceed thereto and Lleu and his retinue would guzzle up all the provender at that location and then once the bean bin was emptied out, he would move to another homestead. And from each homestead, Lleu and his retinue would range about, afflicting the little wonders for sport.

One day Lleu chanced to go a-hunting and his retinue with him and the company rode up to an ecotone where a great oak wood stood out and they began to sling at birds in the wood to test their skill at the sling. Lleu soon afflicted a cuckoo with his slinging. Then as was his wont he rode to where the cuckoo lay stricken to eye it more closely and see if it was dead. But the cuckoo, though broken, lived and spoke to Lleu, “ Surely such a one as Lleu of the Long Arm is no greater than me, for I am still here talking though thou have done thy worst, unto me.” Then Lleu rode further into the wood to test his skill again and soon afflicted a little owl. But the little owl lived and spoke to Lleu “Surely such a one as Lleu of the Long Arm is no greater than me, for I am still here talking though thou have done thy worst, unto me.” So Lleu rode still further into the wood until he was at what he reckoned was the heart of the oak wood and he slung at a wren and brought it down but the wren lived and spoke to Lleu “ Surely such a one as Lleu of the Long Arm is no greater than me, for I am still here talking though thou have done thy worst, unto me.”

The chatter of these birds did a rare thing, which was to evoke a thought in Lleu’s noggin, and the thought Lleu thought, was “I, am Lleu and in no fashion may death come unto me and this I shall prove to all, anon.” So Lleu sent out riders and charioteers in chariots throughout the land with the tale that on the morrow at high noon he would chance a mortal blow and cheat death and that such who would see this done should assemble and that he, Lleu expected a good crowd on the river bank hard upon the Castle Dinoding.

Then Lleu and his retinue departed for home and upon arriving Lleu commanded that a bath be constructed on the bank of the river. The fashion of the bath was such that a shed frame was constructed and a thatch roof over it and a bathtub set therein and a billy goat tethered nearby. The next day at high noon Lleu rode in the wheelbarrow down to the bathhouse where a good crowd was assembled. Espying the good crowd Lleu began to orate, “I, the Lion of the Steady and the Lion of the Long Arm will today demonstrate the power over death that I have lately come to think upon. All is prepared for this demonstration and I only require that one of you cast a spear, at me, when I holler out cast at me.”

Badgemagus just happened to also be one of those in the good crowd so he spoke up, “I will cast at thee King Lleu for I have a spear with me and ready to hand.”

Then Lleu had himself wheeled to the bath and deposited therein and he had a nice bath. Once all was clean, Lleu commanded that the two husky wheel barrow boys, “Help me out of the tub.” Assisted out of the tub, Lleu drew on a pair of buckskin leggings and then commanded, “Now assist me to stand one leg on that billy goat and the other leg on the rim of the tub.” That accomplished Lleu looked out upon the crowd and espied the grim visage of Badgemagus and the great boar spear that Badgemagus held ready for the casting and Lleu thought to himself, “Whoa!”

“One more preparation is wanting” orated Lleu. “There is a great shield of stone yonder that I should hold afore me to deflect the cast. So the wheel barrow boys lugged the great round shield of stone over and held it up afore Lleu and between Lleu and Badgemagus so that only Lleu’s head and buckskin leggings were visible to Badgemagus.

Then Lleu hollered out “Cast at me”.

This Badgmagus did do, cast the great boar spear at Lleu. The great boar spear flew at the great shield of stone and shore a clean round hole through the stone shield and passed through the shield and pierced Lleu and passed him through also and Lleu fell into the bathtub and made a great splash and was sincerely dead thereafter.

Up at the castle Blodeuwedd had a visitor. It was Arianrhod.

“My dear you look just awful, but never mind that. I am here to collect my little Lleu who is overdue for some down time at Caer Arianrhod. I will choose, fer ‘em. These sungods can certainly be pestiverous, can’t they. That aside, you should try to make yerself presentable. That swineherd, if I do not mistake me, is headed this way and excuse me, but yer visage could scare the stink off ‘em. Oh, lest I ferget, Lleu’s sincere demise is going to aggravate Math, and Gwydion especially, so you better keep an eye on those two. The Druidry in these parts are backslidin’ into sungoddery and we need to undertake somewhat of a revival in these parts, that or undertake a Druid er two. Sorry, Lleu was my mistake, but I will take care of that mistake for a great while starting now.” And so Arianrhod departed for the bath house to collect what was left of Lleu Llaw Guffes.

Math and especially Gwydion were aggravated at the demise of Lleu and together purposed to punish Badgemagus and restore those parts where Badgemagus and Blodeuwedd dwelt, to Math’s rule. But into the midst of those purposes came the WG, in the guise of a Great Sow, and Her name is Cerridwen. And Cerridwen reasoned with Math and especially Gwydion so that they peed in their buckskins. So for a great while there was peace and prosperity in those parts and everything and everyone, including Blodeuwedd and Badgemagus, was safe and happy.

The End, in so far as there ever is, an end.

By Nancy, the Goddess of Practical Jokes