Sunday, May 07, 2017

The Odanater

Many may recall that Crumby and Ray, mainly Ray, have long been Odanaters. However, until recently, they were location specialists, Odanating only at the CB.  Yet recently Ray has gone county wide with his Odanating, driven forth from the CB by that old bugabear, boredom.  A result of that forthcoming follows.

One of the many annoyances intimate with Odanating county wide is compliance with civil rules.  Like, for example, a particular rule infers that an average Odanater like Ray is not allowed to net too frolicsome Odanates.  Netting an Odanate is construed as harassing or pestering the wildlife which is against the rule in a city park. Also, since Ray's net is almost as big as Ray, the act of carrying that net around in public might make Ray look like a public nuisance, also against a rule.

Now, Ray and his Nikon B700 are not the best combo for dragonflies in flight photography.  Yet, without a net, an average Odanater still needs to get those lifer shots at the city park.  Mercy!  comet darner (note the interesting johnsongrass leaves in the lower left corner) and prince baskettail