Been There, Done That
Oh! Crumby almost forgot. Exterminators might buy your bug pictures. Then, you would be getting rich off exterminating bugs. The Goddess will love you fer that, fer sure. Remember! What She gives, She can take back.
Crumby, on the other hand, takes pictures of bugs because he can’t sight identify lots of the bugs at the CB yet. So he takes their pictures. Then he compares his pictures to similar pictures he finds on the internet. Would Crumby pay for those internet pictures? Probably not. But Crumby would pay for good keys to the vermin of these parts. That way, with good keys, Crumby could eliminate the boring necessity of photo comparisons on the internet.
Or how about this. Post your key on the internet. And charge a fee for using the key. Mercy! Crumby just realized how horrible using a key on the clock on the internet would be. What a nightmare?
OK dude. Welcome to my dichotomous key site. All my keys are guaranteed to be just as good as the Amaranthus key in C&J. Yes. My keys are quick and easy. That’s why I charge by the hour. Most of the time, my keys work so well you will have your bug’s identity figured out in a minute or two. Say whut! If you don’t figure it out in a minute or maybe nanosecond or two, that’s user error. And hey buddy, user error costs more.
Yes sir. I guarantee, my buggy friends, that by employing a simple dichotomous key, you shall ultimately, in no time at all, discover the identity of your bug, that was hitherto unknown to you. That’s right. No more sps in your folders. No more miscellaneous files. No more frass. All you need beware of is, user error.
In reality though, a good key to the paper wasps of these parts would be nice. Maybe a good key could resolve the mysterious identity of the red paper wasp that occurs at the CB. According to the identified nest location (clothesline poles), the CB red paper wasps are Polistes perplexus. But the pictures Crumby has, indicate no black at all on the cephalothorax, generally indicating Polistes carolinus. Are the perplexus in these parts entirely red? Do we have both kinds? Will Crumby have to go back and edit all the posts featuring carolinus (two) and then admit he was wrong. Nyah, nyah. Crumby does not know what the heck his red paper wasp(s) actually is, are? Dang.