The Dickens, Natas, has these parts by the short hairs. Every day the temperature reaches 100+. Every other day is a new hot high. The lake water evaporates. There is no end in sight.
Yes. A tiny few predicted many moons ago the great heat would descend upon these parts. Yes. Now the predictions are true. Anon, the little school children shitting their little turds out in the school lavoratory, won’t get to flush. No. Those little turds shall just sit there until they are like petrified. Mercy!
So the industrialized 8 have decided to cap emissions. But the ignorant third world dumbasses won’t go along. Huh-huh. Well, that means the ignorant third world dumbasses shall continue to pollute and the industrialized 8 shall also continue to pollute. Yes. The industrialized 8 shall all cheat. That’s right. Every last one of the G8 bunch shall cheat like crazy.
The fact is, humans shall pollute more and faster than ever. That’s right. Human pollution shall correlate positively with more heat. That’s because many humans require air conditioning. Today, for example, the temperature in these parts shall reach at least 105 in the shade. Does anyone seriously think a plump Republican could survive that kind of heat out in nature? Course not. That plump Republican shall seek out a nice air-conditioned spot or two. Plus, in the final analysis, that plump Republican shall do anything, anything, to stay cool. Yes. That particular Republican shall be numbered among those many that increase personal pollution, just trying to keep even with the ever increasing heat.
Many holler, Global warming is a hoax. Nay, nay, nay, Natas!!!! Humans doing anything to stop global warming is the hoax. All we shall do is, make it hotter.
Ant Lions and Cultural DeprivationMercy! It’s already too hot outside for man or beast. And it's just 8:30AM. Despite the great heat, I decided I had missed out on the fun of ant lions long enough. That’s right. During my Christian rearing I never got to play with ant lions. How sad! So today I decided to make up for that hunk of cultural deprivation from the long ago and play with ant lions.
First I took the butterfly feeder receptacle over to ant lion city. There were some ants on the butterfly feeder, free loading on the blood orange and brown sugar concoction I have been trying instead of bananas. A squirrel keeps stealing the bananas.
There those ants were, maybe six free loaders. Come on my lads, Crumby cried, let’s go play with the ant lions. Crumby was fairly skeptical about the ants and ant lions putting on much of a show. Boy howdy! Even a Druid Ovate like Crumby, when victimized by a rearing filled with cultural deprivation, can be totally full of shit. Mercy!
Crumby held the butterfly feeder over ant lion city and brushed the luckless ants off. Anon, the ants began to wander into the craters. Good Goddess! Crumby was not expecting the horrible scene that met his astonished eyeballs. First one ant, then another, began struggling frantically as if something had hold of a leg or two. Mercy! The terrified ants wiggled frantically for a couple of minutes. Then, those ants, one by one, went torpid. At last, anon, those miserable ants, one by one, sank beneath the soil. Except one of the ants that just lay there, dead, at the bottom of an ant lion crater. Crumby reckoned the ant lion was worn out by the struggle and figured to drag the ant down to Hades later.
OK. Once Crumby established the fact that ant lions really do grab ants, Crumby decided he needed to grab an ant lion. All righty then. Crumby found the best way to grab ant lions is to watch the ant lion craters. Pretty soon, an ant lion shall start throwing dirt out of its crater. They throw the dirt out really high so watch out you don’t get dirt thrown in your eye. Anyway, the ant lion tossing out dirt is the ant lion that may be easy to grab.
In terms of equipment, the ant lion hunter can get by with a spoon and maybe a container for the ant lion. Crumby employed a mortar. However, the trouble is, if you put too much dirt in the mortar with the ant lion, the ant lion shall certainly root down into the dirt, rendering picture taking difficult. Next time Crumby shall put in less dirt. By the way, to get under the dirt, the ant lion backs up. Apparently, ant lions eschew forward progress.
OK. Here is a picture of the ant lion Crumby captured. See, it is covered with dirt.
And here is an adult ant lion possibly only recently emerged from Ant Lion City.