Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Red's boring
The 5-4 vote in the Supreme Court yesterday should make it a lot easier fer the Yorenited States to export our brand of "democracy". Third world oligarch types should recognize that under a democratic system we install, fer 'em, their class interests will be protected and they may continue with whatever gluttony they were engaged in without having to worry about troublesome complainers. Watch out fer the Wicker Man though.
Ray-mone's Plant du Jour
Euphorbia cyathaphora. Hi there! I'm a wild poinsetta. I'm just as wild as can be, when yer rooted. Many humans and proto humans dab my juice on their skin oddities, that is various kinds of funny-looking skin deviations that could be one thing or another.
Ray-mone's Plant du Jour
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Red bores ahead on
Remember how the Kinglet foretold a while back how switchgrass might contribute to the national gluttony, energy wise. That pep talk inspired me to make Ray go out and grub all the switchgrass down to root ball level and we took pictures of that activity and put 'em up here somewhere. Here's that same switchgrass again located nearby. The dolly is included, fer scale.
Panicum virgatum.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Red's at the bottom of the bean bin
This here is the plant du jour, Ray-mone?
Oui, Monsieur Rouge.
Well, all righty then.
Silene antirrhina. I am one of the occasional ones of my species you may encounter that lacks petals. I don't need no stinking petals. I have a capsule. I have sticky mucilaginous bands on my stem. I grow in this particular spot, thanks to the oak tree I'm under that killed off everything else. I'm not sure how it did that, but I'm grateful. The Crumby Ovate spells that I am good fer keeping rhinoceroses away. Er, is that rhinoceri?
Oui, Monsieur Rouge.
Well, all righty then.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Red got a shower
The rain came some time while I was was resting upon the Ample Bosoms of the Goddess. We got almost a tic. Temperatures have been, hotter than "normal" fer a couple of weeks so even a little shower is a welcome relief. As I may have pointed out a few times, it gets hotter than normal much of the times these days, and as I may have foretold a few times, it will continue to get lots hotter at an accelerated pace in these parts. Here comes the Wicker Man. But mean time, since the temperatures the weatherpersons keep track of over time are averaged, so that the hotter new temperatures get averaged in with the older cooler temperatures. That means the overall average temperatures move up sort of slowly. Right. So we're saved. Right. Ha!
Ray-mone's Plant du Jour
Pyrrhopappus multicaulis er P. pauciflorus? Fer years the semi-wise and more or less learned called me many stems, a good name cause I do have a good many stems, generally. But then somebody among the semi-wise and more or less learned found that someone else among the semi-wise and more or less learned had named me P. few flowers before the other guy had named me P. many stems. So now the semi-wise and more or less learned are supposed to call me P. few flowers. But I have lotsa flowers generally so that earlier name should be disqualified because it's a dang lie. So there!
Anyway, the dang managers here liked to killed me off fer competing with their precious grass. But now they've had a change of heart and are encouraging me by not killing me ever time one of em espies me. Thanks a lot, buckaroos.
Ray-mone's Plant du Jour
Anyway, the dang managers here liked to killed me off fer competing with their precious grass. But now they've had a change of heart and are encouraging me by not killing me ever time one of em espies me. Thanks a lot, buckaroos.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Red's boring political prognostications, agin
How many illegal aliens are in these Yorenited States? Easy that, depends on what show ye watch on the TV and which TV demon is spoutin' off. Here's a number the Druid numerologists have come up with; try 30 million.
A pal of Crumby's, came over illegally, for example, in 1984, from Ethiopia. He is an engaging feller, good with numbers.
But then there's the American way of life to consider, which these days amounts to nothing more than a bunch of gluttons consuming the globes resources at a frenetic and accelerating pace. The Kinglet and his Evil Ministers believe, indeed their sun god has told them all personally, that the bounteous global resources are theirs to enjoy if they just keep after the bouteous global resources at a frenetic pace. It's a test of their faith. Nice! So, sanctioned by their sun god, gluttony goes. Use stuff up, he (the sun god) will provide lots more. It's a test of faith.
But there are some few who question the wisdom of unrestrained gluttony as the national ideology, anarchists and Druids mostly, and elements with the Civil Service, maybe. In addition to these though, there occurs a great multitiude who are cynical about the sun god on this particular topic, but who are nonetheless 100% for unrestrained gluttony, on a personal level. They are the secular gluttons.
The Kinglet and his Evil Ministers are aware of these dissenters. The anarchists and Druids are too few in number for them to worry about. The Civil Servants can be bossed out. But the secular gluttons are a potential problem. That is why the Kinglet and his Evil Ministers are working 24/7 to consolidate state power in the executive branch. The judiciary was easily suborned, or will be suborned as soon as the remaining uncooperative Civil Servants are bossed out. Yikes! Do you think the Kinglet could pardon his pals, Lay and Skilling?
Onward! Consider the last hope of the secular gluttons, the Yorenited States Congress. Perhaps no other institution on the globe, ever, has better represented the interests of secular gluttons as has the Yorenited States Congress over the course of these last three decades. But the time for placing localized gluttony on an equal footing with global gluttony has passed. The Kinglet and His Evil Ministers believe the sun god has told them that they, and they alone, should direct and coordinate all the gluttony on a global scale. It's a test of their faith. So the Congress with their petty localized secular gluttonies must submit, and give up their authority to the great global gluttony the sun god has offered up to the Kinglet and His Evil Ministers.
What's better, top down global gluttony or locally controlled secular gluttony? What about those sun god followers in the southern Yorenited States who believe their localized gluttony has been exclusively mandated by the sun god too? Fer goodness sake, their sun god is the same one the Kinglet talks with. What will their Congresspersons do? Goodness!
The Congress suborned itself, emphasis on the past tense. So now the Kinglet and his Evil Ministers shall move expeditiously toward their confrontation with the Wicker Man, the rest of us tagging along.
What do the illegal aliens have to do with the above? Can you operate a leaf blower by yourself?
Next door is a photograph Ray-mone took of some Congresspersons and lobbyists at a power lunch. Our Congressperson is identified. We got gerrymandered into his district recently to dilute the votes in these parts. Naturally, he's a lardass Republican glutton. Ye can just make out his lardass, maybe
But what's the plant du jour, Ray-mone?
Commelina erecta. I am told that my three petals are named for the Commelin brothers. Linnaeus made a joke up about the Commelin brothers using my petals as a prop. Great. The managers tell me I am a troublesome weed when I get in with the vegetables. Great.
A pal of Crumby's, came over illegally, for example, in 1984, from Ethiopia. He is an engaging feller, good with numbers.
But then there's the American way of life to consider, which these days amounts to nothing more than a bunch of gluttons consuming the globes resources at a frenetic and accelerating pace. The Kinglet and his Evil Ministers believe, indeed their sun god has told them all personally, that the bounteous global resources are theirs to enjoy if they just keep after the bouteous global resources at a frenetic pace. It's a test of their faith. Nice! So, sanctioned by their sun god, gluttony goes. Use stuff up, he (the sun god) will provide lots more. It's a test of faith.
But there are some few who question the wisdom of unrestrained gluttony as the national ideology, anarchists and Druids mostly, and elements with the Civil Service, maybe. In addition to these though, there occurs a great multitiude who are cynical about the sun god on this particular topic, but who are nonetheless 100% for unrestrained gluttony, on a personal level. They are the secular gluttons.
The Kinglet and his Evil Ministers are aware of these dissenters. The anarchists and Druids are too few in number for them to worry about. The Civil Servants can be bossed out. But the secular gluttons are a potential problem. That is why the Kinglet and his Evil Ministers are working 24/7 to consolidate state power in the executive branch. The judiciary was easily suborned, or will be suborned as soon as the remaining uncooperative Civil Servants are bossed out. Yikes! Do you think the Kinglet could pardon his pals, Lay and Skilling?
Onward! Consider the last hope of the secular gluttons, the Yorenited States Congress. Perhaps no other institution on the globe, ever, has better represented the interests of secular gluttons as has the Yorenited States Congress over the course of these last three decades. But the time for placing localized gluttony on an equal footing with global gluttony has passed. The Kinglet and His Evil Ministers believe the sun god has told them that they, and they alone, should direct and coordinate all the gluttony on a global scale. It's a test of their faith. So the Congress with their petty localized secular gluttonies must submit, and give up their authority to the great global gluttony the sun god has offered up to the Kinglet and His Evil Ministers.
What's better, top down global gluttony or locally controlled secular gluttony? What about those sun god followers in the southern Yorenited States who believe their localized gluttony has been exclusively mandated by the sun god too? Fer goodness sake, their sun god is the same one the Kinglet talks with. What will their Congresspersons do? Goodness!
The Congress suborned itself, emphasis on the past tense. So now the Kinglet and his Evil Ministers shall move expeditiously toward their confrontation with the Wicker Man, the rest of us tagging along.
What do the illegal aliens have to do with the above? Can you operate a leaf blower by yourself?
But what's the plant du jour, Ray-mone?
Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Red hollers "Jeez Louise!"
Oh! Corona de cristo is the vulgar name, fer me.
*"Proposed" implies move it or lose it.
The Arkdruid
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Red sends a letter back
Dear Rayetta,
Ye better not let somethin' get ye. Ye bunch a neer do wells need to get on back here. Last night they fed me commonist food. It wern't bad though. Whut Vladamir did was take a chicken and brown it in a skillet on low heat fer a good while. Then he poured off most of the chicken grease and give that to the pigs. Then he chopped up an onion and put that in. Then after the onion browned a mite he put in a can of black beans and a can of tomatoes and let that all cook together for a while 'til most of the can juice was evaporated off. I got to admit that was delicious. Use lots of course black pepper in it. Mmmm-boy.
Here's a picture Ray-mone took. As ye may espy, it's Queens at the E. greggii. Tomorrow I need to make Practical Nurse Bill set up the little telescopery near the flowers so Ray-mone can take a pictures with that rig.
If yer takin' so long on this adventure cause yer holdin' back, I got ye covered on the red wigglers. Come on home, dang ye.
Ye better not let somethin' get ye. Ye bunch a neer do wells need to get on back here. Last night they fed me commonist food. It wern't bad though. Whut Vladamir did was take a chicken and brown it in a skillet on low heat fer a good while. Then he poured off most of the chicken grease and give that to the pigs. Then he chopped up an onion and put that in. Then after the onion browned a mite he put in a can of black beans and a can of tomatoes and let that all cook together for a while 'til most of the can juice was evaporated off. I got to admit that was delicious. Use lots of course black pepper in it. Mmmm-boy.
If yer takin' so long on this adventure cause yer holdin' back, I got ye covered on the red wigglers. Come on home, dang ye.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Red gets a letter from Rayetta
Dear Red,
We are making good progress. Ray has recovered his memory. However, we face terrible danger almost constantly and must be ever alert for Potential Safety Topics environmental hazards, especially of the two-legged variety. Also, we may need to dispose of some inert liars and/or gluttons, anon. So if I send a message containing the spell, "red wigglers" preceded by a number, you will know how many holes Bill the Practical Nurse and Vladamir will need to dig. Hopefully, they can locate some places for the holes on someone else's property.
Crumby, Hope, Lomo and Ray are all hunky-dory. Nancy says hello. If Hope and Lomo turn up at the CB without the rest of us, you will know that something got the rest of us, maybe. If that comes to pass, you know what to do.
Rayetta, LDR
We are making good progress. Ray has recovered his memory. However, we face terrible danger almost constantly and must be ever alert for Potential Safety Topics environmental hazards, especially of the two-legged variety. Also, we may need to dispose of some inert liars and/or gluttons, anon. So if I send a message containing the spell, "red wigglers" preceded by a number, you will know how many holes Bill the Practical Nurse and Vladamir will need to dig. Hopefully, they can locate some places for the holes on someone else's property.
Crumby, Hope, Lomo and Ray are all hunky-dory. Nancy says hello. If Hope and Lomo turn up at the CB without the rest of us, you will know that something got the rest of us, maybe. If that comes to pass, you know what to do.
Rayetta, LDR
Friday, May 19, 2006
Red does the work of a tousand, maybe two tousand
Sedge Buster - Psilocarya nitens.
Since my dang botanists aint here, I aint sure whut this is. But it says on the newspaper it's in, Psilocarya Nitens, Ingleside Peninsula.
This is another CB first; testing out new microspery gizmos. This particular one is a 20mm telescopery ep adapted to microspery that cost me $10.00. The method of adaptation is ye have to put a little masking tape around the barrel fer it to fit snug in the microspery porthole and not wobble around when the digitals attached to it, the ep.
There are a number of drawbacks to takin pictures through a cheap microsope with cheap light with a cheap camera and using eps and barlows from telescopes, also the cheapest I can find. But there is also significant savings to the tune of thousands of dollars.
So this akene is just a lala hair over 1mm stem to stern.
Two experimental pictures are here somewhere. In these kinds of pictures with tiny subjects ye have to compensate for bad light conditions and the inability of the camera to handle depths very well at these tiny sizes and high magnifications. This ep, is a keeper. Plus, I'm gonna get another one to match up with it in the microscope. I already have a 40mm, two 30mms, and this 20mm from the same vendor. They are fair telescopery eps too. They are very much spectacle wearer friendly.
Shot set on digitals wide angle.
Shot set on telephoto.
Since my dang botanists aint here, I aint sure whut this is. But it says on the newspaper it's in, Psilocarya Nitens, Ingleside Peninsula.
This is another CB first; testing out new microspery gizmos. This particular one is a 20mm telescopery ep adapted to microspery that cost me $10.00. The method of adaptation is ye have to put a little masking tape around the barrel fer it to fit snug in the microspery porthole and not wobble around when the digitals attached to it, the ep.
There are a number of drawbacks to takin pictures through a cheap microsope with cheap light with a cheap camera and using eps and barlows from telescopes, also the cheapest I can find. But there is also significant savings to the tune of thousands of dollars.
So this akene is just a lala hair over 1mm stem to stern.
Two experimental pictures are here somewhere. In these kinds of pictures with tiny subjects ye have to compensate for bad light conditions and the inability of the camera to handle depths very well at these tiny sizes and high magnifications. This ep, is a keeper. Plus, I'm gonna get another one to match up with it in the microscope. I already have a 40mm, two 30mms, and this 20mm from the same vendor. They are fair telescopery eps too. They are very much spectacle wearer friendly.
Red's got too much on his plate
Dang them fool adventurers! I got too much on my plate. Practical Nurse Bill, take the rest of this out to the pigs. Then before ye come back into the air conditioning, ye need to enumerate the Bifora. Also, ye need to draw a map and indicate on the map where the different Biforas are situated. Also, ye need to keep track of those Biforas to see when they set seed. We need to collect all the Bifora seed. Then after that, ye and Vladamir go along and see if ye can find more Bifora somewhere else. Fer I want ye to get that seed too. Make a map of those Biforas also. Do ye understand all that? All righty then. I want to see those maps when ye return.
Dern it. Whut do mosquitoes suck on when they caint get at Red Ears? There I be communin' with the heavens and here them boys come, yaaaaaang, yaaaaaang, yaaaaaang. Poor little gals were starvin'. Be that as it may, them little gals kept me lively 'til the moon rose and obscured the telescopery visions which were fair to middlin' fer that nonce.
Whut else? Hark! Graminoids tend to be poor subjects fer the photography, maybe. But graminoids are important. So they deserve some recognition in spite of their bein' uncooperative, photogenic-wise. So here' a couple of 'em with some of their many remarks. Ye got to censor graminoids due to their talkative natures.
Buchloe dactyloides. Howdy there. As ye may be able to discern, I am dioecious just like many humans and proto humans. I am a boy and these are my sex organs.
Er, all righty then. That's enough frum that one.
Melica nitens. I am totally different from stubby up yonder. I am properly monoecious for one thing. And I like it shady. And I don't like anyone crowding me. If I get plenty of water, I stay green all year if the cows don't eat me.
OK. Now let's see. It's back to this generalist pollinator beetle. Whut the heck is this spotted rascality.
Engelmania pinnatifida and spotted rascality vector.
Dern it. Whut do mosquitoes suck on when they caint get at Red Ears? There I be communin' with the heavens and here them boys come, yaaaaaang, yaaaaaang, yaaaaaang. Poor little gals were starvin'. Be that as it may, them little gals kept me lively 'til the moon rose and obscured the telescopery visions which were fair to middlin' fer that nonce.
Whut else? Hark! Graminoids tend to be poor subjects fer the photography, maybe. But graminoids are important. So they deserve some recognition in spite of their bein' uncooperative, photogenic-wise. So here' a couple of 'em with some of their many remarks. Ye got to censor graminoids due to their talkative natures.
Er, all righty then. That's enough frum that one.
OK. Now let's see. It's back to this generalist pollinator beetle. Whut the heck is this spotted rascality.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Red's excessively boring political foretelling and commentary
I foretell that if an actual fence is put up on the Texas border, most of the workers, buildin' the fence, will be illegal aliens. But that may not happen. We may get a virtual fence instead. A virtual fence is where the government Republicans pay out a bunch of my money to their Republican virtual contractor golf buddies who then build a make believe fence. But my most likely foretelling is that we shall get a combo actual fence built by illegal aliens and some make believe fence too. Yep, the rich just keep getting richer.
Yep. That's boring, all righty then. But here's something more interesting. It's Ray-mones' Plant du Jour. Panicum obtusum. P. obtusum is sometimes referenced as vine mesquite. But since it's a grass, why the heck would anyone call it vine mesquite? Easy that, every once in a while P. obtusum sends out runners, (stolons these runners are called), and these runners can be up to a hunerd feet long and will commonly climb over trees and into buildings.
Another thing they do is grow into a baby's crib at night, always seeking for chubby little Republican babies. Ye may be able to guess what happens to those afflicted babies. This is another reason you Republicans should all go away from these parts and an even better reason for the rest of you staying where you are and not coming here, even to visit.
Too bad, it's the wrong season for those runners and we don't have a good picture of one of them. We'll get a good picture next fall, fer ye, maybe.
So that takes care of the vine component of the vulgar name. What about mesquite? Easy that, mesquites the same difference as chinga dera.
Another thing they do is grow into a baby's crib at night, always seeking for chubby little Republican babies. Ye may be able to guess what happens to those afflicted babies. This is another reason you Republicans should all go away from these parts and an even better reason for the rest of you staying where you are and not coming here, even to visit.
Too bad, it's the wrong season for those runners and we don't have a good picture of one of them. We'll get a good picture next fall, fer ye, maybe.
So that takes care of the vine component of the vulgar name. What about mesquite? Easy that, mesquites the same difference as chinga dera.
Red and time lapse photography
All righty then. Ray-mone has been workin' hard and has come up with this time lapse photo. So without further ado, the photo is here somewhere.
Lindheimera texana. Starting with when it has its ray flowers, i.e., when it looks like a yellow flower, then proceedin' counter-clockwise ye may be able to recognize how an annual wild weed progresses. See the nice new green ovaries in the time lapse sequence of the yellow flower as it ages a few days. Then the next shot up and to the right shows the dry, mature ovaries. Hark, making the full circle to the last shot, there's nothing left but a dried up receptacle. Yepper, time lapse photography is a wonderful strategy fer whatever.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Red's overworked
Mercy! I'm a 20 mule team haulin' Boraxo.
Cynanchum unifarium as a subject for time lapse photography. Now you may see there's two ants.
Mimosa strigillosa. Nope. No stickers. And look how pretty I am. I used to stay at a sod farm.
Vicia ludoviciana. I am a native vetch. I am the most abundant legume in these parts. However, we have a very troublesome European vetch in these parts that is unmanageable. More on that one anon.
Triodanis perfoliata. I am pretty, all righty then, but you ought to check out my cool mature ovary, not here depicted. Raymone, take a picture of my mature ovary, anon.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Red's early
All righty then. These are tomorrow's, er, some of em. Two of the same one. As Ray is quick to point out, Cynanchum rhymes with, I yank em.
Cynanchum unifarium. I am 6mm across, from calyx tip to calyx tip, that is. So that gives you some idea about the ant, size wise.
. Yikes! These aphids are sucking me dry.
Red's motivational little wonders (cont.)
Hark! The skies today are once again as blue as they ever get in these polluted parts, sort of milky blue. Nevertheless, there may be a window of opportunity for heavenly communion. I shall ascertain anon, the time of moon rise, for the moon is waning, but great, yet.
The rain evaded the CB yesterday. When that happens, rain evasion, ye wonder if a pattern is developing, no rain fer half a year, fer that is whut may transpire.
Gaura drummondii. I am an aggressively rhizomatous lawn weed and my preferred associate and bosom companion is Ambrosia psilostachya which makes me problematic for my ostensible managers I am told.
Eupatorium greggii. I'm actually bluer than this picture shows, generally. In these parts I like it shady for some reason and I don' do so well out in the sun. My managers can't figure that out any better than they can get the color right on the picture.
I am the tiniest Violaceae at the CB and the tiniest in North America maybe. There's lots of us here at the CB cause they only mow us down on rare occasions after we seed out. Then too, we've learned how to seed out when we're short.
Solanum elaeagnifolium. Home, home on the range. The worse it gets, the better I like it. Bring on the Wicker Man.
The rain evaded the CB yesterday. When that happens, rain evasion, ye wonder if a pattern is developing, no rain fer half a year, fer that is whut may transpire.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Red and the wild weeds (cont.)
Berlandiera betonicifolia. It's too hot fer the little pollinators so I shall close up shop.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Red tackles telescope tomfoolery, plus it's a new month at the CB
Seeing would be good if ye want to look at the moon. The skies have cleared for the nonce, but the moonlight was very bright. I read a magazine by moonlight. So I fiddled around with the gizmos and discovered that a 40mm plossl acquired on EBay for ten dollars that get used mostly for microspery photography is very nearly parfocal with a 12.5mm UO ortho. That surprised me, cause that's very handy.
Oops. It's already a new month. This one shall run from May 13 through June 9 of the Julian. What shall I name it. Er. Er. I got it. The month is "I didn't get et by the Ungulates" and the CB tree is Purty Native Weeds.
Here's some ungulate survivors at the CB.
Polytaenia texana
Ruellia nudiflora
Salvia azurea
Salvia texana As you may see, the tiny herbivores got some of me.
There now. That's four for the Crumby Ovate.
Oops. It's already a new month. This one shall run from May 13 through June 9 of the Julian. What shall I name it. Er. Er. I got it. The month is "I didn't get et by the Ungulates" and the CB tree is Purty Native Weeds.
Here's some ungulate survivors at the CB.
There now. That's four for the Crumby Ovate.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Red says uckfa ouya
Hi there, bourgeoisie. Guess what. Yer runnin' out of gas. And the Wicker Man is gonna get ye.
So now the media liberal has decided to make "populist" a bad spell. Oooo. "Populists are gonna steal their own gasoline and we fatties won't get any. Oooo, however will we lug our fatty selves about. Oooo. We must keep the populists from stealing their own gasoline. Ooooo. Send in the Marines so we fattys can ride about for another couple of decades, maybe. Oooo."
So now the media liberal has decided to make "populist" a bad spell. Oooo. "Populists are gonna steal their own gasoline and we fatties won't get any. Oooo, however will we lug our fatty selves about. Oooo. We must keep the populists from stealing their own gasoline. Ooooo. Send in the Marines so we fattys can ride about for another couple of decades, maybe. Oooo."
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Red's chaffed spot near his right testicle is better
Yep. I put some ointment on it and it's better.
Does anybody besides me want to exterminate the American ruling class? I sure would like to get shut of all those parasites. They were bad enough when they were just parasites, but now they're traitors, too. Ha! Just kidding. I love our rulers, especially Chitlin. They help me and make my life better. I may get some trickle down, any day now.
Chitlin buddy, why don'y ye send me some of the money ye stole over the last few years. I could use some trickle down. Ye can trickle down this way, anytime, lardass buddy.
Red! I don't think that's how trickle down works. Ye have to work hard and position yer lips just so to get any trickle down.
Ye do Arkdruid? Dad gum it, I thought trickle down was like Manna frum Heaven.
No, Red, it's not. To get any trickle down ye must fondle the rulers. It's rather like milking a cow. Think of it as milking a cow, Red, and be comforted.
Does anybody besides me want to exterminate the American ruling class? I sure would like to get shut of all those parasites. They were bad enough when they were just parasites, but now they're traitors, too. Ha! Just kidding. I love our rulers, especially Chitlin. They help me and make my life better. I may get some trickle down, any day now.
Chitlin buddy, why don'y ye send me some of the money ye stole over the last few years. I could use some trickle down. Ye can trickle down this way, anytime, lardass buddy.
Red! I don't think that's how trickle down works. Ye have to work hard and position yer lips just so to get any trickle down.
Ye do Arkdruid? Dad gum it, I thought trickle down was like Manna frum Heaven.
No, Red, it's not. To get any trickle down ye must fondle the rulers. It's rather like milking a cow. Think of it as milking a cow, Red, and be comforted.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Red on underwear
Ye know! How long have the underwear vendors had to develop a perfect product. Yet they have not. Instead, my undears has come undone over the inside leg band exposing the contained rubber, elastic, whatever. I worked outside most of the day when it was very hot and humid. So the defective underwear gave me a bad chafe on my inner thigh just off my right testicle.
Looky here though, a message from Nancy.
Dear Red,
Have ye had any unusual feelings lately? The reason I am asking is because something really bad may have happened to Crumby, but maybe not. Ray didn't feel anything bad happened to Crumby, but Ray has amnesia and is stupider than usual. So Red, do you feel anything really bad referencing Crumby?
Yers sometimes,
Dang it! I ain got nothin' goin' on but these wet, chaffy underwears. Oh well.
Dear Nancy,
Crumby is fine. He just needs a bath.
Looky here though, a message from Nancy.
Dear Red,
Have ye had any unusual feelings lately? The reason I am asking is because something really bad may have happened to Crumby, but maybe not. Ray didn't feel anything bad happened to Crumby, but Ray has amnesia and is stupider than usual. So Red, do you feel anything really bad referencing Crumby?
Yers sometimes,
Dang it! I ain got nothin' goin' on but these wet, chaffy underwears. Oh well.
Dear Nancy,
Crumby is fine. He just needs a bath.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Red is red
Hep me out here, Arkdruid.
Yer good to go Red.
Of course,the country is now run by traitors of the Chitlin stripe. Chitlin's patriotic duty is lining his own pockets. That's cool. It's not like the liars and gluttons including Chitlin ever said they were anything but liars and gluttons. Comrade shit eaters, you can tell Chitlin's a liar and glutton by watching him on TV with the sound off if you have any knack for that sort of thing.
But this is something else. Last night while communing with the heavens I happened to notice that mosquitoes were more abundant than usual. All righty then, we've had lots of rain lately. Mosquitoes make sense with lots of rain. But alas not that many.
The picture next door shows why where's so many. That's the Burger Center south parking area, not far from the east pasture. How can you make impervious cover worse? Flood it most of April into May.
The Austin Independent School District maintains this environmentally friendly facility, possibly for Dipteran breeding these days, but usually for sporting and marching band events that sometimes exceed my patience, generally between 11 PM - 12 AM. The lights, noise and traffic and school bus parking areas are nice touches too.
What a shithole. And the funniest part is, there's nothing you can do about it. Well, nothing legal anyway.
Yer good to go Red.
Of course,the country is now run by traitors of the Chitlin stripe. Chitlin's patriotic duty is lining his own pockets. That's cool. It's not like the liars and gluttons including Chitlin ever said they were anything but liars and gluttons. Comrade shit eaters, you can tell Chitlin's a liar and glutton by watching him on TV with the sound off if you have any knack for that sort of thing.
But this is something else. Last night while communing with the heavens I happened to notice that mosquitoes were more abundant than usual. All righty then, we've had lots of rain lately. Mosquitoes make sense with lots of rain. But alas not that many.
The Austin Independent School District maintains this environmentally friendly facility, possibly for Dipteran breeding these days, but usually for sporting and marching band events that sometimes exceed my patience, generally between 11 PM - 12 AM. The lights, noise and traffic and school bus parking areas are nice touches too.
What a shithole. And the funniest part is, there's nothing you can do about it. Well, nothing legal anyway.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Red's new ecotype, Evolvulus sericeus
I need ye to translate, fer me, Arkdruid.
Yer good to go, Red.
Here depicted is an ecotype of Evolvulus sericeus new to my experience. I have been watching its progress for a couple of years and it justs gets bigger and bigger until these days it is even bigger. Plus it is the dominant species at that particular location as depicted. The surrounding graminoids are mostly Buchloe dactyloides and Stipa leucotrciha. The graminoid poking up out of it is Tridens flavus. Interesting.
Er. I fergot. There was another 5 tics in the gage this morning and the Symphoricarpus is startin' to mildew. But the Evolvulus flowers opened up so Ray-mone got a close up.
Later still.
Prairie bishop, Bifora, is the Crumby Ovate's favorite carrot. What the hecks Crumby up to. He needs to get back here and hep me.
This little spider likes it too. Spider, backside to the camera, has a gnat.
Way later still.
Only the round chested are out tonight with the telelscopery. Hot and humid, moon's half, plenty of skeeters, couldn't even pick up Polaris til 9:30 over the great highway lights. Even so, managed to split Epsilon Bootis in the Lomo Mak, 133mm around 10:30. But it took a 12.5mm UO ortho and 2x Ultima barlow to do it. That's about 192x and I couldn't get em crisp.
Yer good to go, Red.
Later still.
Way later still.
Only the round chested are out tonight with the telelscopery. Hot and humid, moon's half, plenty of skeeters, couldn't even pick up Polaris til 9:30 over the great highway lights. Even so, managed to split Epsilon Bootis in the Lomo Mak, 133mm around 10:30. But it took a 12.5mm UO ortho and 2x Ultima barlow to do it. That's about 192x and I couldn't get em crisp.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Red takes it one day at a time
One of the recurring subtopics at the CB is
The Arkdruid
Merciful Goddess! The rain fell again during the most recent period of stygian or near-stygian darkness to the tune of 2.4 tics. That's 5.4 tics in just a few days; more than we got in the previous eight months. Merciful Goddess! Ye caint get too much rain in these parts. However, Merciful Goddess, I Red Ears want to espy the comet Schweinhundt-Wussmann it's spelled, maybe, that is now, reportedly traipsing into Lyra. But I caint very well do that in the rain.
So I be upon the horns of the dialectic bull, yet another example, rain-comet, rain-comet, rain-comet. Ye caint get enough rain, but ye desire to espy the comet.
Common Spells of the Ignorant and Vulgar.Here's another one, "taking it one day a time."
The Arkdruid
Merciful Goddess! The rain fell again during the most recent period of stygian or near-stygian darkness to the tune of 2.4 tics. That's 5.4 tics in just a few days; more than we got in the previous eight months. Merciful Goddess! Ye caint get too much rain in these parts. However, Merciful Goddess, I Red Ears want to espy the comet Schweinhundt-Wussmann it's spelled, maybe, that is now, reportedly traipsing into Lyra. But I caint very well do that in the rain.
So I be upon the horns of the dialectic bull, yet another example, rain-comet, rain-comet, rain-comet. Ye caint get enough rain, but ye desire to espy the comet.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Red's a music lover
Merciful WG. We got 1.5 more tics early this morning. The CB looks like old Eire minus the sheep. Say Ray-mone, go get Vladamir and Bill.
Oui-oui, Monsieur Rouge.
All righty then, y'all sang that sheep song I taught ye.
We are three little lambs who have lost our way, baaa-baaa-baaa.
We are three little lambs who have gone astray, baaa-baaa-baaa.
Har, har. That un takes me back.
Oui-oui, Monsieur Rouge.
All righty then, y'all sang that sheep song I taught ye.
We are three little lambs who have lost our way, baaa-baaa-baaa.
We are three little lambs who have gone astray, baaa-baaa-baaa.
Har, har. That un takes me back.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Red's slackin' off
Praise the WG we got 1.5 tics last night. But I have alas lost track of the monthly total for the month, "I am a wind blown fornicator and CB tree is live oak and pecan." Those pecans are self pruning so all of them shed last night and there were a good many limbs for the hands to pick up.
There were itinerants around again this morning, but I didn't go out to espy them. Looky there, I finally spelled iterants right.
Porter Goss quit, but not enough, since he's still breathing. Reckon how much he stole.
This is how it works. The Kinglet and his minions are running federal agencies exclusively for personal profit and the personal profit of the Kinglet's pals in the ruling class. That's why FEMA is caput, the Department of Interior is caput and the CIA is caput along with all the other agencies to varying degrees, especially those branches of all the agencies that in the past had some oversight over ruling class shenanaigans. EPA, OSHA the US COE are exemplary.
But take heart America, you got trickle down.
There were itinerants around again this morning, but I didn't go out to espy them. Looky there, I finally spelled iterants right.
Porter Goss quit, but not enough, since he's still breathing. Reckon how much he stole.
This is how it works. The Kinglet and his minions are running federal agencies exclusively for personal profit and the personal profit of the Kinglet's pals in the ruling class. That's why FEMA is caput, the Department of Interior is caput and the CIA is caput along with all the other agencies to varying degrees, especially those branches of all the agencies that in the past had some oversight over ruling class shenanaigans. EPA, OSHA the US COE are exemplary.
But take heart America, you got trickle down.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Red's hunkered down
Merciful Goddess, spare me but carry off the wicked. We got 5 more tics the other night and fer the nonce the rain is pouring down and the wind is blowing hundred dollar bills around. I had Vladamir out mowing the spear grass all afternoon. Spear grass is not tolerable to be around when it seeds out so that characteristic earns it a good mowing. Besides its sticks in the cow's noses. So we had to mow it, expecting this here deluge.
I been monitoring those dern cows of Rayettas, but she forgot to tell me what I was monitoring them for. So I just watched them until I fell asleep.
Apparently, they have rescued Ray sort of. But he has amnesia now. Tomorrow they are going off to visit with Upyeraholes, maybe.
I been monitoring those dern cows of Rayettas, but she forgot to tell me what I was monitoring them for. So I just watched them until I fell asleep.
Apparently, they have rescued Ray sort of. But he has amnesia now. Tomorrow they are going off to visit with Upyeraholes, maybe.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Red is makin' good progress
All righty then. Druids are hard and fast. So, I Red, have negotitiated a deal with the Arkdruid. The deal is, if I use standard grammar, the Arkdruid is fixing to allow me to cuss. Somehow, I have felt the need to cuss in this sterile venue lately.
First off then, the Wicker Man doesn't play fair. He likes to get everyone. But that's not how it works from the hard and fast orthodox Druid perspective. The way it should work, and will, if we are on the ball, is, the Wicker Man starts in on the ruling class, then if he does not perceive general repentance, he gets everyone.
So who needs to get got first. Why the Kinglet and all his evil ministers, of course Then all their lickspittle sidekicks. That's 80-100 million parasites the globe could do without. Perhaps they could be recycled, but why worry about that. Just getting shut of those liars and gluttons would improve the globe so expeditiously that a few bodies rotting in the streets unpleasantry would be well worth it.
Should the children be spared? I don't think so. Not given the inheritance laws on the books these days.
And now for the cussing.
I got really pissed off the other day when a lady spelled New Age with respect to Druidry in front of me. New Age! What a bunch of dumb fuckers. Get right with the Goddess ye ignorant shitheads, or perish.
First off then, the Wicker Man doesn't play fair. He likes to get everyone. But that's not how it works from the hard and fast orthodox Druid perspective. The way it should work, and will, if we are on the ball, is, the Wicker Man starts in on the ruling class, then if he does not perceive general repentance, he gets everyone.
So who needs to get got first. Why the Kinglet and all his evil ministers, of course Then all their lickspittle sidekicks. That's 80-100 million parasites the globe could do without. Perhaps they could be recycled, but why worry about that. Just getting shut of those liars and gluttons would improve the globe so expeditiously that a few bodies rotting in the streets unpleasantry would be well worth it.
Should the children be spared? I don't think so. Not given the inheritance laws on the books these days.
And now for the cussing.
I got really pissed off the other day when a lady spelled New Age with respect to Druidry in front of me. New Age! What a bunch of dumb fuckers. Get right with the Goddess ye ignorant shitheads, or perish.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Red holds forth
All righty then. First, I got to get some of this hair off my chest. Bill, come over here and remove some of this here hair. Not that one, them others. That's good. All them are good to go. Now go put all those hairs in the east compost pile.
So whut. A little rain won't hurt ye.
Jeez Louise. With 80 million furriners in the country, ye still caint get good hep.
But I got to admit, it's rainin' with alacrity. It's hailin' too.
Lulu! Get down from there. Dang terriers is worse about climbin' than Lomo.
Let's see here. Why lookee here. This uns frum Rayetta.
Dear Red,
I, the Lovely Druidess Rayetta, am performing the labors of a mule team and as a consequence of my efforts, Ray has been located. I even had a nice chat with Ray and he is very sorry, but not sufficiently sorry for what he needs to be sorry for, yet.
This quest business should be concluded satisfactorily anon. Or perhaps within a week depending on Crumby. There is a buzzard metamorphosis issue or some such nonsense to get over, but that's small potatoes.
How are Bill the Practical Nurse and Vladamir working out?
Hark! Here come's Lomo with lunch. Bye now.
Your yellow streak remover,
The Lovely Druidess Rayetta
P.S. Be sure to monitor the cows in the south pasture, east pen.
Whut the heck! That dern Rayetta!
An here's somethin' from Ray-mone.
Monsieur Rouge,
Huh? Er. Huh, huh. I get it.
So whut. A little rain won't hurt ye.
Jeez Louise. With 80 million furriners in the country, ye still caint get good hep.
But I got to admit, it's rainin' with alacrity. It's hailin' too.
Lulu! Get down from there. Dang terriers is worse about climbin' than Lomo.
Let's see here. Why lookee here. This uns frum Rayetta.
Dear Red,
I, the Lovely Druidess Rayetta, am performing the labors of a mule team and as a consequence of my efforts, Ray has been located. I even had a nice chat with Ray and he is very sorry, but not sufficiently sorry for what he needs to be sorry for, yet.
This quest business should be concluded satisfactorily anon. Or perhaps within a week depending on Crumby. There is a buzzard metamorphosis issue or some such nonsense to get over, but that's small potatoes.
How are Bill the Practical Nurse and Vladamir working out?
Hark! Here come's Lomo with lunch. Bye now.
Your yellow streak remover,
The Lovely Druidess Rayetta
P.S. Be sure to monitor the cows in the south pasture, east pen.
Whut the heck! That dern Rayetta!
An here's somethin' from Ray-mone.
Monsieur Rouge,
Monday, May 01, 2006
Red is semi-omnipotent
Dern it, Bill. Straighten the dern towel out. Get that cat out frum under it first. Dern it.
All righty then. I be tardily deciduous out of bed this mornin'. Consequently, I have no new iterants to report on, although some of the other ones er still here.
Yepper. It was a mighty nice night, fer the stars. But that's generally the case. However, last particular night, the stars let me, Red Ears, in fer a goodly peek. Fer the sky was clear, the moon was sparse and set early, the clouds were elsewhere, and fer a miracle, I was not set upon by the dew until 4 am. So it was me and the chuck wills and screech owls, and the cows and cow dogs up and at em at communion.
Merciful Goddess! The trees help with the liar and glutton lights some, too. So there was the swan and the crow flyin' high so I could see all their key characters. There was visible Queen Berenices er, hair, er, and huntin' dogs, and Pan's duke an' arrow boy, and the scorpion, all ridin' high clean as a whistle. Mercy! There was lots to see, off in the east and south. Too much!
Mercy. I finally figured out whut the dern Orion Ultrablock filter gizmo be good fer; the dumbbell and swan nebulosities.
Merciful Goddess! There's so much coolness just in the neighborhood of Sagittarius and Scorpius that I wet myself twice, fergettin' that proper ablutions come first.
And speakin' of wettin' yerself. Yesterday, I was ovatin' somewhat and received a message frum Crumby. Crumby was engaged in a mighty struggle to keep from wettin' hisself while in mixed company. Fer Crumby espied Ray, wettin' hisself in mixed compnany. And Crumby had to struggle mightily to keep his own self from a sympathetic britches wettin' in mixed company. That was a terrible ordeal fer Crumby, and worse fer Ray.
I am a-feared fer the dispositions of those twain bosom companions.
All righty then. I be tardily deciduous out of bed this mornin'. Consequently, I have no new iterants to report on, although some of the other ones er still here.
Yepper. It was a mighty nice night, fer the stars. But that's generally the case. However, last particular night, the stars let me, Red Ears, in fer a goodly peek. Fer the sky was clear, the moon was sparse and set early, the clouds were elsewhere, and fer a miracle, I was not set upon by the dew until 4 am. So it was me and the chuck wills and screech owls, and the cows and cow dogs up and at em at communion.
Merciful Goddess! The trees help with the liar and glutton lights some, too. So there was the swan and the crow flyin' high so I could see all their key characters. There was visible Queen Berenices er, hair, er, and huntin' dogs, and Pan's duke an' arrow boy, and the scorpion, all ridin' high clean as a whistle. Mercy! There was lots to see, off in the east and south. Too much!
Mercy. I finally figured out whut the dern Orion Ultrablock filter gizmo be good fer; the dumbbell and swan nebulosities.
Merciful Goddess! There's so much coolness just in the neighborhood of Sagittarius and Scorpius that I wet myself twice, fergettin' that proper ablutions come first.
And speakin' of wettin' yerself. Yesterday, I was ovatin' somewhat and received a message frum Crumby. Crumby was engaged in a mighty struggle to keep from wettin' hisself while in mixed company. Fer Crumby espied Ray, wettin' hisself in mixed compnany. And Crumby had to struggle mightily to keep his own self from a sympathetic britches wettin' in mixed company. That was a terrible ordeal fer Crumby, and worse fer Ray.
I am a-feared fer the dispositions of those twain bosom companions.