Just about everyone shall rejoice when the reigning Kinglet is out of the White Palace at last. Yes. Many shall jump and shout with joy. Me too. Actually, I am too crippled up to jump. However, once that great day comes at last, I shall hobble around in a circle at a good pace and shout.
Also, Red’s Good Vs. Evil Cow Barn wishes to make it clear to the Kinglet, plus his hoards of relatives and minions, You bunch are not welcome at the Cow Barn. Don’t come around here. That is correct. Don’t any of you candy asses even set foot in the bar ditch out front. Come around and you could get smitten on the noggin with half a cabbage. Why half a cabbage? Easy that, symbolism. The current Kinglet is half a cabbage short of a noggin. Plus, we already ate the other half.
Does anyone living have a foggy notion of what this Kinglet’s core principles are? Hmmm. Let me guess. Feelings, la-de-da, la-de-da. Yes. That must be it. This Kinglet’s core principles are the same difference as his feelings. Doubtless, his feelings would be hurt, these days, were his feelings not buffered against the slings and arrows of outraged fortune. Buffered by what? Easy that, class privilege combined with a looted national treasury. Whom has the loot? Easy that, the Kinglet, his minions, relatives and golf buddies have the loot.
Yes. The Kinglet felt like his crowd had long been denied free and easy access to the national treasury. So his main core value consisted of the feeling that he needed to get that access, both for himself and his associates. So that is what he did, get that access.
Thus, having gotten that access, the Kinglet’s principles or feelings are salved. All is OK in the Americano Homeland from the perspective or feelings of the Kinglet. Plus, the Kinglet feels like he liberated 50 million miserable Muslims. How did the Kinglet come up with the number, 50 million? Easy that, he felt like there were probably about 25 million miserable Muslims in miserable Iraq, and about as many in miserable Afghanistan, to whit, 50. And the Kinglet liberated them all. Jeez Louise!
Anon, we shall have a new Kinglet, a smarter Kinglet. Maybe the new Kinglet shall stop appealing to our common sense once he is finally ensconced in the White Palace. That’s my hope. A cessation of his appeals to the mythical common sense would go a long way toward convincing me that the new Kinglet was worth the trouble and expense (three dollars) that I personally lavished on his candidacy.
The fact is, since the election, the new Kinglet, via his appointments, seems to be expressing the useless ideas of the same old ruling class. Yes. The new Kinglet is expressing the ideas and opinions of a corrupt and venal ruling class that is generally out of useful ideas. But I could completely forgive the new Kinglet that trespass, if only if he would cease appealing to common sense.
Yes. The new Kinglet may keep miserable Gitmo going. He may bailout all the gluttonous rich people. He may keep tapping everyone’s phone. He may torture the Bejesus out of the usual suspects. He may keep our brave occupation forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, forever. He may watch haplessly as the next unprecedented natural disaster carries off untold dozens of innocent Americanos. I can forgive him all that, maybe, if he will just quit appealing to my common sense. Jeez Louise!
Now! Getting back to the current Kinglet. At this very nonce he is skulking around the White Palace feeling this or that. Maybe he feels hungry. Maybe he’s thirsty. Maybe he’s horny. There is really no telling which of these core principles is foremost on the mind of our precious current Kinglet. Yet, like everyone else, I weary of considering the current Kinglet.
Instead, I need to consider Mr. Karl Jung. I propose that the feelings of Dr. Jung should be expunged from Americano life. In practice, this would include banning all his books, pamphlets, treatises and all derived books, pamphlets and treatises produced by Jung’s disciples, critics, scholars and what nots. Especially, the process of expunging Jung from Americano life would make illegal, use of the phrase collective consciousness. Also expunged would be 12 step programs, Myers (sic?)-Briggs, GRID, rope courses, team building exercises and especially, common sense.
Why common sense? Easy that, common sense is merely the vulgarization of collective consciousness.
Good Goddess! Please let it be true that the dumbasses are in eclipse. Please let it be true that they shall suffer like dogs at the dog pound. Yes. Dogs at the dog pound are a good simile.