The weather robot was, as usual, wrong. The pansy thermometer indicates that the temperature has hovered above freezing and the rain has stopped long ago. The republicans need to hire a real scientist to calibrate the weather robot to keep it from being wrong, as usual. The republicans could hire a real scientist for chicken feed and still keep all their relatives on staff. Or is actual labor, as opposed to virtual labor, too expensive a commodity.
Easy that, yes, honest labor is too expensive for republicans. Ho hum.
I was suppine upon and amid the ample bosoms until just a while ago. On day's like today, during localized short term reversals in the trend toward increased global heat, I have found that it is best to stay in bed. But we needed a precipitation update since it has stopped raining. After Red hauled me out of bed, out I went into the terrible frigid Polar Bear season of these parts to look at the pansy thermometer and the gauge. The gauge had 1.2". So that's 1.2" + 4.2" + 2.83" = 8.23" so far during Polar Bear of DY 1 on Day 26 of DY 1. Now I'm heading on back to the Ample Bosoms, Praise the Goddess.
Ohhhhhh, the weather outside is frightful,
But the nosernoids are delightful.
Let me go, let me go, let me gooooooooooooo.
Ohhhhhh, the
Crumby! If you sing that refrain one more time, I am certain to hit you upside the head with this skillet. And stop pestering that old dog.
Well, what am I supposed to do, Rayetta?
I don’t know Crumby. I am at my wit’s end, myself. Hmmm. I know, we can set up the photography gear for icicle photography.
But Rayetta, there’s no icicles.
Nonsense Crumby, there may be some icicles anon so we need to be prepared.
But Rayetta, I don’t want to photograph icicles.
Well, neither do I, but I’m at my wit’s end. Hmmm. OK, Crumby, here’s what we shall do to pass the time. We shall work up a theoretical justification for the purchase of another camera.
But Rayetta, we don’t know how to operate the one we got now.
You were not listening Crumby. I said a theoretical justification. A theoretical justification should address all eventualities, past, present and future. Certainly, some day, one of us, probably me, shall learn how to operate the extant CB camera. Once that happens, I shall need to learn how to operate a new camera. Now Crumby, we must justify the purchase of a new camera to Red, a well-known skinflint. So what would you say to Red to justify a new camera purchase?
Red!!!! Lomo took the camera way up high in a tree and accidentally dropped it. That poor camera plummeted earthward, yet smote the earth at F = MA where A =
Stop that Crumby. Stop hearkening back to your evil Christian past. No this theoretical justification assumes a perfectly extant old camera in addition to the new camera.
So we shall have two cameras, Rayetta?
Whoa! Er. Er. Two cameras will help us Serve the Goddess twice as much, Rayetta, I mean Red!!!! Er, er, er, er,
Hmmm. Crumby we need to focus on the qualitative aspects of our theoretical justification, not merely the additive. I surmise that Red won’t be moved by the merely additive. What we shall need to do is convince Red that our pictures will be lots better if we have two cameras. With two cameras we shall Honor the Goddess, better, Spread Druidry hither and yon, better, and save many more of the little wonders, better, than we could ever accomplish with one camera, exponentially better, because the new camera can do lots of stuff the old camera can’t do, way better.
But Rayetta, all that may be impossible.
Nonsense Crumby. This is a theoretical justification. Anything is possible.
All righty then, Rayetta. We need to hone in on what a new camera might do for us that the old camera can’t do. Right?
Er. How about this, Rayetta? Red, this new potential camera is the cat’s meow for photographing the tiny, plus the tiny and far away and is generally swell for spreading our propaganda. Here’s why. Er. As you are always saying Red, art is a pitiful or perhaps wacky reflection of nature. So for purposes of documentation we need to make the documentation as accurately reflective of nature as we can make it, leaving out any art wherever possible. This new camera totally leaves out art. Even if Rayetta and me wanted to do art with this camera, we couldn’t. This new camera absolutely reflects nature without any shenanigans thrown in. In addition, the pictures this camera is guaranteed to take shall never be exploited by the pest management or turf grass industries or for generally exploiting ignoramuses. How’s that Rayetta?
That’s pretty good Crumby. I surmise Red might go for that. Now we just need to pick out a new camera that might do all that, approximately. That’s what we shall do the rest of the day, search for such a camera.
All righty then. Say Rayetta, is that skillet getting heavy?