Imperialists like to spread the imperial lifestyle around. By spreading the imperial lifestyle around, the average imperialist may enjoy an imperial lifestyle, anywhere. Historically, considered, after the ancient Romans, the most successful imperialists were the English. In the British Isles plus Eire, The English fought the Welsh, Scotch and Irish over there, to keep from having to fight the Welsh, Scotch and Irish in Pickaninny Square, or wherever. Once the English imperial lifestyle was fairly safely established in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and Pickaninny Square was secure, the English cast about for imperial lifestyle opportunities further afield.
Soon the English, ably employing lots or recently acquired, handy, surplus cannon fodder, created a world in which the average English imperialist could enjoy a safe imperial lifestyle almost anywhere except Germany. But somehow they forgot to introduce their safe imperial lifestyle to the Germans. That was their undoing. The Germans messed up their safe imperial lifestyle. The English have been trying to restore their safe imperial lifestyle, everywhere, ever since, that the Germans messed up. Interestingly, the Germans also messed up Rome’s safe imperial life style. Funny, I never thought of that before just now. The Germans messed up the two greatest empires and the imperial lifestyles of those empires.
These days, the English imperialists and US clones are bent on throwing up a third great empire. Yep. Imperialists must be safe everywhere, or imperialists won’t even be safe in England, or even in downtown Ames, Iowa . Yep. The imperialists call US to arms. Off we go, cluster bombing the bejesus out of the third world, again. Interesting how big chunks of the Third World leave themselves susceptible to becoming our colonies, isn’t it. One would think, they would learn. But they do not learn. Well, in fairness, some of them learn. Some of the east Asian former colonies seem to have learned, maybe.
Through the magic of Druid Vision, a top secret mystery the Druids employ to expose the innermost attitudes and opinions of the ruling class and ruling class, tip-top minions, we can provide this synopsis of:
Imperial Attitudes and High-Level Opinions of ImperialistsFollowing in the grand tradition of the immortal regimental bhestie, Gunga Din, all you miserable paynims need to listen up. We need you to assemble for Cannon Fodder Day. Here’s the deal. You will get swell new uniforms. Then we shall teach you how to march along swinging your arms just so. After you learn how to march, you shall march out to the potential cluster bombing range. If anyone habitating in the potential cluster bomb bombing range shoots at you, while you are marching along, we shall cluster bomb the bejesus out of them, and you, of course, could also get yourselves accidentally cluster bombed, maybe. Won't that be fun!
Yepper. You paynims and other various heathens shall have swell new uniforms and US shall be fighting the evil, seriously darkie, really evil paynims over there, together, with you, where it is safe, instead of, God Forbid, over here, where we might get hurt. Good God, US imperialists might get hurt instead of you paynims. God forbid, maybe a tiny smattering of US may get accidentally hit by the cluster bombs over there, but that’s way better than US getting hit over here.
Ask yourselves, miserable paynims, What would happen to the free market global economy if US imperialists got hurt? Think about that, ingrate paynims who may have doubts about US. You rely on the free market global economy for everything. Think what might happen to you if US imperialists got hurt. The free market global economy would then collapse and you would all starve and go to hell. You may starve and go to hell anyway, but such is a reality of the free market. We can’t help that. That’s not our fault. That’s human nature’s fault, or God’s fault, or common sense. Anyway, keep all that in mind, paynims and associated lower orders. Keep that in mind, even though that, is beyond your comprehension. Ha, ha!
Yes, US imperialists have lots of good advice for you paynims and assorted lower orders. Yes, we must lift you up, and not just with cluster bombs. Any of you that survive the cluster bombs have all sorts of options deriving from the global imperial economy. You can work for US, for example. Then once you are working for US, you get to pay a fair, flat tax. Won’t that be nice, You will have a dangerous, dirty job, at very low wages, maybe, but you will enjoy a simple, fair, flat tax on your wages. Plus, your meager salary shall allow you to purchase an AC. Some day, that AC may get hooked up to the grid. Some day after that, that AC may get some electricity.
Paynims and various lowlifes of the world, these are not the only benefits you may potentially derive from US. Consider this. By behaving yourselves, you are helping to protect US. That means we get to enjoy ourselves, free from worry on your account. So we are less likely to cluster bomb you again. Unless we need to practice cluster bombing. So join our team and maybe someday you heathen paynims shall realize all the benefits or our imperial lifestyle and culture.
Yessir. The empires come and the empires go, but the imperial attitudes and opinions never change. Those attitudes and opinions are locked in, socked in, and easily detected by Druid Vision.